Current body thread
Am I dyel tier? 5’10” 150 lbs
Current body thread
Am I dyel tier? 5’10” 150 lbs
>these are the people giving you advice and saying they benched 2pl8 in 6 months
Eat more and keep up the grind
>Skeleton emoji
Yup seems about right
not op but i literally benched 2pl8 in 6 months
are you 13?
You're not just dyel tier, I'd say you're natty light mode.
why do you feel like you're in any position to start a CBT thread? lift more fag you're not ready to post body yet
6'1 190lbs
currently on a bulk
Not even at 205 was I that fat. Learn to lie better
Leave the kid alone pussy.
Keep lifting mate, you doing great.
> 5.9"
> 144lbs
> bf: 8%
who you callin a pussy you fuckin twink lmfao
more like 190kg u chunker
My 16 year old sister is bigger than you lol
>faggot myspace angle
>144 pounds
>gay wolf tattoo
i could go on
250 > 175 13 months 22 in recent pic, 24 now.
Rate and tips apprecitatied.
No weights, just calistenics, cardio and diet.
Looking to start a PPL soon as soon a I clean the garage home gym. It’s been 2 years stuck at this body but at least I’m not a lardass anymore.
Would blow behind bleachers after football practice/10
cool tattoo!
you're making it brah
Looking great user, well on your way to making it. If you have the motivation to cut the pounds you got the motivation to put on muscle.
Looking good dude!
6'2 somewhere around 218lbs. Gonns start my cut January 1st cause I know i've gotten fat. Lookin forward to being lean again
>at least 6ft tall
you should have stayed at 200.
I'm 74kg/180 cm
I have been fasting for weeks but it seems I'm lot losing any weight, I seem to be low test BRB with the results from my last test
> Cant escape the skinny fat curse
tf is that on your chest brah?
My last blood work, before that (and still) taking 50mg of zinc and 6000 of d3, my diet is decent, minimum processed food
no habla
Oh is not in my chest, it's in the mirror
Come on lol those words are almost the same In English/Spanish
This is probably more dyel than op
I really need your help lads
I'm seriously considering roids right now even though I'm barely 18
I've been lifting since I was 16 and recently reached 2/3/4 for 5 reps and I still look like shit
I'm 5'11 and 170. Am I skinny fat?
What's my bf? Should I bulk? Cut? Roid? Kill myself? Wat do
prolly just your bf is too high...cut down to 8% and youll be fine
I have taken the neck pill
6 foot 1 170lbs
Cut from 185, yes I have gyno.
Should I keep cutting or bulk? Is it time to stop skipping leg day?
yeah there's literally no way you rep 2pl8 at 170lbs with that body composition. you're better off being honest about your lifts fag
post body
FYI I'm and 2pl8 bench is around a 8RM tng for me. Bench is my worst lift by far though.
I'd say it's possible he can do 225x5 while looking like that. Being higher bf % makes people look way more dyel
Talking down on people online won't get you anywhere.
I am proud of my body and the efforts I put on it.
Keep your bullshit to yourself.
Thanks friend! We are all going to make it!
gyno alert
get surgery asap
>he's proud of himself
never gunna make it. lift more. the dysmorphia hasn't set in yet.
here's me at 5'11 180ish, 1/2/3/4 for reps
174 Ibs trying to reach 165.
DB shoulderpress 37.5kgs
Bench 105
Squat 140
Dead 140
I feel strong but still feel weak
Huh I am quite a bit younger than you but can still do more. Thanks for the confidence boost. Now my turn, you’re looking great abs are an important aesthetic and hard to culture but you’re getting there keep up the good work bro.
36 yo, 5'10", 220 lbs, OHP maybe 155, bench 225, squat 335, deadlift 385
Cardio: bodyweight HIIT 7.5 minutes 2x/wk, run 21 minutes 2x/wk
How do i lost fat? More cardio? I'm trying to eat less fast food. Today I had a chicken breast and actually a shit ton of cornbread but let's pretend that didn't happen. I'm going to have a plate of spinach and a broccoli crown here in a minute.
Thanks user, I'm currently cutting but I was starting to lose hope
I'm being honest about my lifts, I've been training for strength for the last year, putting hypertrophy on the side
Maybe that was a mistake?
is this cp?
165 seems so lean to me. you have my goal body tho.
>ex fatty
85kg 181cm, started t 98kg, good boobs cus hormones but am a male just afraid to be full shirtless cus blue board
Looking juicy broski.
got* not good reeeeeeeeeeeeee
too true
it will become fine once im down to skinny again, but this time around ima be doing them squats and running
stache looking a bit creepy but i respect your size m8
Bulk or Cut
It's winter. Bulk.
Love the tatt bro, how much did that cost?
Doing great bro, but that mustache looks like it has to register when you move. Shave it.
Bulk or Cut?
Shit -- thought it fucked up the first time.
Bullshit, shave half of it.
Still bulk though
No traps or lower abs
Thanks brother
Tits look thick brother
You are literally a small asian child.
>glitter phone case
post glutes
Based brownposter
>180~ lbs
>Piss stained underwear edition
How long until I'm out of DYEL zone
>is skelly
>uses skull
Tasteful and appropriate
Starting to love this pasta
Who is the father? When are you due?
>not losing weight
You gotta eat less
Seems like you dropped the shoulders pill
The numbers just don't add up for him
>not op but i literally benched 2pl8 in 6 months
same... then 225 for 5x5 at 1 year and 245 for 3x10 at 1.5 years now with a 335 single best 1rm.
>Talking down on people online won't get you anywhere.
>I am proud of my body and the efforts I put on it.
Based and redpilled
yeah I know, not too bothered about the gyno because I still get mires even with the tiddies. will consider surgery when I'm in a better spot financially. anything else tho?
this, yall never gonna make it if you talk down on an anonymous Chinese weaving board lmao
here. What % am I at? 15-20? When I was in good shape, I was 8-10, so I figure double that.
Been on a cut for 7.5 months and lost 35kg. Still haven't lost muh tiddies and fatty fat belly so I'm continuing my cut until they do.
Been lifting for 3 months with nearly no progress, it's been very tough.
Can't wait to make real progress in the gym. Right now I'm in no-mans land - I make almost no gains and lose almost no weight despite eating very little and exercising a lot.
>I make almost no gains and lose almost no weight despite eating very little and exercising a lot.
well, maybe don't try to lose weight and make gains at the same time
Losing fat is my primary goal currently, I lift to not lose what little muscle I have.
Shave down there you animal
>that waist
mirin' those quads user keep it up
she's fat
fellow ex fatty reporting
I know man it's quite horrible. I hope all the fat melts away soon. At least I look alright with clothes on.
>70kg bench/90kg DL/90kg squat
My body has been up and down over the past 2 years. Was 90kgs but dropped down to about 65kgs over the course of a few months. Now trying to get my shit together and get built. Look like shit but it's a start. Need to flatten out my stomach still.