Looks good, I like to take aromasin during my pct, seems to help alot so might get more of that. Might want more Nolvadex just incase you get gyno during the cycle and need extra.
Chase Sullivan
Nathaniel Brown
I know what website that is. I'm calling the cops on you
Cameron Cooper
okay yea you're right, better safe than sorry.
I'll get more nolvadex
Aiden Ward
so post cycle you take aromasin, nolvadex, and hcg?
also I just realized that 20000IU worth of HCG won't be enough for a 12-15 cycle + post cycle.
I'll need to order more of that
Adrian Reyes
Wtf, i need this site now!
Charles Richardson
I take clomid, Nolva, aromasin during pct. Never tried HCG, I bounce back really well without it but I get the allure of it
Jaxon Edwards
Any reason you're not doing clomid?
Henry Richardson
apparently it's not worth the harsher sides and the reading I've done basically said it's unnecessary for short cycles. (Nolvadex will be enough)
If you're doing a really long cycle or blasting and cruising then taking clomid becomes more necessary for PCT
Dominic Gray
Don’t do 250mg. That’s barely fucking natty levels bro. Do 500
Isaiah Harris
250 mg twice a week is 500
Christian Gomez
this I'm doing 500mg/week bro
Gavin Cruz
I'm having doubts about the HCG.
The price is fine but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle of pinning every 2 days.
Has anyone run a basic cycle with/without HCG? How was it during cycle without HCG compared to with?
Grayson Brown
>500mg of test a week up your game, twink
Josiah Robinson
op the hcg dose ur talking about is a joke, you sure you can handle that many under skin injections? because its retarded and if you can why not run test pro instead of enanthate?
dont decide how much arimidex you need before getting on the gear.... it may be too much, it may not be enough... you may not even need it.. desu you prob wont.
also same with the nolva... honestly you prob wont need it if you insist on running so much hcg... also you know about waiting 2-3 weeks after the last injection before starting pct right?
honestly.... dont even bother
Landon Gray
It was uncommon to run HCG on cycle and instead PCT only for 16-20 days. It makes a lot of sense to run on cycle- minimizing testicular atrophy should allow for a more rapid rebound of natural test production.
There's been discussion of high levels of HCG eventually down regulating receptor sensitivity but I've never seen evidence of this in humans. FWIW I've seen clinical studies tiny-dicked boys and hypogonadism adults run 1000-2000IU three times a week (3000-6000 iu a week) for a year with minimal ill effects (actually bigger penis and testicles). One or two in a group of ?20? got bitch totally but that's probably from not running an anti-estrogen with skyhigh testosterone levels.
Xavier Davis
Anyways so my point is you COULD run hcg on-cycle or only post and you'll probably be fine either way. Maybe start in the final two weeks of your cycle?
Hunter Parker
I wish gear was this cheap in my country.
James Howard
bro, it's my first cycle and I've been reading a lot to try and educate myself. I'm aware that I might not need those specific doses of aromasin/nolvadex, but that's just the guidelines I'll use if I notice any gyno symptoms.
You clearly know more than me so please just guide me if you can/want to.
Should I only take HCG for PCT? I'd rather not do it on-cycle if I don't have to but fuark I really wish I knew someone IRL with actual experience.
I'm scared bro but I also realize I gotta take the leap at some point. I wasted years of lifting natty with shit tier test levels
Jaxson Torres
138 got 3 vials of test. Jesus Christ I should just turn in my Natty card, I spend more than that on energy drinks.
Josiah Perry
Is that in USD?
Samuel Howard
I had no frauding was so cheap.
Jeremiah Murphy
That guy is too experienced to remember how scary the first time was. I overprepped like you too. Didn't need most of it but better safe than sorry bro.
Only recommendation I have is to get Finasteride in case your hair thins. Assuming you have hair.
Those are reasonable prices for USD. I'd guess AUSD would be more expensive because everything is more expensive over there.
Baby fraud thread? Baby fraud thread. I'm shocked how much of an alpha feel I've been getting on my first cycle. Every day is like my "best me". They should prescribe this shit to cure depression srs
Just be aware of your genetics. I did a cycle with a bro. I always had a shitty hairline and larger nipples. After cycle and fucking up the PCT it turned into a worse hairline and mild gyno. My bro had acne as a teen. On cycle he got bad back acne. DONT CyCLE UNLESS YOU HAVE PCT INFRONT OF YOU. Don’t leave till last minute.
Liam Johnson
Kayden Cooper
should I just get on finasteride from day 1 of starting the cycle or should I wait until I start to notice hairloss?
Luis Wright
Lol fuck no. Things like dht blockers, dopamine agonists and even aromatise inhibitors should only be used when absolutely. Granted most people need ai. Do masTs hair stack; keto shampoo, saw palmetto and pumkin seed oil and keep fin as a last resort
Gabriel Torres
Absolutely necessary*
David Russell
okay, I'll keep finasteride or rogaine on hand in case I experience hairloss