What are you thoughts on ironic weebs?

what are you thoughts on ironic weebs?

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Normalfag cancer.


Most are pretty cringe, and I really dont use that word lightly. Hurr durr anime bad nuke japan xDDD was funny in 2013.

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Is that Kirinodere? I had to unfollow her a month ago. Her whole "L-Look how much of a weeb I am xD" shtick got super old fast. Not sure why she has like 31k followers. All her Tweets are bland as shit.

It's either "Oh no I overslept" with an anime reaction image or her taking a picture of her cum-covered Kirino nendoroid on some business trip her dad probably paid for.

normalfags, all of them.

most weebs hang out on /jp/ or /a/ anyways, definitely not here. to be a legitimate weeb you probably have to have some merchandise like dakis or shit like that. i don't think many people would ironically buy dakis, but maybe the state of the world is worse than i realize

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This, nothing else needs to be said.

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Ironic isnt the best word, more like attention seeking

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They're insufferable. I had a female co-worker that was a huge ironic week and would always go on about how much of a "weeb" she was. She had only seen about 5-10 series of anime (all of which were the most entry level of entry level). She also started taking jap in college and styled her hair in a jap way and went to a local anime con.

Bet you that girl was swarmed on the daily by weeb orbiters who thought she was some kind of gift from the heavens.

Was she?

you forgot the ahegao shirt

What animes even exist outside of these and even more normalfag shit like cowboy bebop/studio ghibli/naruto/etc? Im genuinely only ever exposed to this stuff and dont know how to find good stuff besides other decent surface-level anime (Lain, etc.)

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>Not sure why she has 31k followers
Because she's a female acting like stereotypical neckbeard weeb. These guys see her and think "she's just like me!!"

It's disgusting when people become surface level "fans" of something and care more about flaunting their membership to its community rather than just enjoying the hobby itself. It's obvious they really want to socialize but they have no personality so they just hide behind the same stale anime memes so they can feel a connection to some other fuck on Twitter or whatever.

Not at work at least. She did have a bf though.

they even did that pretentious ass thing where you draw scribbles of the colors used. like people need references for the same 5 pack whiteboard markers everyone uses.

lain is surface level?

you want like that fucking obscure shit ?

i doubt you have even seen a fraction of the good surface level stuff yet why you want to go deep

>What animes

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figures a kirinofag would be a pedophile

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At least she's not showing herself in every pic like a roastie

at least he can actually draw anime...

Buying a bunch of merchandise does not make you a weeb you vapid fuck. Understanding a subculture takes way more than what you are letting on. Subcultures are a frame of mind at the start and the lifestyle develops with it (typically speaking)

But I enjoyed some of that stuff, do I have to end myself now?

don't compare us to kirinofags.

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Same way I feel about anyone who proudly boasts about having an "ironic" interest in something.
"Uh durrrr I love this thing ironically!!"
No you're just way too into having this air of cool detachment towards everything and you're too scared to admit that you might actually have a genuine interest towards something, faggot.

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Maybe not surface level, but close to it imo. I find it fairly frequently discussed among Internet weeb circles.

Ironic weebs are easily the most annoying people on the internet

Where's Konosuba? Ironic weebs absolutely love that shit.

What's ironic in the attached picture though?
Maybe he's just a pedo? Did you consider that, normalfag?

Were mid 00s weebs really better?

You forget the: "Top 10 Anime..." on something that isn't anime comments, those people know how to run a joke to the ground.

And because she us female no one will care when she ruins her sisters life

Ironic weeb would the knock off of his fotm waifu on alibaba and take ironic selfies instead of paying 12k moonbucks for the real deal and masturbating with it alone in his studio apartment

Basically older seasonal shows everyone's forgotten about because they have a sub-7.5 MAL score.

The whole point of being an ironic weeb is that you purposely seek out shit-tier shows so you can circlejerk about how bad your taste is.

How fucking dare you include Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid in that list.

>implying hentai is only for ironic weebs
>implying ironic weebs even know how to get past the panda

Tomoko is enjoyed by all. Most ironic weebs only watch a couple shows at most anyways

Actually, most normies can't stand it for how "cringy" it is in the first place.

There is nothing ironic about this person's interest in anime. They are clearly genuine in their enjoyment. They might have shit taste, they might be a casual, but they are not being ironic. People keep saying "ironic weebs" when they really just mean casuals, secondaries, and posers.

This individual right here understands what an ironic weeb is.

>Anime is uncountable