Just admit that fembots exist.
Just admit that fembots exist
a male larping as a woman is not a fembot, but i sympathize with gender dysphoria and feel bad for those who have it
>If you've got to travel, user, then by the nine divines stick to the roads! It's the daedra, you see.
Is that you?? HAHAHAAHAHA You ugly pig-faced bitch hahahahaha hang yourself no Chad will ever ravish you ahahahah haHAAHAHA shslfwghjfsjgfeijas
pls be my gf
Fatcel is volcel.
She would have 100 times the smv of a robot if she stopped fucking eating.
There arent any robots either
Everyone here is just a self loathing failed normie that wants to feel different.
Its just the contrarian nature of most of this site
My first (and only) girlfriend looked kinda like your pic related, op. She was a toxic bitch and still managed to cheat on me.with a.chad, then he dumped her and she immediately went out with a different beta male.
Same thing happened to me. Was my fault for thinking dating down would be more secure. I think most uglies are ugly on the inside as well, they get a bf and immediately think they can do better because it inflates their self esteem
stop posting pictures of yourself, hon
fembots don't exist.. ugly girls who are subpar in other social environments and come here to feel some sort of orbital based self worth does exist.
>please give me attention for having a vagina nothing else i have a vagina yes give me attention
i havea vagina, unfortunately. Having a dick looks like fun
I'm too ugly and boring for a bf.
rofl give me (you)s and ill post tits
No, you're too ugly for a Chad bf. There are probably hundreds of guys in a twenty mile radius of you who would date you. And as for boring, personalities are optional for most women anyway. I doubt it really makes a difference.
no you won't, coward
pic unrelated i just wanted to have an image with my post
And now that this thread has finally started to die out...
they are out there... but they stay home and don't doing social things online, so you'll never meet them
>nice hair
>half-life lambda
absolutely patrician
full in content and very original origigigignally
Youre pretty and can easily lock down a man. Fembot my azzz
Fem(male)bots exist
Prove to me that they exist.
>I'm too ugly and boring for a bf.
You'd be fun to pimp out to niggers though while I fap in the corner. :)
Anyone who claims fembots exist doesn't understand what a robot is in the first place
>Lose weight
>Push up bra
>Yoga pants
No hard slut. Now fuck off.
>but they stay home and don't doing social things online
that just means they're either a) in the process of getting their career together or b) they already have someone they have their eyes on and are waiting for that person to contact them