>One chance at life
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
One chance at life
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because jews run the world
You can restore it by stretching what's left of your foreskin.
>be born in prison island
>parents are jewish
>I'm not circumcised
Laughing at you goys
>the only other people who practice circumcision routinely are jews and muslims
Not true, plenty of traditional peoples do it, usually in a much more gruesome fashion.
based /his/+Jow Forums crossposter
Sorry m80, you lost a lot of nerve endings, you don't get them back
One of the few times I feel lucky for being Latin American
The other one is not having to go to war
You can still restore coverage which will eventually reverse keratinization and restore glans sensitivity and make freeballing much more comfortable
the disembodied foreskins are sold for obscene amounts of money for anti-aging cosmetics R&D, to a degree that research showing the procedure is traumatic and causes permanent brain damage is suppressed by hospitals
Fuck jews
how uncouth.
If you lose your arm stretching your skin won’t mean you grew a new arm, retard
This. It's stipulated in the talmud that their slaves must also be circumcised.
So glad my parents didn't have me mutilated.
But living in a South American country is like being at war all year round
An arm Container bones, muscles, tendons etc.
It is o“nly“ skin missing. Skin can easily be stretched. Don‘t be so dismissive about it, do your research.
Maybe that’s even the reason we have so much violence, we lack external threats and are over emotional
Contains *
A pity about the nerves that don't grow back
>Dad thinks he is redpilled
>Still circumcised his son 25 years ago
fuck my shit up senpai
this is such bullshit. wanking post-circumcision feels just as good as wanking pre-circumcision.
Not true. I was circumcised 8 years ago and now my glans is keratinized, sensitivity has gone down a lot. That‘s why I am restoring, which definitely helps.
There are some parts on the body that just are supposed to be protected and kept wet, like the eyes, inside our mouths and vaginas.
The glans is no exception here.
for once the answer is unironically Judaism
I have been retaining for a month and masturbation/sex feels a lot better.
Why does it matter? This is a non issue for anyone who isn't insecure.
Yeah, mutilating the genitals of an infant that cant consent... complete non issue... kek. Ur jus insecure xd.
Because it has no medical benefit, has serious risks associated with it and permanently damages a man's sexuality.
bump for redpills
As much as my cut dick is still a powerful piece of equipment that I'm pretty satisfied with overall, I still see the practice as barbaric and feel like I'm taking crazy-pills all over again every time I review the facts.
Your life isn't over if you're cut (and I'll still take cut over small and move on with my life) but you still shouldn't do it to your kid. No debate, it shouldn't even be legal to snip newborns.
>still love to fap and had a problem wanking too much.
you fags are real pussies. maybe you did need to go through the pain as a baby.
at the end of the day, the difference is aesthetic. and womens preferences depends on what theyre used to
You will get e.d. in your 30s when the glans develop thick dead skin and you can't feel anything anymore
But by all means continue believing there's nothing wrong with having your genitals mutilated in a way which we know for a fact substantially reduces sexual function and pleasure
Nobody itt said circumcision would lessen the urge to masturbate.
If you were cut as a baby, how can you make a statement regarding the difference if you started fapping at a point when your glans was long keratinized?
How could you know, you never had a chance to try uncircumcised dick. Science says that your nerve endings are severly damaged so logically you don't feel as much as person who never had his dick cut.
yes, thats why every dude who was circumcised gets ED in their 30s. oh right, they dont. my father had my younger brother in his 30s.
i dont have a problem cumming either.
kek, if its so great than im sure every person with intact foreskin must have premature ejaculation since im completely satisfied with the pleasure i get and the time it takes for me to cum.
if i had the choice, i probably wouldnt be circumcised because im not a religious fag, but i really doubt theres any difference and you guys are just crybabies. there is more of a chance of the doctors messing up so i agree there isnt much point in doing it.
People who have restored their foreskins have described a massive increase in pleasure and sexual function
Circumcision's purpose is to lower a man's pleasure from sex. Exactly the same reason for female circumcision.
>Delusional cut-fag cope.
It's literally mutilation. An old barbaric jew practice that has no place in the modern world.
No one should be allowed to mutilate infants and children... also for the same reason that you can't fuck them; they cannot consent. Nor is there any medical reason to do so. You bat-shit crazy americucks aren't even doing it for religious reasons... Just out of senseless arbitrary retardation. A child is not a piece of property that you can do anything with, it's an individual that should have the right to make the decision themselves when they're at the age of consent and not be forcefully mutilated by their moronic parents. Why on Earth do any parent obsess over their child's dick to the point of mutilating it? It's twisted pedophilia.
Cutting off thousands of sensitive nerve endings, risk infection, risk permanent nerve-damage and pain, horrible scarring ("aesthetic" my ass, lol. Cope more), cause a dried up keratinized and way less sensitive glans for life (the fact that you can have your glans rub against the underwear all day without feeling discomfort says a lot), and a plethora of other shit.
The right-wing party in Norway recently wanted this shit banned (mostly due to all the immigrants doing it to their children) because it's an obvious violation of children's rights and that it should be their own decision to make once they're able to consent at the age of 15. Logical to everyone with common-sense.
But the retarded left and socialist parties voted against that because "muh mooslems and joos's religious freeduhm". Completely neglecting children's rights and THEIR right to religious freedom.
>Mutilate them while they're young, goys. That way, they won't complain about something they never got to experience and have.
Fun fact: Circumcision wasn't common in South Korea until the US got there with their jew "fashion" degeneracy and fucked it up. Good goys.