Female visitor here. Genuinely curious. If you are lonely why don't just ask a girl out? Your dad was able to do it. So was his dad. What makes a "robot" different from those that came before him?
Female visitor here. Genuinely curious. If you are lonely why don't just ask a girl out? Your dad was able to do it...
Im a manlet and Im to ugly for girls to find me attractive. I know I will be rejected there is simply no point in trying.
I have several times with no success.
Most of them are short,ugly and autistic. Some dont even try but i know a bunch of them who tried and they were refused over and over until they gave up.
better genes
my father chose to reproduce at an advanced age with a schizophrenic woman of an advanced age, giving birth to a weak mentally ill person
and societal expectations have changed as well, it definitely used to be easier in the days of my grandparents to marry a girl, since women had a lot more humility and coyness than nowadays
i am ugly and 5'3". my personality is decent. with good photos and a lot chatting i managed to get a few dates which all resulted in failure even though the dates were fun for both every time.
Some of the people here are genetic rejects of their parents. Kinda like the DNA soup took a big shit and thats user over there.
This, online dating
Asking a girl out wouldn't solve my lack of a cute trap bf
My dad is a whiny burnt out player and I find a lot of wahmen to be inherently annoying.
post your boipussy oregano pasta
what good would asking a girl out do? do you think that everyone wants human companionship? maybe i want to brood alone because im happier that way, i dont have to deal with shit like leaving a toilet seat up, or dinner plans or what stacey said at work or whatever other stupid bullshit.
tl'dr, women are not that special, fuck you.
The thing is that r9k is a cesspool of outcasts. We didn't choose to end up here. You may not understand that some people, as cruel as it sounds, aren't meant to "just ask a girl out"
Don't think we haven't tried asking a girl out, we have, people are repulsed by us. End of the story
The most effective ways of hitting on women are not coincidentally the most potentially offensive (leering, groping, dirty talk) even if women rarely admit it even to themselves (being a safe nice guy gives you permission to buy women free shit and be a shoulder to cry on or beta bux if you let it go that far).
Women are cool when Chad is outrageously forward and flirtatious it 9 times out of 10, normies 5 times out of 10, and robots 1 time out of 10, if not never. In the past, striking out just got you some harsh words or a slap at worst, but now it can get you arrested, fired, shunned, you get the idea. So more and more men are just playing it safe by quitting the game.
because she said id rather date a dog.
OP listen to this dude
In my case too much an autistic sperg. At this point the idea of dating, being intimate, or even sex with a woman is so absolutely alien to me I literally cannot imagine it. I cannot form the pictures in my head that involves me.
lncels and robots are not the same thing
fuck off gf-having scum. Normalshitville awaits your return
No one gives a shit thot.
I made a poll a couple years ago asking how many women virgin male robots have asked out. The overwhelming majority of people answered less than two, and over 50% answered zero.
Most robots are not hideous or unfuckable, they're socially cut off and avoidant. They're the sort of kids who sat in corners and never really talked that much. They don't go out very often, they have at most one or two friends, and they waste their lives staring at computer screens and doing nothing. They don't really know any girls very well and they've failed to take initiative with almost everything.
Of course there's variation, but I suspect that's the most common situation.
I usually try to become friends with a girl first, and if they absolutely block my attempts even at that stage (which happened almost every time so far), I don't see any reason I'd embarrass myself with asking them out and getting rejected.
I've tried a few times. My autism makes it hard
I was a naive boy who believed in love and was taken advantage of by abusive emotionally manipulative women.
At first I thought it was just bad luck but now it has happened like 5 times.
I don't think I could love them
The problem isn't getting any woman, the problem is one of risk/reward, cost/benefit
Women are fatter and more obnoxious than ever, social media means women can change boyfriends like a pair of panties (even Chad)
Women have overwhelming power in relationships, and men don't find that fun at all
How do you even ask a girl out? I don't know any women. I only leave the house when I have errands to run and talking to a busy person is rude. Maybe if I knew where people go to be asked out, I would go there but I have severe anxiety and have panic attacks in unfamiliar situations.
Men are supposed to be the strong ones.
I am only attracted to femininity. I can count the number of truly feminine women I have met on one hand.
I don't want to be with some hectoring virago. It's every man's worse nightmare.
You don't ask random women on the street out. They might find it briefly flattering but it's an unspoken understanding that you're only approaching them because of their looks and that isn't a recipe for long term success. Also unless you are Chad they won't care at all.
The way you meet woman is by forming social networks and gradually being introduced to more and more people.
Obviously it is possible for men to go to SE Asia or Africa or something if they are desperate enough to recreate a traditional relationship dynamic, but doing so naturally seems forced and awkward.
Guys instinctively want to be guys with men and women around them, but the way society is makes this difficult if not impossible.
That's too much for me I guess. I'll just wait until robowaifus or die alone.
>The way you meet woman is by forming social networks and gradually being introduced to more and more people.
The problem with meeting people via social networks is that all those people will be monitoring your relationship, and today that means being under pressure to be a good little beta cuck who "treats her right".
Even if you actually are happy being just that, the fact that you have no choice in the matter unless you want to get railroaded is annoying and stifling.
How is it too much for you
I have pretty bad social anxiety too btw, but it's really just a matter of sitting down and balancing the consequences
You can go out and try and temporarily embarrass yourself or you can sit at home and not try and die alone
which is worse, the brief mini-death or the actual death
also, the more you do it the easier it gets
My dad =/= autistic
Me = autistic
>The problem with meeting people via social networks is that all those people will be monitoring your relationship, and today that means being under pressure to be a good little beta cuck who "treats her right".
you seem to be generalizing from a very specific instance
Guys who have a lot of experience with women generally don't agree with this.
Most women do not have incredibly high standards and most aren't obnoxious harpies, it's really two things that make you think so:
1. The kind of woman who spends a lot of time getting into flame wars with internet virgins is much more likely to be spiteful, condescending garbage, and
2. Lonely guys cherry pick captions of women at their most ridiculous and such captions circulate because they justify the way people here live their lives.
Women are different than men in some general respects and a reasonable, intelligent person can be a misogynist, but most opinions on women here are dumb and uninformed. Jow Forums really does have a lot of stupid meme loving teenagers.
>ask a girl out
because that's how you get cheated on.
>Guys who have a lot of experience with women generally don't agree with this.
Translation: Apex Chads meet more women who aren't hot garbage unlike regular guys, so they have a relatively positive opinion of them
Because tinder didn't exist in 1989 so my dad was as good as mom could get
i know this is just bait but...i'll bite...i don't even care at this point
i'm 18 and i've asked at least 50 women out in my life starting from the age of around 13, i'd binge watch new age shit like PUA videos on youtube (i knew they were bs but i just wanted to try) and zen teachings of never being anxious and just being in the moment to teach myself how to be funny and make people laugh and i'd even just approach single lonely looking girls at mcdonalds, and every single time i did i got rejected, it didn't matter if i'd make them laugh so hard they'd mess up their makeup from crying out of sheer laughter, it didn't matter how smooth i was or how many fake compliments they gave me even if i made them blush, whenever i tried to take it past just being their "big brother" or whatever friendzone title they could give me, they resisted, and fine...I'm not blaming them or anything ,I understand, but it hurt, not because they rejected me, but because of how worthless i felt not just as a man but as a human being, that level of genuine interaction was simply out of my reach no matter how hard i put my hand out...and i've tried, i've tried everything i could do to make myself fuckable, i lost a tremendous amount of weight and gained muscle and was lifting practically every day for hours, i was so serious i even got on steroids, i was reading up on fashion advice and groomed myself to the best of my ability, frequently showered multiple times a day, made sure i got a haircut every month, tailored my clothes etc, all the advice people gave me i took and i executed it and it failed, and of course i tried following what i wanted to do by bee-ing myself and that didn't just fail it scared people so, i just went back to putting my mask on and making people feel good, and well, at least i could do that, i know the vast majority of men here can't even take social queues or hold a conversation, let alone get a girl to talk to you for hours
this. so much is lost in translation between the two parties because chads and virgins are experiencing completely different sides of women.
I have avoidant personality disorder. I'm actually not that awkward and decent at conversation but if I am not directly invited to join a group or talk to someone I can't do it. Even in high school I was in the same class with one of my best freinds I never asked to work in a group with him until he directly asked me to. When I went to get my hair cut a few months ago I had 3 panic attacks before I left, on the way there, and waiting in the place.
It's beyond just anxiety for me, not to mention I just moved across the country and now I know nobody.
it's pathetic really, and depending on who you are it's either repulsive or depressing or a little mix of both, some people get scared because when you talk about it it's like listening to a blissfully ignorant and unaware autistic person, i get it...it's even kind of weird and frightening when i talk about it with other men who feel the way i do, it's only natural i guess... and that's why i never talk about it or let people know, because they pity you and view you as a lesser human being because you can't accomplish what most have, it's like listening to someone complaining about not being able to cook food or something, it's like "dude just do it lmao wtf"...and no matter how hard you try people will treat you as though you've never tried, like you've never put effort into growing yourself or even approaching women, and i'm not even as physically repulsive as some of the more unfortunate people here are, i've even been frequently complimented on my hair by girls, rated between a 5-6.5 on /soc/, but that's the thing, at least in my real-world experience, personality doesn't cut it anymore, because it's not 1950, everyone's expectations have risen, including men as they so grudgingly wish to avoid admitting it, the vast majority of people now can tell jokes share memes be cool chill whatever, many people can even have game and be smooth, so it doesn't really have any value anymore. In this day and age, there's a widespread subconcsious culture of meta-modernism, ironic detachment, materialism, hedonism, social darwinism and egoism, and that's fine, i'm not judging anyone based on their philosophical outlook, i'm just pointing out what i see, and so the thing about having those dominant values is, in the context of dating, romance, sex etc, as the standards of society as a whole raise the people who are sub-par become washed out, like everyone used to listen to the radio, but who even owns an actual radio that isn't a walkie talkie or a part of their car
What part of go away do you not understand.
Basically this. I have two friends, one I hardly ever see anymore and the other an autistic tfw no gf virgin like myself. I don't know any women and I'm too lacking in social skills to just approach one at random.
If it makes you feel any better, I don't even think the problem with dating these days is evident to 90%+ men.
Even guys who would have been a catch just 30 years ago (handsome face, decent social skills, good job like a lawyer or doctor), get treated like shit by women, just because women can so they do.
To be treated with respect by women now you have to be ridiculously attractive, like 9/10 everything. You have to be such a catch that women are terrified of you leaving because you're more attractive than 99.9999999% of other guys out there, enough that they will let you totally control them, never use dating apps, never mess around with other dudes etc.
Just having money, being a nice guy, having a handsome face, good body etc. is not remotely enough anymore to get you loyalty or even respect.
I know, you're talking to someone who has the same thing.
Don't be so focused on labels and fitting in to what "disorder" you have.
Just make incremental improvements to your situation, take your time, and don't despair if you fail.
When you constantly see everyone you know get signals, messages from girls, accepting talks, etc. and you've never had anything similar yourself you know you're not par for the course.
Let me tell you, it's very clear when a girl is interested in you, or even just considers you a viable sexual entity. It's incredibly obvious whenever you see it happen to another man.
Which makes it obvious that when you've never had anything close to it, that you're just not 'eligible'. You don't have the rights to date.
I even went stubbornly against my own conclusions and tried heavily to dabble into dating. I've done all the things that self-improvement entails and according to regular advice should be plenty enough to at least find a single date.
And well. here I am. Having any sort of relations with me is a taboo topic for girls it seems. You know who complimented my weight loss, my haircut, my clothes, my humor? All of my male friends, and... 0 girls. So much for that.
If you're a misogynist on Jow Forums you aren't a regular guy. Most guys start dating before 20 and have positive experiences with women. A substantial and increasing percentage of young men are lonely and unwanted, which really does suck, but it still isn't normal.
I'm tired of this. I've spoken to people like you for almost five years, and it's all the same shit. I miss misogyny that was remotely clever or insightful, instead of "cock carousel chad 80% of men are forever alone virgins and all women are fat and mean". I miss talking to people who weren't just deranged parrots who got indoctrinated into the MGTOW movement when they were in middle school.
It's 11 am and I already want to go to sleep.
l have never had a girIfriend
The elephant in the room is that women don't experience love like men do. Women only lust after power and resources, and they no longer need a man's ability to get them. The daddy government will give it to them with diversity quotas and lowering standards.
Women are capable of being good but it isn't their natural inclination. It has to be beaten in to them by society. Otherwise they have no incentive to be good.
There are still some good women out there but they are very rare in our diseased times.
Got ntr'd and dumped in high school. I'm honestly scared to start a new relationship just for it to end horribly.
Things are different now than they were even five years ago. The dating scene has been getting worse slowly for a long time but over the last 10 years and ESPECIALLY the last five everything's gone nuts. It's not just robots who think this, either, the number of celibate men has increased drastically because women everywhere can send Chad a message at any time on their slut apps, which is one reason why this whole sexual harassment bullshit has taken off so much more now than even back in the 1970s when a lot of this stuff started, women now are getting all the attention they want on their phones, so they don't want that beta loser in the next cubicle annoying them
The current good women were beaten into such behaviour as well.
/ pandora now? sure there are a few people left alive who own and even listen to the radio, but most people who owned radios are dead, and i think the same can be said for the dating and mating world, it used to be that all that matters was who you were as a person, what goals you had in life, what you wanted to do, the things you enjoyed and liked doing, the things you wanted to do, what stuff you liked talking about, your tastes and lack thereof, but now that's all becoming old you see, romance and that oldschool style of get-together is dead, and it's being replaced with something new, something more focused on personal pleasure, maybe even something that probably feels better, something where what matters is how objectively hot you are and look and how fortunate you were from birth, how big your down-there is, your financial success and etc. So people like us who aren't lucky or don't have that perfect face and body genes and that perfect family and fortnuate upbringing, or even people who were lucky but just don't meet the standards of today's sexual marketplace, like an old radio and consumer standards, are just kinda gonna slowly fade out of trend. We weren't put in a position where we amassed this massive social circle of friends from school and naturally hit it off with that girl from chemistry class because the teacher assigned us to be together for a project and we had to study together at home and one thing led to another
maybe we moved around alot, maybe we were going through things we couldn't control that made us feel certain ways like verbal, psychological even physical abuse, neglect, trauma, divorce, marrital and post-marrital scandals etc, or maybe some of us were even mentally ill so...yeah, we were just left behind and even when some of us caught up like i did we just weren't part of the crowd, we didn't flow with everyone else, we didn't bloom and blossom so...we're just gonna have to accept it and move on and do our best just in case anything happens but know that life is just unfair and this is the way things are and to stop, if you are, expecting things from anyone and just do your own thing, at least be the radio that still works and plays its own channel while all the others don't even turn on as everyone's making the great switch
After collecting statistics for many years which demonstrated an unusual pattern of always getting turned down, I decided to make war on my enemies who have the women convinced than I am inferior man, the worst of the worst of worst essentially. After I win the war, I don't think I will have to ask again and I will simply select from the parade of beautiful women going in front of my throne.
It isn't that regular guys "have positive experiences with women" it's that it takes longer for regular (read: dumber) guys to realize the truth.
You're focused on guys in their 20s, probably because you are in your 20s and compare yourself to them.
Now think about those same "regular guys" but in their 50s. Are they still having positive experiences with women as you describe? Or have they finally seen the truth. I'm sure you've met your share of older men. What would they say about women?
It's the same regular guys, just a longer period of time has elapsed.
>If you are lonely why don't just ask a girl out?
>EWW WITH YOU? *tittering laugh*
No thanks, not with girls acting like they are.
Both my grandfathers are beta. They married ungrateful women who didn't have a choice and had to settle down with somebody. My father is the only alpha person in my family and got who he wanted. And to be honest with you, I'd rather be miserable and alone than miserable and with someone I can't stand to be around. (((Relationships))) and (((Love))) are scams, doubly so for the genetic unfortunate like me.
i'm not a robot, but i am autistic. talking to people in general is difficult for me.
>The current good women were beaten into such behaviour as well.
Ok I have to say I used the word beaten a bit tongue in cheek but I wish to walk that back now.
I don't want to beat women. I don't want to dominate anyone.
Just like a good man could physically beat down a woman but chooses not to, a good woman can emotionally manipulate and use sex to wreck havoc but chooses not to. Men and women are partners and when they work together they can create harmony happiness and love. The problem is that we stopped working together and started competing with each other. Modern woman rejects her traditional role and wants to larp as a man. Modern man rejects his traditional role and wants to larp as a woman.
This. I can totally see that some women are fucked up beyond repair, just like some men are. But in generell women are not as retarded, superficial and manipulativ as robots make it seem. Its kind off a meme by now that women are evil and i agree that we should keep in mind that some are. We should not act like women are theses weak lovely beeings that cant do wrong, because some are unimagnable evil, just like men. Humans are garbage but robots just see one side of it because they are not interested in men, which are just as superficial and manipulativ as women.
Keep telling yourself that everybody else is the problem, that way ou will never change your situation and stay an autistic robot. Its not evil that nobdy want to fuck with a pathic uninteresting sorry ass like many robots are, if you want something you have to offer something
Okay I'll try. Will you go out with me?
women are falsely accusing SUPER ALPHA ULTRA KING CHADS of rape too.
Regular guys do have positive experiences with women, although you are right in suggesting there are a lot of middle aged guys who lose their jobs, get divorced, and understandably begin to dislike women.
That doesn't justify "80% of guys are doomed" retardation though.
Women generally don't like hook up culture either. Most of them seem to hate it more than men do.
>Women generally don't like hook up culture either. Most of them seem to hate it more than men do.
No they don't. If they didn't like "hook up culture" then they'd stop "hooking up", even if it's with Chad.
5 years ago we said the same shit just toned down and used alpha/beta instead
You're what I was talking about with number 1 by the way.
Many have stopped hooking up.
Yeah but more people were more clever and nuanced about it. There were still plenty of deranged dumbasses though
>Many have stopped hooking up.
No, they haven't. Women literally cannot help themselves when they see a man they find sexually attractive, and now thanks to the internet they have access to these men 24x7.
>If you are lonely why don't just ask a girl out?
It's very important for me to not be "that guy". And you know what I mean: That kinda creepy guy who is always giving women unwanted attention by asking them out, or trying to orbit them -- but his lame attempts just end up making everyone cringe. I can't be that guy.
For example, at work, I am a consummate professional -- I would never "hit" on any women in the workplace, because I know that they deserve a workplace free from being bothered by guys looking for a hookup. Another example: Where I get coffee there's a very attractive barista -- but I would never ask her out, because she's on the job: she can't just leave her post if she finds my advances are unwelcome -- she's basically trapped there, forced to serve me coffee, and it's wrong for me to try to take advantage of her in that situation. Maybe she would like it if I asked her out, but there's a 98% chance that she wouldn't, and I'm not going to take a 98% chance of turning into "that guy".
There's only one way I want to develop a romantic relationship: To find a woman who I can start being friends with, and then -- very slowly -- we both come to realize that life would be really nice if we ended up together.
People on this board will tell me that there's at best a 5% chance that I could find a woman that way. And maybe they're right. But that's the only way forward for me.
Despite what many people here think, the problem is not that we're "nice guys". The real problem is that our society lacks any structured way for sincere, non-promiscuous people to find each other. Nowadays, the game is always won by the insincere promiscuous predators. Maybe hundreds of years ago a sincere guy could find his wife at church, or his parents would arrange a marriage for him -- but all those structures are gone, replaced by nothing.
Man, we sure get a lot of female visitors here.
heh...it's almost like there's more females than males here all of the sudden...it's almost like...the men are pretending to be like them
Very insightful post. This is what it's all about.
Don't forget about the huge impact that the sexual revolution had. First, it normalized promiscuity, and then, later, it started encouraging promiscuity.
Fast forward to the present day, and society now views non-promiscuous single people the same way as it views eunuchs.
In TV and movies, every character who's single is now expected to be promiscuous. In the rare exceptions (like The 40 Year Old Virgin, or The Big Bang Theory), non-promiscuous single people exist only to be laughed at, and pitied, just like the way we pity eunuchs.
Being non-promiscuous is the new gay. They're ostracized, insulted, marginalized, and socially discriminated against. But at least gay people have the LGBT movement to advocate on their behalf. Non-promiscuous people have nothing.
Womens standards are insane
I have a Chad account on tinder and even on that I barely get any matches, so it comes as no surprise to me that my real account never gets any. I actually starting to think Chad doesnt have it easy as we make it out to be.
Holy shit user, this entire post perfectly summarizes my exact thoughts on this issue. I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who has realized the dilemma of being forced to be 'that guy' in today's society. unironically screencapped. godspeed user.
The job situation makes sense, but if you are more or less normal in appearance and speech, I don't think anyone would hate you for the coffee shop one. Attractive people in such positions tend to be used to it anyway.
I just gave up. I'm 29 now and my father got my mother pregnant. With me.
Meh... sometimes I just wish they'd throw me in to the trash bin before I became more aware about the surrounding world...
Yeah its nice to hear that there are some people who think alike
>Nowadays, the game is always won by the insincere promiscuous predators.
This so fucking much.
Even if I could, I would not want to 'win' by becoming like that.
IF I could, which is a doubtful theory.
>Just like a good man could physically beat down a woman but chooses not to,
That's not a good man, that's a beta pussy. Every woman wants a daddy dom, you're just too weak to handle them.
>just ask a girl out
Because I'm not in middle school anymore, there are rules now.
I can talk to women politely but I don't know how to advance past "So where do you live? What do you do?" I feel like meeting new people is easy but getting close to the people I have met is impossible.
>The thing is that r9k is a cesspool of outcasts.
That's may be true, but the problem extends farther than you might think.
I am 35, and I have had quite a bit of success in my life: I'm well-educated, intelligent, very responsible, professionally successful, and financially secure. My life goal is to find a woman who I can be loyal to, and to build a loving and stable family with. The last thing people think when they look at me is that I'm an "outcast".
But I'm also a virgin, and I have never had a girlfriend. And it turns out that's the only thing that counts: My virginity means that, in society's view, I'm a pathetic loser and I'm defective as a man. My virginity is something that I'm supposed to be deeply embarrassed and ashamed about. My virginity supposedly demonstrates that there's something seriously wrong with me that makes me totally unfit to be a boyfriend or husband. Society tells me that, as a virginal freak, I have no right to inflict my freakiness on a woman by asking her out on a date, and that it's unfair of me to try to pass myself off as being "normal" in at attempt to cheat women into dating me.
Jow Forums isn't really about outcasts. It's about how fucked up society is.
>I am 35, and I have had quite a bit of success in my life: I'm well-educated, intelligent, very responsible, professionally successful, and financially secure. My life goal is to find a woman who I can be loyal to, and to build a loving and stable family with. The last thing people think when they look at me is that I'm an "outcast".
same user, everything is fine except nogf. my fear is disease. I randomly discover normies who went crazy with sluts all have some incurable sexual disease with outbreaks every few months, always on the medication. to get practice you might get diseases, nobody wants to take a blood test it ruins spontaneous drunken sex.
The difference is we don't stop being lonely once we ask someone out.
Even If I had a gf I would never be able to connect with her.
>If you are lonely why don't just ask a girl out?
I'm not attracted to women in a sexual way anymore. If I asked one out she'd expect me to sleep with her and be into her, which I can't deliver on. At the same time, I'm possessive and disgusted by the thought of letting someone else fuck her.
There are two chubby women who I occasionally cuddle, one of whom is into me playing with her tits, but neither of them want to be together permanently. Both of them have sexual hangups - they're into crazy BDSM stuff with their boyfriends, and come to me when they need someone who's safe, reliable, and emotionally dulled. They don't fill the hole.
The loneliness for a lot of Jow Forums comes from a general alienation from other people. It's like you're standing on a stage with a bunch of actors, they've all memorised the script, you have no idea what you're supposed to say, and the director keeps getting mad at you for fucking up your lines. It's not just women, it's everything: friends don't stay in touch, family are never happy with you, good employers never call you back, normal women reject you with their body language every time you take public transport, and you're left wondering how the hell the normies know what to say. When you're in the pit, the advice that works for the people who are running free in the jungle above you just doesn't apply.
So I'm a 30y/o basement dweller, I live at my moms flat. My hobbies are fending off suicidal thoughts by jacking off to anime and playing vidya. Wanna hang out?
Pretty much this, but I'm not really "wasting my life", since I am building my career. It's just I'm doing so by socializing with as few people as possible.
alot of women also still live with their parents or wish they did because real estate is so expensive
living with your parents isn't a dealbreaker, you can turn it into a boon by mentioning how much money you have saved up by not flushing it down the rent toilet
the emphasis was not on "live with my mom" but on "am basement dweller". It's not about what I have, but about what I am.
Prior to socially enforced monogamy only ~10% of males were able to procreate. Long term relationships were only for the leaders of the tribe who often had more woman at the same time.
Due to the sexual revolution, e.g the weakening of socially enforced monogamy, society is now moving back to this sort of mechanic.
90% of divorces are handed in by woman. The sexual market is getting harder to compete in, for men and woman alike. Women however have gotten the easier role in this because they dont have to play the proactive role in finding a mate.
To make it short. I dont have the traits or body to be attractive to any woman im intrested in dating.
No i dont want a stacy, but i dont want a beefcake either.
The only reason you think it's so easy is that your female (less used to rejection), you your self never have to face endless rejection like any robot who does try, and you feel the need to appeal to past events without akowledging data that it's always been a small 30 - 40% pool of males that get accepted to have children.
Kek, all these desperate autists thinking they could get insider tips and how to score and none has gotten a single real response.
You've got to be joking. If you're a female visitor you already know the answer to that question.
Would you accept advances from a robot?
why not tell him that??
Wherw should I ask?
The city I live in is about 70% male in the relevant age group.
Hell be fine though I wont
>mentioning how much money you have saved up by not flushing it down the rent toilet
But I blow all my money paying rent to my parents, paying off student loans, and buying liquor, weed, and videogames.