Redpill me about Carnitine, I have been lifting for a month and I have zero gains and sometimes I struggle with my workouts, I am 5'11 (78.5kg) and I think that I need to drink some protein milkshake for more strength.
Pretty general question man. Tips about what exactly?
You're only a month in. just keep plugging away. Eat plenty of food. Protein shakes are fine but they wont "give you strength"
Lucas Kelly
I only use it for receptors
Aaron White
I'm consuming Carnitine, I have little strength, I need more power to lift, also I eat very little because I'm a fucking obese (78.5 kg)
Kevin Allen
>I need more power to lift lifting will take time, strength takes time. You cant speed it up unless you takes PED's
Charles Perry
>I have zero gains and sometimes I struggle with my workouts This is probably somewhat wrong. Don't expect too much gains in the first month. You'll probably get more as you move on. If you must, take a picture at the start of the month, and then another at the end of the month to see your progress. Focus on eating right and getting plenty of rest. There's nothing wrong with protein shakes, but they're kind of overrated.
Xavier Watson
A guy told me that Carnitine and milkshakes would help me with my workouts, I feel a little stronger but it frustrates me that sometimes I can't finish my sets because I'm an obese manlet weakling
Bentley Nelson
>zero gains
another idiot falling for carnist lies eats the dust
Aiden Gray
Dude have some patience. You said it yourself that its only been a month. Dont lose faith yet. just keep grinding
Lincoln Rodriguez
Channel that frustration on your last rep. Always push hard. Even if you fail you have made gains.
Luke Gomez
same here, im about 5'9 been working out for about 3 months and while i can definitely lift a lot heavier, i basically have no gains at all i have gained like 12 pounds tho so thats dope
Jacob Gonzalez
cant even lift that heavy either, my max on the bench is like 165
David Morgan
Slow and controlled reps with a weight that you can control and only gets difficult on the 8 to 12 rep range, eat slightly less than you normally do to lose weight and slightly more than you do to gain weight. (You should know how much you normally eat even if its a ballpark). After your weight settles and stops moving you can add or reduce more, dont do too much at once in either. Dont worry about protien and supplements yet. Just build a good foundation and get your newbie gains. After you reach the first platau then you can start asking those questions. Should take 6 months to a year. You'll know when youre ready
Jonathan Foster
so who is this bitch anyway
Eli Nelson
Trainer told me that i should be able to lift properly in a month, i hope i get stronger, it sucks to be a 5'11 - 78 kg obese manlet.