Hey losers, what's your excuse for not becoming a cute grill?

Hey losers, what's your excuse for not becoming a cute grill?

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my big yellow cock

You can keep it. Girlcocks are superior anyway.

I like being a boy

Cuz I'm not a faggot originalbrr

my genetics are shit

God does not approve of this

>be attracted to girls
>become one because it's more aesthetic
>date lesbian/bisexual girls (female)

No faggotry in this scenario, mate.

Based and redpilled


what should i do?

How old are you? If you start young enough (e.g. late teens/before 23) you should have a decent chance at passing.

Because I may not like being a guy sometimes but I don't want to chop my dick off and pump myself with chemicals.

18 but i have a very masculine facial structure

0 sexual market value to infinite sexual market value. Im thinking about doing it but not sure how my family would feel.

Hmm, it may be an uphill battle tbhonky. 18 isn't too late but the result heavily depends on how your body reacts to hormone therapy. Some people go from frankenstein's monster to a qt 3.14, while others see almost no changes. Depends on your luck and genetics.
If I were you I'd get on HRT for 2 years and detransition if there's no results.
Beware that HRT has a lot of side effects though. HrtGeneral and MtFGeneral on /lgbt/ should have a lot of useful information if you're interested.

i ended up just taking my pills anyways. in the end im just too weak minded to stop.

good luck user
I hope it all goes well for you


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what is the time difference in these pictures? also you can see that there is a very feminine facial structures in both images. which is something i definitely dont have.

fuck you. i was on hrt from 2016-2017 and decided i was better off not transitioning, but now i just dont know anymore

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i couldn't even if i tried because i have a big fucking potato incel head

6'3 and built like a football player

Notice how the successful ones have low T twink facial structure in the first place. The other half end up as freaks.
Only transition if you get already get called "cute" or "a good friend" by women. that means you would die alone as a male

Mainly that I'm not a faggot.

Sorry, I only remember that they started in their late teens. You should visit r/transtimelines and r/transpassing on Reddit to see what changes are possible with HRT. Starting with a masculine face obviously puts you at a disadvantage but you shouldn't give up unless you look like Thanos.

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Im broke how the fuck would I afford that shit?

Even w/out insurance my perscriptions were only a total of like $170 for a month of pills. its not exactly cheap, but it ain't unaffordable by any means

>use to be told I looked like my aunt
>now spitting image of my father
Why did anyone teach about this stuff earlier in life

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but I already am :3

post pics :3 (originally)

I know that feel too well, user. That's why we should raise awareness among potential young traps.

Barely any of these men pass. The one in OP's pic still has that man chin going on along with a face longer than an average woman's. Something looks off in all but the beanie pic on the far right, which I bet she uses most often since it's the only picture that looks passable. Probably clings to that image, obsesses over it.

There's a reason none of these shots are dead center. See how they're all at that angle? I feel bad for 99% of transitioning men because of this. They don't pass and it's obvious to everyone; he's gonna spend his whole life ruining his body and mutilating himself, chasing an obtainable black hole of a dream called perfection. It's sad. He wasn't even an unattractive man. If he'd just lost some weight and cleaned up a bit, he could've been really good looking .

Because in 5 years he is going to stop looking cute and look terrible. Also Anal is gross

You seem like one of those people were even a cis woman's pic can be called a tranny

Nah, there's plenty of tranners who pass, especially if they started early. If you have good genetics you could even transition and pass in middle-late 20's (pic related)

>even an unattractive man

He was average at best. Now, as a cutie, his SMV increased by several orders of magnitude. And even if it didn't, what's important is feeling comfortable in your own body, which he aparently didn't as a guy.

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Natalie Mars began her transition at 30.
Nobody bitch

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That fivehead tho...


fuck no. why would you want to be associated with those nasty faggots?

im working on it, just laying loww

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>that waist-shoulder ratio

I'm so jelly.

I'm not gay. God made me this way for a reason.

lmao what
that looks like a man cosplaying something

I respectfully disagree.


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>tight body with a nice bulge

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Don't listen to the tranny poison. It is much better to be a pretty man than an ugly blocky "girl".

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What's with this obsession with trannys? Okay, you look like a girl, now what? How does that change ANYTHING? Imagine caring so much about the opinions of others that you're willing to destroy your body just to please others. Do you want chad to fuck you so bad that you're willing to turn into a girl for it? LOL

Why so angry? Also, I'm sorry to inform you user but traps aren't gay.

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Traps aren't the problem, if people want to crossdressers who cares? But trannies are messed up people who need to be helped.

Non-meme answer: some people want to be pretty and feminine so badly that it becomes an obsession and the only cure is trapping it up.

>Do you want chad to fuck you

Many traps are straight, actually. I'm attracted to women but wouldn't mind fucking a couple of chads just to see what it's like, though. No homo.

*Most traps are bi
Including yourself apparently

It's well-kept secret that (((pol))) doesn't wan't you to know, but "traps" are just attractive passable trannies and/or crossdressers without all the SJW bullshit.

Regardless of their political beliefs, all legit trannies are mentally ill and generally bad people. Traps/crossdressers who just care about looking feminine but accept that they are male are saner, although annoying in shoehorning their fetish into everything.

Fuck, this pic ruined her for me. Now I'm always going to see that guy on the left when I look at her. Eh, whatever, her dick was ugly anyway.

he does look like a faggot basedboy on the left, not surprising it looks "passable".

If you mean trannies that insist on being called Real Wahmen and all that, I absolutely agree. They're just delusional.
However, many of us are happy with being fake girls as long as we look reasonably feminine. Taking hormones is just a means to an end, because without them 90% of traps WILL age into stinky masculine-looking boomers.
Believe me, if there was a magical potion or a real Bowsette crown most of us would prefer that over pumping our bodies with expensive chemicals.

>Post a picture of a 'pretty man' who transitioned and became a pretty girl
Really jogs the noggin.

>Pretty girl
If you say so. My choice was intentional, he went from a beautiful man to a weird blocky looking 'girl'. Trying to look totally like a woman ironically contrasted with his masculine features and made him look worse. Before he was like a real Griffith.

thanks? Ive never really thought about it

thats pretty gay user

I could never pass, and even if I could, I'd probably make an even less attractive female than I currently am an unattractive male.

The thing is, these people virtually ALL post cherry picked pictures. When most people choose a profile pic, they take dozens of pictures till they get the right one. Sure, they look passable, when you see the right picture.

catch one of these trans people in every day life and it's generally painfully obvious that they are living outside their birth gender.

>birth gender
No such thing

I'm as hairy as a chimp

you can shave
also hormone therapy will make less hairy with time