I want to be a traditional wife. I want to care for my family and husband every day with a smile on my face...

I want to be a traditional wife. I want to care for my family and husband every day with a smile on my face. I want to cook for them and pack their lunches. I want to help them with their home work and drive them to football practice. I want my husband and I to passionately make love some days, cuddle others, and have kinky fun sometimes. I want to sew buttons onto coats, teach my babies how to tie their shoes, and explain how Santa makes his trip around the world because "magic".
My burning desire to love one man my entire life and raise a happy family with him is growing overwhelming. No men want this life anymore. I feel as though my role as a woman has been destroyed because of the disgusting society I live in.
I just want to build a living family with a man. I want to be the caring and nurturing side, and my husband be the strong provider. I want us to raise happy healthy children who value rational roles and turn out to be good people.

Why am i cursed?

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>No men want this life anymore
almost every man wants this life. problem is with the jewed work market, almost no man can afford it.

It hurts. I don't mind helping it and making money part time to help out, but I've always believed so strongly in this household structure.
Whenever the topic comes up in conversation, everyone shames people who want the nuclear family. I keep my opinion to myself.

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>implying you wouldn't heat on your husband at the first drop of the hat when he does something you dislike or he's away at work to "provide" for you
Yapping holes should fuck off and go be a professional student and part time whore, as you usually do. Sex robots within the decade and artificial wombs within 20 means you're old news.

Get out.

I definitely wouldn't, but there's no point in arguing with a robot like you

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if i was younger and still had a future & expandable income, i would drop my contact info and wife the fuck out of you

That's a sweet sentiment, user. I really do appreciate it. There's always time, though I understand your views. I hope you find a way to live this life.

I've yet to meet a single girl that wants this life.
>tfw no nuclear family gf

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>I hope you find a way to live this life.
trust me when i say it's too late for me. i hope you find a way to live it. best of luck

Our generation has had sexuality and feminist propaganda shoved into our faces. I think that girls really do want this, but are told they're the inferior women if they go down this path

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That is unfortunate, thank you for your well wishes non the less.

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>almost every man wants this life.
Lol no, not even close. If you got off Jow Forums and socialized with normal people you'd know that this life is considered boring by most people. Also, what country do you shitheads live in where you can support a whole family off of one income? Not realistic.

I'm sure. And what if that husband lost a job? Got hurt? Lost social status? Your first reaction would.be to leave and drop dead weight because it's no longer smooth sailing for you. You, like all women, are fair-weather partners and band wagoners, and have no loyalty in you beyond the compulsion to acquire material wealth. You're likely not even a virgin, must less a virtuous woman, but you want to be treated like a "traditional" woman? Fucking nonsense.

You want all of the benefits of being traditional, without having been chaste. You're trash. Used goods. Damaged property. Again, get the fuck out, you used up useless sack of human shit. I'm tired of seeing these bullshit threads with these bullshit platitudes made by hypergamous whores who've done nothing but ride dick their whole life.


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Not sure what this says because clover filtered it, but it must have been very negative!

This is the response I usually hear. Why does modern culture want to destroy tried and true social roles?

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>clover filtered it,
lolwut? people actually use that trash app?

For your reading pleasure.

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Most modern men want women who are good mothers but can also contribute to income and hold a career of their own. In many countries like Russia, where average salaries are low, two incomes are needed to support a family, so the wife must work. I dont see anything wrong with this. As a man, I wouldnt want to be supporting my wife financially, just to raise our kids. I would want to play a bigger role in raising my children as well. Plus in any civilized country (not the US), there is mandatory paid maternity and even paternity leave when children are born. What about when children are old enough to go to school? Do wives just sit around all day while the husband slaves away? Surely keeping a house or apartment in order doesnt take more than an hour or two at most. Sounds pretty cucked for the man to be honest.

Lurk more

Oh, it's basically a copypasta. I have not "rode the carousel". If he was injured or sick we would work together as a family. If I needed to get a job because he unable to, then so be it. The traditional roles are ideal but the major meaning behind it all is a lifetime of support and love for each other. I don't care about social class or wealth, I just want a man with a respectable work ethic who will be faithful and a strong father figure.

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>not wanting to have a carefree life where you be whoever you want to be and fuck whoever you want to fuck

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That's a pretty narrow view. It's much more than that. I am happy to have a part time while the kids are in school or run an at-home deal. I wouldn't just clean. I'd want to garden and do handiwork as well. This is all just a very simplified explanation of it all.

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>As a man, I wouldnt want to be supporting my wife financially,
jesus christ the generation gap is pretty severe, innit? as a man i view it as my primary goal, to bring home enough money that she can play housewife

Really gross and empty. I've seen girls do it and they aren't happy people.

You've taken more than 5 c o c k s in your lifetime, I'm sure, so you're already trash. If this shit you're spewing had any truth to it, you'd be out and about and have been married already. As it stands, you're just another fetishist, glorifying something you can never have and never be. Flap your beef curtains and fly away from my board, degenerate.

This is most definitely a male larping as a traditional waifu just to fuck with robots.

Go discuss your ideas on lolcow, OP. With other women, go bask in the reality check of actual, real women.

I understand and respect anyone who wants that life, just not for me personally.

Sounds cucked sorry. Both wife and husband should have careers of their own in my opinion. More income is always best.

I have only had one partner and he cheated on me after 7 years.

lolcow is a bad website and not a good place for decent humans
I'm actually female
Crystal cafe is slightly better but it's too slow to be valuable

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>both parents work
>jews raise their kids
>kids decide they are transabled at 6 years old and chop of their dicks and legs

Ah, trully sublime.

>Both wife and husband should have careers of their own in my opinion. More income is always best.
how very european of you. best of luck to you too.


crystal.cafe is actually more indoctrinated you moron. It's literally a marxist nursery.

You outed yourself as a male larper, at least.

>more than 5 c o c k s in your lifetime
more than one is enough desu

I don't think you know what you're talking about
Sorry, user

>why am I cursed?
You're not really that unique in wanting this life, there are plenty of men and women like this. Granted a good deal of them are deeply religious, but it is silly to think this life is unachievable.

What did he mean by this?

Well I am european

>he cheated on me after 7 years
i hate to be the asshole here, but see:
sucks that you got cheated on. did you have any kids, or are you in the clear for that?

Your postis a lie, stop crying and just go to church

lolcow is comprised primarily of radical feminists. They are openly misandrist and do not placate.

crystal.cafe is comprised of liberal feminists and trannies. It is uwu pleasantries and wrongthink is banned on sight. It's all above sex-positive prostitution/loose morals and inane neuroticism.
I guess it's perfect for a delusional tranny like you. By the way, you are a man, lad.

I'm not fat at all, i'm a normal weight. I eat healthy and stay active.

No kids. I wanted to wait till he was ready.
He cheated on me with a trans mtf that he met on /soc/

Any man with a triple digit IQ can afford it.

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harsh. you're going to pay for that buddy

Who is going to raise your kids, you chucklefuck?
If both parents are working and come home dead tired, then the kid is being raised by the jewish media, pozzed education system that is pure propaganda and video-games.

Women are truly the niggers of gender, I swear to god.

>he cheated on me with a trans mtfw that he met on /soc/
Oh nononono I was already seeing red flags but for this to happen, what this implies of you, this just fucking NOPE

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What's up Varg? Why do you hate kitties so much?

I always forget how hostile nu-Jow Forums is. It's always been angry but it use to just be a simple "tits or gtfo "

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So either poor choice of partner or failure to maintain a relationship. I can already tell that you weren't married, a d that now you're "ready to settle down." What trash.

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Go away, crossdresser.

That's primarily because you trannies have completely infested this board and larp as women.

Kids go to school for as long as parents work. Kids need an education you know.

>he was a literal faggot
fucking whew
at least you didn't have kids. if you're actually skinny, i'd be happy to impregnate you repeatedly inside the confines of a loving committed marriage, but as already discussed, it's too late for me. i can't afford that shit, in wallet, mind, nor body

Let's see how able you will be to juggle work, responsibilities, child rearing and a healthy dose of leisure, gen z teenager.

OP here, sad to see the thread devolve into this. I'm abandoning it.

If it makes you feel better pretending I have a penis, that's fine. I won't try to change your mind.

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Kill yourself, crossdressing fruitbowl.

Go to crystal.cafe and see how long this kind of thread is going to survive.
They are going to call you a handmaiden within minutes of posting it.

Tl;dr It is exclusively womens' fault.

I just want to come home from work to a clean house and a woman that I can carry to the bedroom and fuck the shit out of like twice a day since my libido is fucking insane. Is that too much to ask for?

I like seeing women say that want to be traditional wife in the countryside or whatever. Not interested in joining the rat-race.

I'm surprised to see how many have said they wanted it, on this board of all places.