>have to piss
>go to the bathroom
>still takes me a solid 30 seconds of complete concentration to start peeing
What the fuck, guys? Am I sick? Sometimes I even have to rub on the head of my dick to get myself to pee. Whats wrong with me?
Have to piss
You have kidney stones.
Then why arent I doubled over in pain and pissing blood? Its been like this for months.
maybe you're pee shy
They're still forming.
Huh, maybe so. I don't like using bathrooms close to other people and I often dream of pissing in weird places that arent toilets.
>wake up 5 times a night to piss
>Sometimes I even have to rub on the head of my dick to get myself to pee.
Glad I'm not the only one that figured out this epic life hack
And the other day I was pissing and my pisshole was burning really bad as a result. Idk why though because it can't be an STD. I'm khhv.
That happens sometimes, more often than when I try to pee within an hour of fapping
small penis
o r g a n i a l
you can get stds from toilet seats
You have urinary tract infection, try to drink as much cranberry juice as possible, worked for me
Youve got a seminoma or teratoma with mets obstructing the ureteral pathway. Get checked.
God damn it user I just wanted to whine about pissing, not be told I have cancer
He is right. And oh boy do those hurt. Your dick feels like it is on fire. I have had them they suck. I am 18
You can scratch your tailbone too. Works for me at least.
You've been whackin' your willy really silly lately, haven't you, OP?
Me last night. Funny thing is I woke up exactly at every 2 hour interval.
>got prescribed some drug with the 1 in a 10.000 chance of making you incontinent while taking it
>be the lucky winner
>still have to pee every hour, 13 years later
That's nothing OP.
>be me and have the flu
>get prescribed cough syrup
>be in Norway so it has ethylmorphine instead of normal codeine
>get the side effect of not being able to piss properly
>have to spend at least 15 minutes every time I need to piss while my bladder feels like it's gonna explode
1 in 10.0?
Stakkars deg, bror
that's how it is for me. every 2-3 hours. I'm lucky if I get 4 - 5 consecutive uninterrupted hours.
i'm pretty sure i have an enlarged prostate
>been incontinent since the age of 13
>takes concentration to piss
>got a sinus infection and had to get a prostate exam by some jap doc at 14 (idk)
>"wow ur prostate is really big"
>started balding at age 15
idk, i think i have some issue with dht
>wake up
>go to bathroom
>pee for over a minute
>gf is telling me to hurry because she need to pee
Hold on, woman.
just pretend your penis is a laser :)
>wake up 5 times every night so your brain can remind you how lonely you are
Sleep used to be the escape
That made me laugh out loud omg
you have ligma hahahah
It's your prostate OP
Look into raising testosterone and lowering estrogen
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