>They have some biological effects in mammals when orally ingested, and have been called by some researchers as "behaving similar to anabolic steroids putatively without the androgenic effect"
>Additionally, they seem to have a wide variety of side-effects that are deemed as healthy. Ecdysteroids can lower cholesterol and blood glucose, are seen as healthy for the liver and intestines by increasing protein synthesis rates, and may have protective effects on neural tissue.
>The good news is that unlike recreational steroids, which can cause aggression, breast growth in men, loss of libido, baldness, masculine features in women, hardening of the arteries, and liver damage, this plant’s side effects are mild. In fact, its effects are similar to other basic supplement formulas.
>Increase protein synthesis by 20%
Before the disinfo shills come into the thread remember that this shit has been scientifically proven.

Attached: turkesterone.png (303x249, 206K)

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The real question is where you can actually buy some in bulk

Compared to what? Not eating? Lel.

20% compared to control group.

This. OP give a sauce you faggot.

OP here. I’m not a shill for a specific company but I heard Tonvara and E-bol are the best ways to get it. As for sources


Oh wow the latest meme supplement

>Science is a meme

Selling shit that hasn't been shown to produce gains in humans is a meme.

I jumped right on the MK-2866 and RAD140 and became the first person to sell to the public after I saw the phase II clinical trial data.

We don't have that so fuck off

Except there have been studies done on humans.



What is your company?

sure but nobody sells pure tukesterone so who cares

You have to buy it unpure but it's not like it matters. Pure turk would cost too much.

The reason Turk is so (relatively) expensive ($80 for a two month supply) is because it all comes from a single country. I wonder how hard it would be for someone to get Turk seeds and harvest their own.

If anyone was wondering why Insects are so fucking strong for their body mass it's because they are filled with this stuff. If a human could somehow get their hands onto pounds of this stuff they could theoretically be a fucking super hero.
How expensive are the other Ecdy? Turk isn't the only one even if it is the best one.

is this why the ottomans were so powerful?

Yes. And it's why Africans run so fast since bugs have Turk in them.

I ordered a bottle of what I think is the real shit in pill form. So I guess I'll see if it has any noticeable effect taken orally

Imagine if we ever can genetically modify humans to produce insect hormones

Fucking kek

Holy fuck. One test showed a 60% increase in muscle vs the control group. Sign me the fuck up.
What does it take to isolate this shit and turn it into a pill? I sense a business opportunity.