It was the first serious relationship for both of us, and we’re actually talking again. But I don’t understand why she called cops back then. Now she wants me to apologize for crying outside her apartment. What did I do wrong? I’m can’t understand her perspective. She’s shy and introverted, if that helps.
This happens with continually immature people. They're scared of facing their own perceived "failures" and the consequences of their actions, so they remove the source. It's why they so easily cut people from their life. If it's ignored, it doesn't exist.
Nolan Torres
>were actually talking again
stop this. immediately
Justin Roberts
Holy shit... this sounds true, but idk it sounds so sinister and biased. Like, I know I acted too emotional, but I was completely blindsided. I don’t understand why she can’t see that from my perspective. It’s not like I had a gun going to rob her place up. I feel like if I were in her position I’d be understanding of how emotional it was for both of us and just let it go. She also accused me of stalking her because she saw me eating in the same cafeteria on campus as her. Smh
Tyler Gutierrez
You can't apologize for crying, out of your control. Try and focus on your goals outside your ex to build your self-esteem or she will constantly kick when you are down cause she senses your dependency and is fucking with you.
Michael Ramirez
He can apologise for showing up outside her fucking apartment though in a vain attempt to emotionally guilt trip her into taking him back.
You're fucking pathetic user. A real fucking munsen.
Levi Morgan
I’m trying to see if anyone here can agree with her perspective. Thanks for the suggestions though.
Evan James
Then why is she back with me again?! We still have feelings for each other.
Jaxson Reed
Because you're a fucking leech who leeches all of her will and life out of her. She can no longer muster the strength to fight you off. You've worn her down and now she will live out a miserable existence resenting you for what you've done to her. She doesn't love you, she just doesn't have the will anymore to say no
Zachary Gomez
She’s the one who initiated getting back with me. I think this is too far off base.
Joshua Phillips
So what exactly is your fucking issue? That she wants you to apologise for being a fucking creep crying outside her place?
Anthony Ross
Your explanation doesn’t match with reality. If I’m a leech, creep, etc why would she want to get back? Why would she say she still have for me? What I want to understand is why is it so important to her that I apologize for getting cops called on me...
Christopher Cook
She blames me for getting cops called on me, blames me for stalking her (we ate at the same cafeteria on campus, like wtf am I supposed to not eat?), says it’s not right to act so emotional
Jacob Moore
>crying in front of a woman Just end it jesus, her perception of you is now weak and pathetic. Things will never ever be the same, and if you apologize that just confirms it in her mind. >t. cried in front of ex before we broke up
Justin Rodriguez
You're a fucking mong and she will leave you again soon. If you can't see how creepy you were being then there is no hope
Grayson Perez
Dude get off your delusional manly high horse. Pretty sure crying in front of female is the least of concerns. She’s not your “alpha bro” who casts you out the rank for crying. That’s retarded
Christopher Gomez
Please explain how that’s creepy, seriously. Why can’t you see that it’s an excusable form of being emotional? Like I’ll never reach that level of emotional stress in my life again.
Carson Miller
Alpha bros don't cast you aside for crying. If they do then they were never your bro. They understand that the pressure of being alpha all the time can get too much and sometimes even the most alpha just can't hold it anymore.
Women though see it as weakness and why would they want weak genetics shit inside their womb
Brandon Bell
Because you went and stood outside her fucking house crying your eyes out like some pathetic creep. You're like the cunts who send pics of themselves crying to girls who don't want them. It's fucking pathetic and creepy as fuck. You're coming a cross as a stereotypical nice guy. Get a fucking grip of yourself user
Tyler King
She wants to use you and cultivate in you a feeling of being subordinate to her so you'll always do what she says like a slave. Find someone else.
Sorry this makes 0 sense outside of 4channel and your redpill subleddit Ok you’re totally off base now lol
John Lopez
You both seem pretty autistic.
Bentley Johnson
Lol sure I’ll give you that
Logan Davis
Cut all contact and used your desire to be with her to better yourself to a point where you don't need her. Distract yourself by learning pick up some books learn a trade or hobby.
Jacob Cooper
Sigh thanks for the usual fit advice, but what I’m looking for is understanding a different perspective
Anthony Sanders
thats the only perspective that matters and the fact that you don't get it completely explains why you went to her house and cried at her door step like a bitch
This, you're a bitch user, worse of all, you're her bitch
Thomas Morris
stop being a bitch you faggot. its pathetic, be a man and let it go.
Charles Harris
np mate its important to have people around you that tell you how it is
Evan Gomez
What is this horse shit... forgot about her, move on, go lift.
Jonathan Rivera
It ain't fit advice it's the advice of someone who also just got out of a long relationship
Juan Hernandez
This is the most pathetic fucking post I've ever fucking read in my goddamn time on this shit site. People in general hate others who are needy, especially women. Wisen up retard. The more you try to be with her, the less she'll want to be with you. Vice versa
Cameron Thompson
Good lord man, what are you doing? Have some damned self-respect. Go do some deadlifts right now. I don't know you, but you're willing to come on this fucking board, so I know you are better than this.
Brother, I just got out of a 2 year long relationship, and towards the end she saw me at my absolute worst. I was emotional, crying, coming up with all sorts of ways we could fix things, but none of it mattered. Her perception of you is fucked. It's not even about the crying, because women love men who can show emotion. A breakup just does something to a man that women find unattractive in every capacity. No matter if you tried to get back together (my ex and I did, we fucked and things didn't get better), it wouldn't matter because there will always be that context of her seeing you at your absolute worst. You have an opportunity to take a step back, reshape yourself into something better, and then try to date again. Do that before getting back with her. Do that before dating again. When you're dating someone for a long time you get stuck and don't grow as a person. I've experienced more personal growth in the last 2 months single than I have in the last 2 years with my ex. You'll feel more confident than you have ever felt, and if you still love her, then you can try something again.
Brody Hill
>thanks for letting me know >it wouldn't matter because there will always be that context of her seeing you at your absolute worst Tbh I don't think this matters as long as the differences are reconcilable. I'm fine and all seriously. I'm just here looking for articulated perspectives that are similar to hers to understand and learn.
Camden Stewart
I appreciate your reply though. Obviously the whole self-improvement thing goes without saying. That's not what I'm looking for here though. Anyways good luck to you man. Again, my opinion is that it's only a matter of time until your significant other sees your absolute worst. Whether they can still live with it or not is the question. Obviously it didn't work out in our cases, but that's OK. Take what you learned about yourself through this experience and grow.