Even the announcement boards at school remind me that I'm a virgin

>even the announcement boards at school remind me that I'm a virgin

Why the fuck does society revolve around sex?

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>Why the fuck does society revolve around the mechanism for its' continuation

Yeah no youre a fukcing dumbass man.

To be fair, Halloween gives college roasties a legit excuse to go full stacy.

Never go full stacy.

I'm in high school, my dude

get out you fucking moron

I'm 18, old man

Leave this board while youre still ahead fren
Never come back
Heed my word
>26 year old NEET

>wearing condoms

lmao who actually does this

it's biology
the only purpose of life is to create new life
not even autists can annihilate this desire

Damn that's bad
I'm glad when I went to highschool over a decade ago sluttiness was still looked down upon.

>wear a condom
congratulations retard you played yourself

That's not the point, and you're probably not even 18. The majority of 'virgins' who graduate high school lose their virginity a few months into college anyway.

They put that up in a HS? There's 13 yr old kids in High Schools and they're just gonna put a giant condom on the wall.

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>Yeah no youre a fukcing dumbass man.
Wait do you really think that sex being the most prevalent thing on the average person's mind is false?

13 year old kids have already fucked 1000 times

And teen pregnancies are at an all time low. Stop being a prude scared of condoms and sex ed

That couldn't be true. I mean, I'm turning 20 soon and I've never even seen a vagina

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The average age for first sex is 13-14 years old, deal with it

Normies are pathetic inferior monkeys.

The funny part is that even though they're obsessed with sex, they will turn on their fellow normies the minute something goes wrong.

It's all fun and games and OOH AND AHH and IM COMING but as soon as someone gets pregnant, they turn into Victorians lecturing some poor bastard about how he needs to "take responsibility" and when people get diseases then all the sudden they see sex for the disgusting unhygenic activity it is.

It's like they lose themselves in the heat of the moment but then when the fun is over they turn into the no-fun prudes they usually claim to hate.

They're totally un self-aware, sexhavers are absolute NPC beasts

i wish my high school gave out free condoms

do girls get aroused by watching guys put condoms on?

Not true, retard. Average age is 18 in the US. Between 15-20 for other parts of the world.

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people born in 20xx will never be old enough

Unless some horrible happened, I should be aroused before he puts on the condom...