>tfw someone calls me “big guy”
Tfw someone calls me “big guy”
>someone says "big guy"
>think "for you"
>actually say it
>everyone looks at you like youre retarded
>tfw you’ve been Jow Forums since high school but after 6 years of complements you still haven’t found a better response than “thanks”
>"How's it going big guy?"
6’5 lankfuck
People call me “big guy” as well
Feels patronizing :(
With that self-pity I'm surprised everybody doesn't call you faggot
No one has called me big or said “you got bigger/buff user” with the exception of a 5’6”-5’7” turbo manlet, a lanky 5’9” dude with abs, a handful of females and family members
Who are you expecting to say it then?
>tfw younger brother mires
>tellls all his friends how big his big bro is
This is it Jow Forums, this is what it’s all about
Aw is baby upset about something? Did you get your nap today?
>tfw have a big bro who’s been doing GOMAD and gaining pure fat
>me and my friends laugh out asses off making fun of him
>Ask my big bro if he can show off his nonexistent muscles to my friends
>he flexes for us as we hold back tears
>sext his GF later
>come downstairs shirtless for water after some pushups
>mom on laptop in kitchen
>they stop and look at me
>mom goes "WOW user you're huge"
Feels good man
They are calling you fat OP.
You been doing gomad haven't you?
They weren't talking to you fatty.
Stop being so self-centered
did you fuck your mom
Thanks for fucking with my esteem guys I’d rather just lie to myself
More like this
>hey user looking big as ever bro
>thanks man
>damn user you’re huge
>haha thanks
I’ve said this for so long it’s become like a knee jerk response
>be me
>on the couch, half-watching a football game
>wife is in chair reading
>announcer says "player so-and-so is a big guy"
>from behind wife's book hear "for you" in passable bane voice
Bane, scoobs, Arnold, fuck anyone big
Not him but I want to :(
>Walk out of mall
"Hercules Hercules Hercules" from random car
Wife that bitch.