Want to start training oly lifts

>want to start training oly lifts
>scared will look like a dyel
How do you swallow your pride and fight the embarrassment of learning a new movement?

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Grow up and realize no one cares what you're doing at the gym

I just pay a personal trainer when I'm not sure what I'm doing

I work 70 hours a week and I spend my money however I want

So I guess the poetic way to say it would be "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

The more truthful way to say it would be "Wanna look like a faggot forever? Keep doing nothing nerd."

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I can barely afford a gym membership let alone a pt and aren't oly trainers significantly more expensive?

> scared to look like you don't know what you're doing
You get good at something by doing it.

take begginer oly classes, nobody has a clue what they are doing
that's nice honey

You stop being afraid of being embarrassed. Unless someone comes over and starts giving you a wedgie or gets you kicked out of the gym, it doesn't matter at all if something thinks you're a weak, worthless baby. You'll feel bad about it, but you did what you needed to do. And you're going to do it again no matter how embarrassed you get.

Any exercise and movement you want to do can be found on YouTube.

The hardest part about exercise is knowing your own body, and no trainer can do that for you. You have to learn the difference between being "sore" and "pain."

Nobody fucking cares about you. So just do it if you want to.

Start out with just the bar. People will just think you're doing form drills.

Also literally no one cares

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have a list of cues and tick them off in your head before/during the movement. watch a lot of people doing the movement that have similar proportions to you. Dont set your expectations high (your not going to be a chinese weighlifter in a day. Most importantly aim for little goals outside of weight every day. this could be anywhere from speed goals to technique goals.

also FILM YOURSELF. analyse the footage see what you could be doing better. however dont compare yourself to others especially elite athletes. only post form checks when your doing near 100%, no one likes a 20kg snatch form check video.

Like a PT can snatch let alone teach you to snatch
Try a weightlifting gym


Im a married man and I still watch anime on the treadmill

poor bait

S-source on OP pic?

big plus one to this

Best advicd itt

i really, really, really like this image

weightlifting is a waste of time

>70h per week
I'd rather just be poor

Why does this look like someone photoshopped a boys head on there?

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This. Best advice I ever got.

Get a yob


I've been doing power cleans ever since I caught up on Rip's book. I then downloaded Greg Everett's Oly WL book, and have been having a shit ton of fun doing the stuff. I'm getting better and better, and would say I'm getting pretty decent results even though I'd never seen a trainer to learn this stuff.
Revisit the stuff in the books, you relearn and practice methods, and try to pay attention to the details. Once you can afford it, or have the time for it, or opportunity (like in my case), go for a few lessons.

>I'd rather just be on benefits

Tom boys still look girly just with short hair. I think the artists maybe just sucks at faces

Probably. Not like the rest is particularly detailed either though

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