Can we get a good transformation thread?
Can we get a good transformation thread?
guy i know joined up and got pretty transformed. I don't know him anymore so fit can have him.
Join up you beta neets who are too weak willed/poor to lift
>poor to lift
Say it with me now tards, calisthenics.
Lol ok >guy I know
i wish desu, I don't have those facial gains
What facial gains, his face is exactly the same
this is simply growing up from a child to a man...
Cool, first time ive ever been accused of same fagging in a thread where i only posted twice
does fuck all unless you want to dedicate 2-3 hours a day to it.
>does fuck all
Wrong, it does precisely more than nothing at all. Which is what that user would be doing because 'muh money'.
Are you fucking retarded?
Eh, I take it back. I suppose I'm just harsh toward it because back when I was into it it was a lot slower to feel like I achieved anything of value.
"""transformation""" also known as puberty/roids
>Totally not a photo of a 11 year old boy
>Just a regular prepubescent 18 year old american getting ready for the army
Holy fuck, is the American atmosphere filled with puberty-blockers or something?
Fuck off, kike recruiter fag.
Good fucking thread lads. Two pics and one is gay.
Pack it up, we're going home.
First pic is July 2017, people have probably already seen this bc I always post here
Looking good man!
Steroids? Diet? Routine? Height?
went from a 4/10 to a solid 8/10
brutal mogg
Bet he doesn't kiss ya
That poor guy. How many years have we been bullying him? At least four?
went from a 4/10 to a 5/10 my friend
Yeah when people start accusing you of roids that's when you've done it.
>making it
This ain’t it chief
The best progress on this entire fucking beta board.
What height are you again masT? 6’2?
mirin that arm vein but not that plethora of acne
>roiding for this