I don't get morning wood. Test levels are fine. Wat do?

I don't get morning wood. Test levels are fine. Wat do?

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disgusting fatty

I only get morning wood because I need to piss badly when I wake up

Define normal.
If your levels are 550+ and free test is also 12-15 or higher, your real main ssue would be that you need to hang around women more, do motivating stuff to stimulate your dopamine, engage with chicks, try to tinder it up if you’re gl enough to

Go on with the rest of your day?

You check these sweet quads and in 2019 you'll find a gf that'll suck your morning wood dry.

sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs

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stop floggin the dolphin so much


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You have to do a manual reset every once in a while

I could almost feel it, user...

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He meant 2018

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You might need spironolactone to fix your test levels.

I'm deep in no fap and am occasionally hit with porn on Jow Forums
I've been consistently pissing semen every single time I go the bathroom.
I always end up with a slight case of blue balls and get a semi after.

The fuck is going on?

How do you know that youre pissing semen?

I can't believe she is so fat and yet she is a 10/10 wtf I would date her and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE fat people

if the lower end of average are fine then you've got a problem cuckboi

I take a piss
I look down
I'm leaking or in a few cases shooting white goo into the toilet.
Happens every damned time.

Don’t you inspect your piss before throwing it to the bathroom?

Waste of a good face.

>The fuck is going on?
your body is telling you that your balls are full and need relief

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This is exactly me, I don’t know why I bothered with nofap November, I stopped watching porn ages ago and I had someone to FUCCat the start of the month.

>tfw flushing the toilet an extra one or two times to get rid of the film of cuum from the water

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Why god

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>pissing cum
jesus fucking christ. maybe go to a doctor

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I guess...I'm going thot slaying.

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Jow Forums BTFO

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Well fuck

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but i always have to pee badly when i wake up

Based Blaha Beholds Big Booty Brappers


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You may be getting wood throughout the night while sleeping, I'll sometimes wake up at 3am with a raging boner but not always when my alarm goes in the mornings


Jokes on you, I didn't want one anyway haha.

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Thanks for trying.

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Who dafuq wants this

I've been flirting with some of the chicks who work in the mall i work in, and since starting to actually engage with them, my dick will spontaneously start to half-harden. it especially happens when I think about one of the chicks i'm really after. I've also noticed that I am less hungry and my muscles have seemed to become more defined since surrounding myself with these mall chicks. shit is cash m8, just talk to one and the rest start lining up.


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C’mon man

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could be the quality of your sleep

Dude... what the fuck did I just witness
What is in the fuck that .gif dude
I'm so retarded can you explain it

Maybe in 2020, brehs

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Watch the raunchiest porn you can find, watch an entire scene or whatever but don't whack off. Then go to sleep.
By the next week you will wake up every morning with a goddamn tent between your legs.
Also, don't jerk off as often. Twice a week at most, and never on consecutive days.

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Retard. Don’t do this op, you will fuck your dopamine receptors even harder, edging is worse than just finishing.

Stop watching porn, jerk off once a week. That’s it, you’ll have morning wood in a month.

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dubs and I get a gf
trips and we all gonna make it physically
quad and everyone gets a gf
single and I kill myself

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goodbye annon

In 2013 The Natty Deer lied to me. Since then I have no hope

pathetic. Update your GET script

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Dubs and user is saved from death and gets a gf

Dubs and user kills himself by suicide bombing his country's parliament.

DHT is more important for sex drive, did you test for that? Are you taking finasteride?

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Dubs and this malicious user gets the love of his life 10/10 with perfect and permaclean pusy that tastes like strawberry creme and then loses her to a car accident 3 months later

OMG i fucking love fat chicks and i cant help it. After i stopped fapping and porn something changed. Im basically fucked coz i have the skinniest gf ever and now im into fatties. what do?

Oh, no. NO

You know what to do.

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>malicious user
I just wanted him to achieve something

It’s okay I didn’t get dubs anyway


Haha I never wanted one anyways lol

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Its not like i had a chance anyway

pp hard

I want to impregnate her

Succubus syndrome. You need to eat more garlic.

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breh im 16 days in and my dick keeps leaking cum, is this normal?

If your bladder is extended, having to pee too much, just like having to take a huge shit or getting fucked by a huge dick can make you go soft

Lol my english is bad and i didnt understand

Fat people deserve the rope, but theyll probably break it.

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Here, user. Take mine. Your willingness to sacrifice has inspired me.



Reverse search dude. That said, don't read what she says along with the pictures she seems like one of those "everyone is beautiful no matter how big" people who just refuse to acknowledge that they're fat and could do with losing even a little weight.


I tried to reverse search and it just says "woman" and shows a bunch of random bikini girls. I live in Austria btw so I'm not sure if the ISP changes search results.

holy shit why is this so attractive

It's really not
She has so much fat that you would have trouble having sex because her rolls would be in the way
Do you want that user?