Why does every normie npc claim to be 'depressed' these days?

Why does every normie npc claim to be 'depressed' these days?

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Because some diagnosed people get attention and care they need. So npcs just make up a mental disorder or disease so they can feel special

For the same reason they all have tattoos: to be special.

This and the world is so shit even npcs are sensing something is off

Because our society is so fucked that they really do have depression

because they are all basically feminized and women

>tfw clinical depression and adhd
>tfw parents dont believe in mental disorders and always give me shit for being lazy and not paying any attention whatsoever

getting care and attention my dick I just wanna be fucking normal or just plain dead

then kys faggot

what do spoiled westerners actually have to be depressed about, you objectively have great lives better than almost everybody in human history

most people in the west work soulless 9-5 drone jobs that they hate and contribute absolutely nothing tangible to society. human beings are just animals and it is not in our nature to live like this.

Also why should we be happy with having ""great lives""? There is nothing inherently great about being able to sit around on a computer all the time because it isn't fulfilling in any way. Again, we're just biological organisms, and biology doesn't give a fuck about how many smartphones you own.

>muh biology!
npc talk, it's all in your head

Easy way to get a day off work. "Mental Health" is all the rage. Bosses don't want to seem like dicks when people call in due to "anxiety" and "depression". My roommate used to do it all the time. Would go out to lunch, get stoned and drunk and then play video games. Tell them the next day he went to the GP to talk about his "problems".

Deep within their programming they realize that the society they are living in is a gross perversion of the natural state of the humanity. The world is being flipped on its head and people forced to suppress and subvert their natural inclinations.
Anyone with a soul can adapt and still find nature and life, but for NPCs there is no hope.

Medical weed yo

>spoiled westerners
It's not the 1960's anymore. That's the boomer generation. They pissed it all away.

People my age, in my country, will;
A. Never retire
B. Work some of the longest hours in the world
C. Will never have families
D. Will never own a home
The only good thing is the relative lack of violence and corruption.

That's why there's probably a bit of depression and weirdness going around (and why there are a lot of political upsets happening) - Westerners are seeing their standard of living sliding rapidly backwards and it's very uncomfortable.

You're just another dumbfuck pajeet who thinks he would be happy if he was just a fat, rich american like in the hollywood movies. But if you won le BIG AMERICAN LOTTERY tomorrow you would quickly discover that happiness doesn't come from material things.

I'm American, dumbass
How often have you gone without food and shelter, user?

Im not a Usa faggot user. Im a thirld worlder piece of trash. Sure, im more pampered than my other third worlders since i have internet, its nice to be in the frying pan instead of in the fire.
Normies act the same here or in murica.

It's funny that you bring that up because that was an argument used to justify slavery in the 1850's.

>Without food
Many times. It's often a choice between food or rent.
I'll never have permanent shelter because I'll never own my own home. I've slept in my car numerous times and also motels. If you can't find shelter, that's not poverty, that's just extreme retardation.

And that's all while working - unlike lazy pajeets and chans who don't have food or shelter but get to sit on their ass all day long enjoying the scenery.

>Many times. It's often a choice between food or rent.
yes, this must be a common decision for the average 300lb american

>I'm American, dumbass
>How often have you gone without food and shelter, user?
Do you even know what you're arguing anymore? Food and shelter are the most basic fucking things. How is having access to mere food and shelter a trait unique to rich western society? Are you arguing that simply having access to those two things should be enough to make you content in life?

>in shape
>have decent job
>have several friends
>go out on weekends
>easily charm girls
>still suicidally depressed

Don't shut me out, robots.

I'm not American and I weigh 163lbs.

Also there are fat people all over. America isn't even closest to the fattest country, and the fattest countries are also well below the global poverty line (like fucking Samoa). Because they don't have jobs and just sit around on their fat nigger asses eating and drinking all day.

>Food and shelter are the most basic fucking things.
you should try going without them for awhile, it would do wonders for your entitled complex

y is everyone being so mean

Attached: idiidd.jpg (500x464, 32K)

itt: NPCs blaming their mental weakness on 'society' when they are responsible for their own health and happiness

Wrong site plebbit nigger

I see. So you really aren't interested in having an intelligent discussion. You never were making a real argument. You're just offended by thought that people who have more than you could be just as unhappy as you. You don't want rich people in your special little "IM SAD" club.

>doesn't see how fucked up society is
>calls other people NPCs

Fucking hate those cunts. On virtually any 9gag post you'll seee 5 people joking how depressed they are. Go fuck yourself.

>doesn't see how fucked up society is
Just because something isn't perfect for your specific desires it doesn't mean it is fucked up, you self-awareness lacking NPC fool

I'd happily go without them if faggots would let me sleep in public parks. But they arrest you and harass you.