I got BTFOd by a girl today and it hurts guys

i got BTFOd by a girl today and it hurts guys

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I suppose it's still more commendable than just ghosting your sorry ass.
Maybe you should listen (but you wont)

At least she had the decency to tell you why she hated you.

I bet she's right tho

>intellecturally worded mean comments to strangers
lol do you really do this? I'm surprised she tolerated you for 3+ years

oh for sure, and i definitely wont listen ur right

yeah shes a good person and im a pseud prick

i cant disagree that i gaslighted her without potentially gaslighting her, so even if shes wrong shes right

i used to feel compelled to reply to idiots on facebook, im not proud of it and i cringe thinking about it

guys you think theres anything i can say to get her back? im serious lol

No, leave her alone.

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>guys you think theres anything i can say to get her back?

Nope it's a lost cause I guess and I doubt it would be a good idea even if you got her back

Sounds like u were a controlling asshole

No. You probably have BPD and are a control freak. Stay alone.

This desu if OP has BPD he deserves all bad things happening to him

The worst thing about this is it's actually reasonable, guess you have to learn from this OP

Rekt. iPhone roastie put you in your place. You autistic sperg.

You have to be retarded to leak your Jow Forums viewing into fb or irl. OP is a brainlet pseud who doesn't know how to keep shit to himself and needs to stroke his fragile ego.

Good riddance imo

She very obviously despises you, retard

yeah i know i read it and was taken aback, because i had never heard her say something so decisive before

her father has bpd and she was a devout mormon before she met me. i definitely ruined her life in that regard. my problem is not a volatile personality, my problem is that i think i know it all but i dont

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i dont, im a bluepilled lefty. I havent argued with someone on Facebook since a black man was president, its been a long time

yeah i know thats why i said lol im serious because nobody in their right mind would read that and think its a good idea to keep trying to talk

Standard woman bullshit. 3 years when she didnt know who she was. When she didnt know why she was with you for 3 years she stayed although now suddenly she can she how deranged you are. Lol wtf. She liked op and his fag ways but doesnt anymore so onto the next guy. Not before calling you mental despite her obvious delusions about herself for over 3 years. Women are crazy. OP is a fag whats new

Were you actually abusive?

>stay off Jow Forums
What's wrong with browsing this site?

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>(I will never unblock you on fb)
>"guys you think theres anything i can say to get her back?"

Everything desu

Unoriginally ofcourse

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I honestly dont know. Its really difficult to tell if you are gaslighting someone with distorted logic or not

she probably thinks its a bad crowd that fuels the bad aspects of my personality, and shes probably right, but I just come here because I get lonely sometimes

>op is a fag whats new
i like this place because it never changes

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Find a new girl holy fuck who cares. Quit with the oneitis. Find another girl. If you can't sift through shit you'll never find a fitting replacement.

>If you can't sift through shit you'll never find a fitting replacement
i appreciate the sentiment, and you're right in spirit, but there's no way in hell im going to find someone else that i like that likes me back

Jugging by the text you two were only friends so what are you mad about? You didn't lose much dude.

holy fuck i actually just remembered the only reason i met her in the first place was because Jow Forums chadthundercock tinder threads from like 3-4 years ago inspired me to download tinder

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>Jordung Pebbleson very wise shaman.
>Tell Grug, "Grug only. Not tribe. Grug want tribe? Clean cave, bad Grug!"

>Then Grug see Jordung with longnose at Holobunga feast
>Grug think:
>Why longnose have special feast only for longnose, if tribe so bad?
>Why Jordung go to feast?

>What's wrong with browsing this site?
1.People bring each other down here, when they're not they're grouping together to bring other people down.
2. People desensitize each other to the negative aspects of life and the world itself to the point where the awful becomes the norm to them.
3. People use this place as a platform to indulge in self-pity and inspire others to indulge in the same, to the point where masses of people are online receiving gratification for nothing more than their negative emotions and experiences.
4. People here are (often intentionally) bad teachers, this place can teach you things that are untrue or slant your beliefs through argumentation rather than presenting objective reality as it is.
5. People here are not your friends and the website does not foster a real community, People here are akin to a coyote gathering of convenience rather than a wolf pack.
6. The format of this place rewards you to say and do things that you might not normally with a dopamine hit from (You)s.
7. This place can be "addictive" and you can lose track of time while here, causing you to neglect your responsibilities.
8. People here come out, by their own admission, jaded, cynical and bitter after spending much time here.
9. This place is not a substitute for real human interaction but can subconsciously feel like one for some people.
10. While anonymity has reduced the presence of any real cult of personality there are still echo chambers where certain opinions or point of views are parroted ad nauseam while others are actively discouraged or ignored.

Call her a nigger. The worst insult known to man...

Isn't Peterson an honorary member of an actual Native American tribe?

>sent from my iphone

lel, she wasn't worth it

>a coyote gathering of convenience

damn, that's solid user

Atleast she told you. Most of the time womyn have problems they'll act like they like you / everything is good and then proceed to talk shit behind your back

tell me about mormon chicks

what is the most important thing I need to know to get one? this is more important to me than you realize and I am grateful for any advice.

Time to get fit and join the Army bro.

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>stay off Jow Forums

npcs cant handle the truth and Jow Forums as well as other message/imageboard give you that

It's a personal failing if you can't find the truth from sources other than an imageboard. This place is garbage and the last 10 years of my life have been wasted.

Everything you said was spot on and im glad someone like you pointed it out. Jow Forums in my opinion is fun every once in a while because of the crazy random shit you can find her that you wouldnt find anywhere else. However I have also visited this site in times where I felt really shitty about myself and wanted to indulge in self pitty. I would purposefully go to Jow Forums because I would see that theres people actually way more miserable than me so it was my mechanism of feeling better about myself for a long time. Now that I feel better about myself due to my achievements in the past 2 years I no longer come here as frequently. I can only speak for myself but it does heaps in terms of staying aligned with reality. Jow Forums is a platform of pure negativity sometimes and it's just not good for any of us.

>Sent from my iPhone
there's a level of irony in this, but it's 2deep4me

We love you too user.

Now go and drink fucking bleach

my date just cancelled at the last moment
fucking roasties

She seems like a decent lady and was honest with you. Being around you hurts her so she's letting you go. She's not really attacking you and isn't saying she hates you but rather she can't be around you for her own good. The question you have to ask yourself is deep did being around and talking to her hurt you too?
I'm projecting here but speaking from experiance I imagine she has some real issues too and your demons are what you resonated on. You probably weren't intentionally "abusive" but it think there's a good chance you were unntentionally dragging each other down trying to stay together due to the fact your relationship is built around your most negative traits keeping the best parts of you which are actually very different and incompatible from flourishing because it have create distance and damaged the relationship. Any of this on point?

Industrial grade helium is where it's at.

>dont know
Why do you think she says you were abusive to her?

You're not even worth oxygen.

here's an advice that'll work for 99% of women
never be honest with them and be cunning
if you let your emotion slip that would indicate a weakness that the creature can exploit
if you can't a build a wall around yourself and isolate yourself from your designated target try approaching it under the influence of medication

What ISN'T wrong with browsing this site?

op here. oh this is so on point. im not sure it was mutual though, like i probably just dragged her down or whatnot

i did a uni summer program in korea this year and we were signing yearbooks before we left and this girl i had talked to a lot (who had stopped talking to me) just wrote "PRICK" in it and handed it back to me

my condolences user, if she says she had a legitimate reason though keep trying

me too
there's a pattern of women thinking im an asshole

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Move on. You're letting some bitch that has no interest in you dictate your life.

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>my condolences user, if she says she had a legitimate reason though keep trying

she's 100% lying , out of respect for her privacy i won't reveal shit but i really don't like when people pull this kind of crap it pisses me off

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I don't do it intentionally either. I think the more manipulative parts of me stem from my own insecurities and not being willing to face something head-on and risk conflict and losing. Over the course of all the years of isolation, wasted time, and the ecochambers here I've become rigid in my views and self assured in my opinions despite having no deep understanding of any of the subject matter and having developed no real skills in order to protect my ego from the reality of my many many failings.
I made the same mistakes you did only I realized it faster and she hasn't cut me out for it yet. For now I'm mostly just working on being more positive and encouraging to the people around me since it's the most immediate change I can make. I'm seeing myself clearer and I don't like the person there so I need to be better if I'm going to survive.

ok that cut deep

delet this

>You wanted me to be someone I wasn't and you have no idea who I really am because of that.
That's the most important sentence in the whole thing. A lot of men on Jow Forums like me see the hypothetical gf who cuddles you and tells you you're worth something, but not the real world hormonal sack of meat and emotions who gets bitchy after work and smells faintly like salty vomit and still believes in god even though she hides it in front of you.

Personally I've started going to church. I'm not religious at all and don't really believe in God I'd very much like to but I've always wanted that and still don't so probably never will but even from a secular standpoint viewing it all as parables there's a whole lot of accumulated wisdom there about grappling with and overcoming temptation and vice, enduring pain, persevering despite failure and disappointment, accepting your own failings and guilt as well as forgiving it in others, being humble, and just how to love other people. Those lessons have helped me a lot. I lucked out and found a really neat church with a great pastor though so your mileage may vary greatly.


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Not , but Islam is unironically an interesting religion and if it was the 1920s I'd be willing to investigate it.

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>sent from my iphone

lmao you dated a boomer

i used to go to church with her and her family. the fact that it was mormonism probably didn't help, but it was really difficult to listen to.

the first day i went to church with her and her family, a lady got on the stage in front of everyone and started crying and talking about her problems with the church and she was boo'd off stage by some old people

i just sat there eating popcorn because that was almost exactly what i had expected

go back there you fucking retarded normalfaggot nigger

>gatekeeping this hard
thx for bumping

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Beg. Send a picture of you on your knees crying and say you'll felch chad's cum out of her pussy. It's the only way

Literally everything here is a lie.
If you spend too much time here you'll start to believe these lies un-ironically.

Every time you're browsing this site, you're metaphorically hanging out with your meth addicted, bipolar, chain-smoking "bad influence" friend. He's interesting to be around, but if you see him all the time, you'll start picking up his habits.

>Get therapy and stay off Jow Forums

Fuck she's right

>Mentions social media twice
>Now that's it's over, you were probably abusive
>You getting BTFO

Does it really hurt that bad to have less BPD in your life?

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>sent from my iphone
god it's so fucking obnoxious why does every fucking apple device do this shit?

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She didn't even break up with you in person. You didn't lose anything but a play toy

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Okay so what exactly did you write to her?

There's really only something wrong with browsing Jow Forums, /soc/, and Jow Forums. Hobbyists boards are cool because they involve discussion about actual things you enjoy instead of blogging and complaining.