>doctor told me I need to get some hobbies to stop binge eating
>my only hobbies besides lifting are watching movies, playing vidya, and other similar passive activities
>my only "active" hobby is shitposting on Jow Forums, but I couldn't very well tell him that
Doctor told me I need to get some hobbies to stop binge eating
Other urls found in this thread:
Try some martial arts, and other fit activities
Do you go to school? Enroll in one class that interests you at your closest community college. Buy a cheap camera and talk walks around your town trying to take interesting pictures. You don't have to do something time intensive like learning to play an instrument if you're not into it.
Who gives a fuck what your doctor said? Doctors don't know shit.
I stopped binge eating by not eating at all for two days. It will train your mind that hunger is bullshit because you have energy reserves left.
I mean he's probably right that if you're engaged with something that prevents you from eating when you do it you'll probably binge eat less.
You could play basketball, camp, hunt, fish
Get a motorbike and a project car. There goes all your money and time.
ride a bike outside retard while listening to podcasts or audiobooks
Martial Arts, running, sking/snowboarding, golf, lifting, all hobbies of mine I recommend. I need to stop with vidya, movies, etc. too and pick up more books
get into woodworking and self-sufficiency
>tfw log cabin exterior is finished
all by my own hands. feels good man
you eat food for a dopamine rush
you're addicted to the dopamine, not the food
other more healthy sources of dopamine:
>eating more protein
>personal achievement
i should take my own advice i fall for the dopamine jew a lot myself.
PC gaming is a good hobby.
Building your own custom PC is fine.
I even built my own case, you can do a lot of tinkering and made fun shit.
You gay though so nevermind.
Building PCs for a hobby is gay. Do something fun like building cars.
No, gays are for low iq bogans and wogs
Anyway it’s not the 90s anymore, nobody mods cars these days besides fringe low iq bogans and wogs stuck in the past
This. Doctors cause more problems than they solve.
t. caught sharon sucking wog cock in a vl turbo
Yeah nah get fucked. There's heaps of stuff to mod cars with, were literally in an automotive golden age.
Look at this fucking bolt on sequential shifter for the T56. Don't even have to get under the car to install it.
List all the activities that sound interesting to you, even the dumb ones
Language course, martial art, working out, dance class, learn a new instrument
Do it all at least so you know what you wanna do and don't
Fill up your time with so much shit you forget to eat
>bolt-on sequential shifter
what the fug
Just converts the H pattern to sequential probably using some mechanical wizardry. Looks fun as fuck and seems like it'd still be good for DD'ing
I binge on milk (2+ gallons a day when I binge). What's wrong with me?