Lego collecting numale faggot gets his lego collection """destroyed""" and essentially forced to grow up

>lego collecting numale faggot gets his lego collection """destroyed""" and essentially forced to grow up
>posts crying video on jewtube
>gets on the front page of every social media
>gets contacted by LEGO(R) and they supply him with millions of sets for free
When did you realize Ted Kaczynski was right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Link here if you want to laugh at this fucking pathetic excuse of a human being

Someone redpill me on this, who is this guy?
>inb4 reverse image search
didn't help

So did someone break into his house to break his legos?

Just view that video in youtube and go on his channel.

stop making fun of people's hobbies you cuntfuck

I don't know this guy but from this video alone, I'm betting it was someone from his family, probably his dad

>attentionwhoring this hard on youtube
>someone actually defends him
thats gonna be a big yikes for me

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if a company supplies someone with something for free it's probably a publicity stunt

holy shit the average r9k user has finally found someone more pathetic than them

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Will reddit make it happen?

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Stop making fun of what the guy enjoys doing in life. Youre just a bully picking on someone who has more fun in life than you do.

How did it get destroyed? I don't want to watch a 20 minute video of some guy crying, with the first ten minutes being "oh my god, you guys, I am so sad right now. You don't even..."

Did his parents take it all away?

Someone broke into his home while he was at work, and destroyed/stole most of his legos. His collection was valued at around 10,000$. Pic related is one of his builds

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Some burglar destroyed them, maybe a family friend, since he didn't take anything, even his brand new MacBook(tm) Pro

I don't understand why assholes like this do that. If you're gonna steal valuables, fine but unnecessarily breaking shit is just plain evil. Our house got robbed once and they tossed our cacti we had for years into a river and killed them all. I was fucking livid

And yet he's far better than them

2018 Jow Forums gents

wow this made me really sad, you're just a shitty human OP.

>a slightly nerdy guy who is relatively attractive, well dressed, and holds down a steady job with an income to afford a $10.000 hobby he loves and has youtube followers

>lower than robots

Yeah no.

Most niggers are literally evil user, like evil for real.

>"""someone""" broke into the home
Lmao keep importing more of the engineers faggot niggerloving frogs

Meh so he has a hobby he's passionate about and he managed to shill it to the general population in this video. Who cares? Good for him.

Why would I laugh at a guy who has an actual hobby...?
All I do is play video games and get drunk every night, I have no right to make fun of anybody.

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This, the man might have a weird hobby, but he makes it work and has enough of a passion to make videos and get a couple thousand followers with it, along with living a decent enough life.

What has Jow Forums got in comparison? Fuck all.
Don't even say anything like "self respect", you don't like yourself and nobody else does either, that's why you're stuck here screeching about people who actually do something in life while you're complaining people wont accept your own lazy, manchild ways.

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Plenty of retarded things have followings, that doesn't magically make them achievements

And thats just one main thing he has going for him, its still far more than most here can claim

You say that behind a computer screen. (((Robots))) are no better then bullies.

This. He might be kinda autistic, but he's fine. I would probably cry too if somebody broke into my house, stole $10,000 worth of my belongings while simultaneously destroying my creative works that I had worked on for years probably. Lego isn't even that weird of hobby

R9k is overflooded with Normies, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Most of introverts have wierd hobbies like anime, games, dools...etc so whats so wrong with this guy?
He has his autistic hobby and is happy fuck of you normal faggots.

>wierd hobbies like anime
Anime is a mental illness, not a hobby, fuck off

to be fair if any of our weeb collections got ruined we would cry I know I would.

Fuck off retard, life is shit and he was just doing something to make him happy.

>what has /r9k got in comparison?

Ummm at l-l-east im not a s-s-soyb-boy and I have m-my frog pictures

>trying to bully someone for being weird on Jow Forums of all boards

This is sad

This is what Jow Forums did to Jow Forums culture. Its a bunch of wannabe normies LARPing as 1950s WASPs. Cringe as fuck

me and my Waifu beg to differ

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can you explain the Ted Kaczynski connection?

Surrogate activities. Ted really hated those.

>implying being some faggot on Jow Forums is somehow better

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If you want people to pat you on the back for your autistic manchild hobby you should go to reddit. This place is for cynicism, misanthropy and outward projections of self-hatred. Personally I loathe autistic shit like legos or collecting trains or shit like this. I only enjoy jacking off and doing drugs. But whatever. The guy is better looking than me, and well-groomed. He's more well-adjusted and normie than me. He shouldnt have his weird manchild collection smashed up by whoever did that to him

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>someone's value and quality of life is determined by how much they make and how efficient they are at thriving in capitalism.

lego is as autistic and dumb as video games

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>Personally I loathe autistic shit
>is on a board for actual autists

Go fuck yourself
go back to pol

lol fuck off you piece of shit, I really hope your house burns down or something like that today

thx user, reading his manifesto now

Maybe people gave him a pat on the back because some asshole broke in specifically to destroy his hobby. No one cares otherwise and just let the little autist be.

>>someone's value and quality of life is determined by how much they make and how efficient they are at thriving in capitalism.

How else would you determine that? By how many "witty" posts they make on a shitty anime image board talking about saving the white race?

my main board is /lit/

He isn't weird or strange. He's a run of the mill brand whore who refuses to move on from the creature comforts he originally found in childhood. Chris chan used to be an anomaly and his idiosynchracies were endearing back in the mid 00's, but there are now millions of western manchildren who fall into a similar pattern. It's not weird. It's not cool. It's anti-life and extremely sad.

I completely reject this bugman world view where any kind of dreary hobby has moral or aesthetic worth purely because "it makes you happy". That shit only flies when you have downs syndrome or something. The young man in that video is capable of so much higher sensations than recreating star wars scenes in lego.

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Originally based to be h0nest

>How else would you determine that?
If you can't answer that yourself then you have no hope

Your hobby is pretending to be smart on a site built on pedophilia and video games do you think thats any better

There's no other way to determine someone's worth in a capitalistic society. He objectively is more useful than you.

ha ha look at this fucking loser

Pshhh he'll just rebuild it in the woods with his own hands, away from all technology, and live a life away from luxuries, just like Ted! Except not. Look at the guy posting on Jow Forums and laughing at autists, pretending he's any better. At Jow Forums of all places.

All these triggered betas defending another pathetic beta. It's no wonder masculinity is dying. You're all disgraces to men.

You realize what board this is right, why are you here normie.

>Le edgy philosophy man

Commit actual suicide

>moral or aesthetic worth
It isn't about moral or aesthetic worth, dipshit. Some people just want to do what they love. You can't force them not to. How about you go improve your own life, and prove that your way of living is more appealing?

>The young man in that video is capable of so much higher sensations
Like what? Give examples.

>I am le 1950s alpha male

Commit actual suicide

>Some people just want to do what they love, you can't force them not to
And you can't force me to stop ridiculing your stupid fucking toddler tier hobbies you fucking faggot, some autist could be eating his own shit and you would be defending him because "hurr he's having fun who are you to judge" kill yourself

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You do realize your hobby isn't anything to write home about either right.

This is the cringiest shit I've read all day. Also fuck the bugman frog and his pointless hobby.

>>Personally I loathe autistic shit
>>is on a board for actual autists
there's plenty of other types of mental illnesses on this board, besides everyone's favorite meme illness. I'd estimate the actual autistic userbase is around 5-10%, asperger spectrum maybe 25% max.

personally i'm schizoid so the autistic experience and the autistic mind are not particularly relatable and I don't relate to their shitty hobbies. i don't like Jow Forums, politics is boring as hell

How do you know what my hobbies are autist?

>somebody gets his work which he spent a lot of money and time on stolen and destroyed
>Haha pathetic cucko
Someone should hug you, you bitter fuck

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>Some people just want to do what they love.
Choosing a particular activity forces you to take into consideration the opportunity costs of whatever else you could've been doing instead. Every action you take is a moral action. What we ought to appreciate aesthetically includes what we ought to do morally.

When le french lego autist chooses to spend the majority of his free time on legos, he implicit rejects all other potential activities as a waste of time. That's a judgement.

>And you can't force me to stop
Right, I can't stop you from being your retarded edgy teenager self who comes to Jow Forums thinking he's amongst his own.

>some autist could be eating his own shit and you would be defending him
Not really. I wouldn't condone it at all. But if it's just legos, I don't mind if a guy does it if it's just to let off steam or stress. It's not that big of a deal.

What are your hobbies?

>Plenty of retarded things have followings, that doesn't magically make them achievements
What does make the achievements? What is the criterium?

So fun is not moral? Every single thing you do has to be "work"? What the fuck "aesthetically" even mean right here? Lego is lame, therefore it's morally wrong?

>I don't plae wit da legooos and dont have a purpose/hobby in life so I am le beta mael

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>Man has hobby, just wants to work on his hobby alone and then show it to the world
>Man has his property and the work of his hobby destroyed
NPC logic.

fun can be moral
>Lego is lame, therefore it's morally wrong?

Yes lel

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Why are you getting all worked up like a retard? You value playing with legos and others don't, why did you get so upset over this?

It sounds fucking awful to be you.
I'm sorry for your situation.

>being a male is defined by your ability to inflate some hole's ego
get a life, op

Being so arrogant that you go on r9k and claim to be "le alpha male", and make fun of other r9k inhabitants. You're no better. Stfu.

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The fuck are you on about? Where in my post am I worked up? I simply called you a retarded edgy teenager. I also thought you actually believed some sort of ideal. Guess I was wrong and you just wanted to make fun of manchildren.

Like what? Also why did you post a picture of world of warcraft?

Please tell me more about masculinity o wise 4channer, I already have the guns and fishing gear. Perhaps I need to get a daki pillow?

stop making reddit-tier comments, you're making me wanna join in shitting on the lego fag as well

>Going online to complain about other people on a board for betas when you should be slaying pussy, lifting and partying like the chad you are
Why aren't you sharing this on facebook instead of here?

>I bash Reddit because I have no clever banter

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You think the guy actually does something worth a damn in his life? If he did he wouldn't be here, or he has other problems. Same with all the people who are "normal" and just come here to laugh at the mentally ill.

Self hate projected onto (similar) others. It's disgusting and toxic. I like it more when it's a pepe frogs holding hands "we're all going to make it" situation

But I do unironically pity the faggot.

His hobby is being a consumerist for Lego and Disney's Star Wars lol

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>Perhaps I need to get a daki pillow?
get the dakki fren, it is amazing.
I hug and kiss my Waifu, feels great

>Everything I don't like is for basedboys. Normal people like me get married, have kids, work for 40 years, and die thinking that we will be remembered but are forgotten in 1 year.

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You are a newfag and a waste of oxygen. Just leave and don't come back.

So i used to have long hair and people made fun of it, but eventually i cut it off for practical reasons (i was 16 at the time). After i had been shorthaired for several months (so keep in my mind that people basically regarded me as an incel freak when i got long hair) this girl in my class (lets call her 'girl A') started to exhibit, in my view, strange behaviour. She wasn't a real stacy in my view, she was maybe of average looks. But she was popular and had a lot of friends, so she was sort of a stacy.
In history class i was seated right in front of the teacher, but next to me three other girls were seated (it were fixed seats). The girl right next to me was the best friend of girl A (lets call her girl B). Well in this time period, girl A wanted to talk with girl B close to every lesson we had, but when she talked to her friend she kept bumping into me (while i was sitting, so sometimes it was more like rubbing her behind against me, absolutely degenerate in hindsight) since i was sitting next to this girl, i though maybe she was a clumsy idiot. So this kept going on for several weeks, maybe even months until a specific PE class.
During this PE class we had to play soccer, but girl A started to touch me in a erotic way and calling me honey/sweetheart/baby (i dont recall the exact word used, it was something along those lines), i told her to stop but she kept going. A friend of her saw this and told girl A - while giggling - "Stop it Sammy, leave him alone" (or something alone those lines), i dont recall if she continued but after this particular PE class she never touched me again, nor did she show any other signs of sexual interest. [1/2]

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This guy honestly seems pretty based. Has a job (he's wearing a suit so I can only assume its not fast food tier) has a house/apartment, has a hobby that he is invested in not just financially but time wise, and its a creative hobby.

How many people actually have creative hobbies? Im not talking about consuming entertainment like video games, books, or television, but actually creating like writing, painting, sculpting, filming, building, etc. Ive always admired anyone with a creative hobby as it actually requires energy, as opposed to consumptive hobbies which generally dont.

excuse me, wrong tab

Why the fuck did you not date her you subhuman freak?

I used to play it

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>this place is for
Stopped reading right there, you should fucking kill yourself before telling anyone here what this board is for normalnigger

>Self hate projected onto (similar) others

This. You never see threads hating on chads and stacy's anymore. The target now is well, someone who more or less would probably use Jow Forums themselves

If what you "created" can be "created" by a 6 year old maybe you should stick to consuming stuff instead

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>hobby is lego
>nigger comes to your house to break all lego

>hobby is anime
>nigger comes to your house and kill them all
>"As a cultured man in todays society, this respectful guy didn't deserve what happened to him. I support his cause and I will gladly make a $200 donation to him. Cheers to the japanese animation community."

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Confirmed for autistic leech.

how can nigger kill all my anime? I stream it