Anyone else kinda like being a virgin? I feel like a pure special snowflake and shit

Anyone else kinda like being a virgin? I feel like a pure special snowflake and shit.

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It gives me some kind of perverse satisfaction knowing I'm among an ever-shrinking minority.

Virginity is actually a good thing, once you lose it you're soiled goods forever.
But u shouldn't feel like u should keep it either, like umm you'll regret it if you waste a chance to have sex and then never get a chance again, y'know?
I just don't wanna be responsible for that.

Attached: HatobaTsugu42.jpg (858x1200, 82K)

virgin gang assemble

absolutely. Sex is for fags and shit anyway

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>But u shouldn't feel like u should keep it either, like umm you'll regret it if you waste a chance to have sex and then never get a chance again, y'know?
Stop typing like a faggot

Yes. I feel superior to used up weaklings.

While I don't enjoy the loneliness, I do enjoy that I have no immediate need for a relationship and therefore no pressure, which feels nice. Well, until the loneliness crushes me.

The virgin not-a-virgin versus the chad virgin

>But u shouldn't feel like u should keep it either,
>like umm
> you'll regret it if you waste a chance to have sex and then never get a chance again,

Stop spreading lies you little devil. Nobody is going to regret staying a pure virgin

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