Is a fit body+ a mustache a look that's in style? I really wanna try it this winter.
>the chad stache
>the virgin jawlet “beard”
Is a fit body+ a mustache a look that's in style? I really wanna try it this winter.
>the chad stache
>the virgin jawlet “beard”
It will do wonders for your last rep face
>in style
everythings ,,in'' if u look good with it
Bugez has the Chevron, which is probably the manliest stache. I have a Sam Elliott type stache which I need to fix asap
Goal body and goal stache right here
>tfw my moustache grows more or less straight outward from my face
how do I train for better stache posture?
Conditioner and perhaps stache wax. you may just need to wait until it grows out more as well.
It does what
cute cumming face
I feel like I MIGHT could do a stache if I was post cut, but the chubby cheeks and thick lips really dont help, and the stache is just a bit too thin imo. I'm in luck though, I'm only 22 and I've got the small pre-hairs starting to fill the under-lip
You too queer
Always in style
>he fell for the training legs meme
fuark. mirin stache and quads
Nice. Bit more shoulders though
Do you want the moustache on or off?
O-off p-please...
Too bad
absolutely based physique and moustache jelly
Fellas give some moustache advice? How do I make it grow faster/thicker? Except minoxidil what else can I use? Does eucalypt oil help?
what do you think of pajeets
What does that have to do with anything
How old are you bro? Looking good but hard to tell age
I think your beard grows about a foot too low.
because you have the pajeet mustache
Bitch lasagna
>Is a fit body+ a mustache a look that's in style?
You haven't seen mine. Not yet
roided out muhammed
Post your stache /goals/
mirin everything
Stats/lifts/stack? pls respond
Moustaches are cute if you like doing this halfway. It can't compete with a full beard though.
no my face would have to be 150% rounder
Major Armstrong?
Rate and hate pls
Compliment accepted
I've been brushing mine with a stiff toothbrush.
your height starts with the number in the back doesn't it haha
>can grow a mustache no problem
>can't grow a beard because hair grows unevenly and it looks bad
Do I just go for the stash Jow Forums? What are some good stash haircut combos?
women hate it, I don't think they are joking
full beard is for fags
mustache is patrician
Natural thot repellent
>Can't grow thick facial hair
Will this change as I get older? What else can I do? I want a fucking nice mustache
Fuckin beautiful moustache right there
>Women hate it, men can't resist
>Check out this one simple trick
I get more reps since growing out the stache
The biggest thing is make sure that you really can't grow facial hair. You might be like I used to be.
I would grow for a couple of weeks, notice some patches, get insecure, and shave. You really need to grow it out for a minimum of two months before you can fairly appraise it, unless you're super barren.
Way to cover up the one part of your face that the whole thread is about
only real goal
That body hair and those terrible chin genetics make me wanna puke
Big beards aren't cool unless you have longer hair. You literally look like every basedboy hipster everyone dislikes
I don't wanna look like this faggot
Change your haircut and work arms.
I hope this a pic from google
>t. Literal Jelly Faggot.
I had a sick mustache and goatee for a while.
Beard oil / balm + proper beard brush did the trick for me
>leg drahve
Shave the other parts dude.
This may actually be the case. Though it isn't necessarily patchy I don't think, or even that the hairs are too wispy. There just isn't a lot of places the hair is growing from I guess? I dunno for sure. Sometime I'll have to give it a shot. Is there any way to make my facial hair grow faster? And I'm curious, how did yours end up looking after letting it grow for so long? Was it some worthwhile facial hair or just better than before, but still kind of meh?
You look like a sisterfucker
Biotin makes a big difference after 2ish weeks (atleast for me). Like precious commenter said; let it grow. Make sure you're gettin enough exercise, which is assume you are since you're on Jow Forums lel. But srsly, let it grow. Know some people who tried minoxidil and had decent results. Obviously make sure your test levels are where they need to be
>tiny jaw
>smol face
>big pompous hipster haircut
Your head is an inverted pyramid of proportions. Gotta respek dem digis tho.
This is the ultimate facial hair
If you're only 18 you still have many years before all beard hair comes in. Usually new hairs stop popping up around 25. When I was 18 I only had neck beard, I'm 22 now and have ok-ish facial hair. Just waiting on my stash to finish filling out so I can go full Caville mode. Stash and stubble is the best combo imo.
This guy gets it.
>facial hair over 7mm getting too thick and uncontrollable
>coverage looks shit unless it's over 7mm
I've tried beard oil and a comb but still nothing.
Thanks user, I will look into those. What all difference do you notice with/without biotin? I def do get exercise, though during the winter months a little less.
Thanks user, this gives me hope. Also idk if it matters, but I don't think I really have "stubble" yet. It takes a few days for it to feel really rough when rubbed against the grain. My father has it though.
>stash and stubble
I feel you. I can hardly imagine what I'd look like with such godly facial hair though. Perhaps with enough biotin, and a few more years, my dreams can finally come true.
GL on the stache user
whats with his chin jealous retard?
i hear grandfather himself say "you look like a bum"
Fuckin oath, currently rocking this, working in security. Haven't had any problems with troublemakers.
This post was made by STACHE GANG.
6 million/10
wow, Einstein was jacked when young
if you really wanna look like a pedo
You unironically look like you enjoy getting diddled
Shit hair and legs
Good mustache and upper body except arms
Fuck dude those are some impressive thighs
this nigger is still around lmao
Share your leg routine pls? Natty?
These are my goals as far as haircut as well as stache desu.
Time to bulk user, and make sure to comb your hair properly (aka not have a "xd bedhead" or you'll just look like a hipster).
Congratulations on your abs insertions though, that's really fortunate.
Even Bane was rocking the stache beneath the mask
first of, grow it out, hair in general can only be "modelled" after certain lenght. While it grows, always comb it to the way you want it with a fine tooth comb (you can either push the hairs to the side like handlebar or you can push the hairs straight down like nigel mansell) and after certain lenght you can start applying some wax (no need for fancy shit, can even be homemade), this constant combing and waxing will train your mustache and after a while, your 'stache will naturally get to the way you trained it to be.
Leave a comb in your computer desk or wherever you spend time, as you watch some video or movie or whatever, comb it every now and then
every 50+ year old here, including my father, has that stache or some variation of it
baseado rivelino
>goal 'stache
does this look like it grow into anything not 100% cringeworthy lads?
all i want is a stache fuck this beard genetic
>be 21
>have the body of a 40 year old
It’s not so bad, the ladies called me daddy
Also trimmed my chest and snail trail, will be growing out my facial hair
Basedboy mode
Mirin. Movember or forever stache?
Trip on, Based trapbrah
Why do you always post face? Aren’t you afraid you’ll be recognised?
Change haircut and you’ll look good
>implying women know what they want
how often are these legs gonna get posted here? and in a ´stache thread this time? yeah they are big but come on bro.
weird body indeed mang but I bet you look joocy with a tshirt on
Nice herpes, fagola
I have no chest
I think that’s the problem
knew i shouldn't have eaten your mother