Tfw A cup

>tfw A cup
God I really want boobs. How do I grow boobs as a biological female?
im already butt-less but i dont feel like doing squats. I just want boobs :(

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Buy HRT treatments from a trans woman. Never share needles with them tho

why do you want boobs?

So I can feel feminine about my chest and not get mistaken for a tranny in disguise

Boobs without ass looks bad, do squats.

get implants or a fat transfer
HRT doesn't work on biological women

be proud of what you got

the problem with chestlests
same with male chestlests
is clothes look so bad on them
it's like fashion was designed around big boobs and large pecks

Just date a pedo ;)

But A cup is perfect cup

>trannies and sad males role-playing as biological females on r9k
when the fuck are they gonna stop this shit?

Pedos should be shot. Thats all I have to say.

Not op but my trans friend let me try her estrogen and my boobs didn't get bigger it just gave me hella mood swings. its retarded because i knew her pre transition and she had a flat boy chest and now her boobs are bigger than mine

How about birth control pills? I know theyre for stopping/relieving your periods and stuff, but do they also affect the development of your breast tissue?

Eat more broccoli or cauliflower femanon, it just works

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how the fuck are you not on birth control

it's a bit big, but close to perfect

because my periods are naturally irregular and painless

There's a massage you can do. I tried for about 5 days before getting a respiratory thing for a bit and promptly forgetting about it. My breasts are slightly, but I think noticeably larger. Maybe try it out, it can take a while though, I'm pretty young still so maybe there's some hormones behind the scenes, but worth a shot

What is this massage called?

>a cup
why alter perfection desu?

the massage is called "let me rub your flat boobies right now"

There is nothing wrong with flat chests. I have 3 chads as friends and all of them prefer smaller chests and small, tight butts. It's perfection in female form.

No pedo, just the truth.

I don't think there's a specific name, just Google breast enlargement massage or something along those lines

im sure youre very pretty how you are. dont hate your pwn body bro.

Go back to taking estrogen from ur friend.
It will work, but just like working out or dieting, it will take a long time of constant usage.

If you don't see results after a year then maybe stop.

PS. practicably all of us guys go crazy for a nice butt, while only some like a nice rack.
Go do squats.

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>be femanon
>have flat chest
>have flat butt
>I wish I had bigger boob
>I wish I had round boots
>my guys come along
>they're totally into my flat-flat-ness
>I completely ignore them
>fucking men, all they care about is big tits and ass. Fucking pigs!
>get implants and shit anyway
Woman logic

I dont know. Have you considered taking them from someone else? Im kind of at a loss here desu.

>be woman with flat chest
>the only guys that ask you out on a daily basis are disgusting 7/10s who are only 5ft10
>get implants so you can get the chad you deserve

Breast implants are necessary. Without surgery my friend can't breastfeed because her breasts haven't developed enough breast tissue. She needs breast implants among other fixes to feed a baby.

omfg this had better be bait

>this image originally and unoriginally applies

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You just buy a gallon of milk and shove it into the silicon. Im not sure you know how any of this works at all.

Ask the doctor to take breast tissue from breast reductions and put it inside breasts that need implants. Then the women with underdeveloped breasts can breast feed without the baby not getting enough milk.

>get 9/10 chad
>chad likes it rough
>guess I like it rough too
>one boob gets shifted
>no longer symmetrical
>chad fills me with cream of chad
>now pregnant with chadling
>chad finds true Stacy with real boobs
>no more chad
>all men are disgusting pigs