How the FUCK do you hold a job?

Do any of you guys have jobs? I worked in a warehouse then got FUCKING FIRED
Now i'm working in a McDonald's and i'm gonna get fired FUCKING AGAIN! I KNOW IT!
All these retard's complaints are always that i'm ''slow'' or that I don't know how to do shit.
These motherfuckers piss me off so much , there was a knife on the sink i was working next to yesterday , I should have taken it and stabbed the fucking whore that was giving me snarky comments
I really need this job , i'm in college and don't wanna go back to living with my mom .
Just because i'm not a social normalfag doesn't mean that i should be homeless , how the fuck do i NOT get fired?

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user you sound literally deranged and unhinged, the way you type plus the way you took special note of that knife. There are some edgy kids here making threats all the time but you're probably the first one I think in all honesty is going to murder somebody

Have you tried doing what you were hired for and displaying competence? That always worked for me.

find a job where you don't really have to be fast. gas stations are boring as fuck but all you really have to do is work a cash register and clean. shit's easy.

or, yeah, dont be an autist and pick up the pace at work

Back to >>>/reddit/ NORMALFAG
Bullshit , I always did what they told me to do , it's all their fault
They don't hire part time , i looked at all the part time job aplications in my city
And fuck OFF , not everybody's a wagecuck working machine

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dude if your boss is complaining about pace, you have to be going absolutely at a snail's pace. every job I've had there's always someone a little slow but to be fired for it? that's almost impressive

Bullshit , everybody's like this , It's not my fault this is how i move
I don't know what they want from me , I cook fries , i carry boxes , i broom i do whatever
But it's never enough for these FEMALE FUCKING WHORES
This work is BENEATH me damnit , it's BENEATH ME

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try working as a security guard. They are slow jobs and I've heard you can even get away with stuff like watching videos on your phone, doing homework, or sleeping. But they will probably be 8 hour shifts.

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I'm going to be blunt with you OP. The problem is you. Despite what we're told we're not all made equal, and you're clearly lacking when it comes to intellect. If you can't hold down a job at McDonalds then you're really out of luck. Best you can hope for is to apply for some kind of disability benefit.

then find a better job. listen to
why would you even work fast food if you're a slow worker..

I can't ... I can't quit college
No . Wrong , i'm very High IQ , always got good grades in school. WRONG. WRONG.
I'm smarter than ANYONE there , I just wanted a computer job that's all , but I don't know math...
I don't know what to do
Listen to what?
And they accept people with little experience and it's a college job

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my favorite scene is seing a 6'0 300lb 28 year old black man working his first real job, struggle puffing each breath of air staring straight into dead air moving one of 50 crammed boxes that ready to smash him, while being watched by a supervisor.

Apply at walmart asap. I stock at nights and there is nobody to get bothered by. They assign you reasonable stocking goals to get completed. Good environment. Better benefits than McShits. Mine pays 12$+ for starters.

Judging from your reaction you are pretty much unfit for everything where you have to talk to people, so we can rule a lot of stuff out.

Also, no leadership psitions since that also requires a minumum of "knowing how to talk to people", something you clearly are lacking. What else is there?

Warehouse worker. Just go to another warehouse and cart boxes around. Stocking shelves at walmart might also be a viable alternative.

okay, then keep deflecting reasonable advice given to you by everyone here and continue the cycle of starting shit jobs and getting fired until you have to move back in with mommy

>All these retard's complaints are always that i'm ''slow'' or that I don't know how to do shit.
Goddamn I'm glad I wasn't born with a low IQ. OP there isn't even a place for your kind in the lowest of the low labor positions. You'll always be an expendable liability to anyone you work for.

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>i'm very High IQ
>always got good grades in school
One does not nessessarily lead to the other. Plus, you were probably placed in the stupid class.
Get tested

I don't have a walmart in my country and i need my sleep , i wanna go to the gym
i used to work at this ''home-depot'' style store , they fired me even when i just put boxes in with other workers , people there didn't like me much
There's no advice , i looked online too , it's all ''just don't be slow bro''
Just ''be social bro''
Go FUG yourself
At least i don't watch the Simpsons , garbage cartoon
Nuh uh , and i got tested by a psychologist before , they didn't find any anormality

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>i'm very High IQ
Yet you're struggling at McDonalds and you're being called slow. It just doesn't add up OP.

I really think disability is the way to go. Time to get those autismbux.

im gonna stop replying, the way you're typing doesn't seem genuine and clearly you're set in your ways even if you are being genuine

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>garbage cartoon
Evidence of your low IQ
>they didn't find any anormality
Which just means you're functionally stupid. Not dumb enough to be considered mentally retarded but not smart enough to be considered smart, or even average.
Just look at the way you're typing. Why are you putting spaces in between your punctuation marks like that? There's no way to justify that kind of behavior with anything but plain old stupidity.

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You guys are retards I always hated working at McDonald's and fucked up all the time and didn't care and was lazy as fuck I mean come on it's 9$ a hour and your expected to do so much shit. Then I got a job talking to people on a phone for 15$ a hour. Also I was fired from mcdonalds for nonstop fucking up orders lol

You sound like you have no initiative.
Maybe they got tired of telling you what to do all the time.
Also if you have nothing to do, go ask for something. Don't just sit in the corner with your phone.

Do you like trains or puzzles by chance OP?

That's because it's a job for WOMEN , it's not for ME , I deserve BETTER. High IQ doesn't have anything to do with being called slow

I refuse , i'm healthy
Low T cuck , go commit SUICIDE
Typing is literally irrelevant , I'm smart , I'm smarter than anybody in my class
Fuck , Is customer support better? Do they really let you work part time?
I always worked , didn't stand around
I'm not even ALLOWED to have my phone you dumb KEK
Neither , nice autism joke you unoriginal queer

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Imagine being so braindead stupid, you not only can't comprehend your own stupidity, but you actually believe you're a genius.

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Not him but Simpsons was amazing. At least the first some seasons before they went political and gay.

Shut your whore mouth brainlet , you're just jealous i got better grades than you
>before they went political and gay.
so always

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>you're just jealous i got better grades than you
Those grades means nothing if you weren't in honors and AP courses.

if the work is so 'beneath you' then it shouldn't be that hard to hold down an exceptional pace whilst doing it, right? that is, unless, the work is actually above you in all regards hence why you're unable to function at an acceptable level of speed.

>honors and AP courses.
Not jewmerican , fuck off mutt

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>Yuropoors don't have classes separating the stupids like OP from the kids who actually have a chance at life

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They put them in separate schools as a matter of fact. If you didnt go to a decent school district youre probably average compared to children from a nicer school

which movie are these pics from? shit seems based

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Are you like 10 or something?

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Checking those sweet digits
and if you're not joking, its American Psycho. Absolute kino, well worth the watch

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thanks. I wanna become like that one day and kill roasties and any guy who's not a v

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>work in warehouse
>slow, can barely keep up with everyone else
>can't do anything without precise step by step instructions
>don't break shit and im not lazy so im still a valued member of the team

user... It's piss easy. The only way to get fired from a warehouse is if you just straight up don't work, or you break stuff so frequently it must be on purpose

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You just move on and find something else. Eventually you'll find something where the coworkers aren't total dicks.

I've heard that "slow" accusation against me as well. Fucking hell, I show up to work on time every fucking day for 8 hours. That's 40 hours of my life gone every week for this shit, and I don't take more breaks than everyone else. Still I'm "too slow". People take this wageslave shit really seriously it seems. What a joke this world is.

desu, just stop being a useless cunt

All the jobs are firing you? All the jobs? It's not them.

*holds your eyes and smirks*

It's you.