What's the next logical step for me in the fetish pyramid if I'm kinda getting tired of trap porn after a few years...

What's the next logical step for me in the fetish pyramid if I'm kinda getting tired of trap porn after a few years? Sissy hypno videos are kinda good, but I'm still not comfortable with masturbating to the thought of sucking male cocks.

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Have you tried getting a girlfriend and having normal sex her while paying attention to feedback from her so that you aren't simply acting out fantasies on her but instead interacting with another human being to create mutual love and lust that carries you towards a happy life as a father and grandfather with a loving family and peaceful long life?

After traps, I personally went straight to vanilla stuff like kissing and hand-holding. Since porn is fake as shit, it doesn't pull off those things very well, so I am exclusively into hmanga, especially /u/.

Oh, my dear friend, I'm glad you asked.
I went from that to this 2 years ago.
It ain't easy being a freak.

the next step is to become the sissy

the next logical step is underaged girls forced to eat live insects

Go back to vanilla stuff or just go downhill full degenerate and become the gf. After a while you'll be back to traps and dumb shit like that. Also alternate between Text, Hentai and Porn for a longer fetish experience.

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What kind of faggoty as shit is this?

Yup Op it's already too late you are slipping fast

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You either go homo, or your tastes reset to vanilla and begin to go more degenerate once again, i call this the degeneracy cycle. I have it, i start from vanilla and end up in some more degenerate shit like futas and then it resets back to vanilla.

>then it resets back to vanilla.
How long does this take?

>What's the next logical step for me in the fetish pyramid
After fapping to trap porn for a long time Im finally going to order hormones, a chastity cage and panties of the internet.

If you dont want to be a tranny in the future you better stop now

It varies, depends on how much i fap and how long of a break i have. The longer the break the faster if goes back to vanilla, usually it just happens. Also makes nuts feel way better.

The most degenerate point lasted only for like an hour last time, after that it quickly reset to vanilla.

Do buttholes ever go back to looking regular after getting plowed with penises all the time?

pregnant traps/femboy

sauce on the image?


I think her name was Tropicana from Canada-Tgirl.com

turn back while you still can OP

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dont know her name but she's in the video "sissy crush" on pornhub

How did that poster know so much about becoming a tranny?

have a bloody guess mate

Im in step 5, am I at the point of no return?

Man, I wish I had the time, disposable income, and mental energy to indulge in this kind of thing. I've tried a few times in the past, but eventually life seems to get in the way.

woah that sounds hot have you tried this?

What the fuck? I can't tell if the person who wrote that thought they were being insightful or if it was just something they wrote while fapping themselves.

I want this, maybe without the father/grandfather part, but I'm too autistic and too turned off by most modern girls to get it. Wouldn't you know, most of the girls I want are already in relationships, probably because the same qualities I want from them are similar from other guys as well and a non-autistic, well socially adjusted guy already locked her up.

Man, I really wish I could fuck that ass. It's completely prime.