I'm 36. I looked closer to Schwarzenegger, though, but smaller.
Post body.
Well, now I look closer to Chris Chan.
I look pretty fucking badass
pics or lies
I'm 27 and look like right with more height
kill me
You look like the full moon emoji. I have been fat but I never bloatmaxed. Do you lift or just randomly decided to come to Jow Forums?
God I wish that were me
God I wish that were me
here. I was doing a CAPTCHA for at least 10 iterations for at least 30 seconds.
would you have sex with me if I appeared naked behind you? You can only say yes or no
wtf why? are you a faggot? why would you say no to free sex
>what will you look like at age 27
I remember saving this when I was 25. I'm fucking turning 31 in a few months now. Fuck.
Me at 36
I'm probably gonna kill myself before then man. I'm 18 and I can barely handle this shit I'm so ugly and a virgin.
user... I,,,,,
Nigga I'm 5 foot 4 and I got laid no problem. Your issue is that you are too afraid to actually talk to girls. They are people just like you. Don't worry about having to fill out a giant fucking checklist like Jow Forums tells you. Jow Forums is just male Tumblr that strawmans(or strawwomans) an entire gender and completely ignores the individual. You wouldn't want a girl to stereotype you right? In addition if it is love you are after then it can only come from an individual. Just get Jow Forums and be a nice person and actually socialize and someone will eventually like you. That said don't make the same mistake a lot of young guys make. Don't fall in love with the idea of being in love. Make sure you actually know the person. Don't fall in love with the image of them in your head and don't judge a book by its cover. You don't know someone until you really know them. There's more to life than relationships and ooga booga where the pussy at. Sex isn't even that great. Look up sex and shame by Stanhope. It doesn't feel much different than masturbating. Sex isn't rocket science either you dont need to base your confidence on trivial shit. Examine yourself and your insecurities and why you act and think the way you do.,watch 500 days of summer and make sure you understand it. Make sure you think for yourself and dont let this place influence you too much. You should probably learn some critical thinking akd take a logic course and read some philosophy. Does it not make sense that life is a series of choices and thus one must first make sure they have good decision making skills?
Damn thank you man that post really knocked some sense into me. I've been so fixated on shit I can't control that I've neglected all the good things in my life that I can influence.
np best of luck mate look like Arnold not like CWC but most importantly do what makes you happy with no afterthought aside from care for others