Are drugs the only way for true robots to find happiness?

Are drugs the only way for true robots to find happiness?

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yes of course.
or just living off the grid away from all of humanity.

Real robots don't do drugs recreationally.

Yeah they don't do it recreationally they do it to avoid killing themselves or others

until they start to take a toll on your health its great

that and masturbation, yeah

That's the best part, fun way to commit suicide

I'm high right now lol

drugs are for non-robots

I want to start smoking ciggies, am 18 and live in retard state so thats a nogo until later

real robots are too inept to even do something as simple as obtain drugs

>I want to start smoking ciggies

Don't do it senpai it's not worth it.

for me its a win win, I want to die, and I want something to casually smoke without having to spend an obscene amount of money on weed

they wear off and then you feel worse

weed works i guess because you can keep yourself in a haze for months on end without serious adverse effects

You'll just end up spending money on cigs instead.

No, robots need genuine human contact and love to find happiness. However, by definition they'll never get that, so they find the next best thing. I don't think its unreasonable to say that it's drugs.

True, but cigs are still cheaper

as far as i can tell? yes. if they make me stop doing drugs somehow, i question whether i would at all want to live.

its not unreasonable at all. the next best thing, it is drugs.

i choose both (por que no los dos?

its really not worth it, try harder stuff

>only way to find happiness
yes and no
>true happiness
certainly no

drugs get you closer to happiness but one of the defining characteristics of a robot is his irreversible predisposition to failure in everything.

that being said, the heroin is coming on strong now, its getting harder to type and holy shit I certainly feel happier than I do at virtually every moment that I dont use it. God damn its good to be back taking dope again. It feels as though I've just come home from a long arduous journey to a cozy warm cabin, greeted by a qt gf who loves me and we cuddle under a soft NEET blanket

How much are you spending on weed? Cigarettes will definitely be much more expensive in the long run, especially if you get addicted. When you start smoking half a pack a day or more is when it really adds up and takes a significant toll on your day to day life. You mentioned wanting to die, which is the reason I picked up smoking. But breathing harder, losing taste buds, and constantly smelling like shit is an annoyance while alive, and lung cancer isn't a peaceful way to go either.

If you can handle moderation, cigs can be great though. I only do one or two at most a day. Feels great and gives me something to look forward to.

I have, I was using heroin and Speed back in HS and it was for sure enjoyable somehow didn't get addicted. For me there is something special about that lightning up and smoking a joint, or a cigarette, just the ritual of it

Rn not spending that much on weed, I was just using it as a reference point for pricing bought bulk DXM (around a kilo) from china a while back and have been using that to keep my mind gone since its so cheap. I've been getting the urge to smoke something lately though, I feel like cigs would be more affordable than weed. you're right though shit does have side effects, knowing myself i wouldn't smoke in moderation I'm a bit torn.

holy fuck i'm typing like a schizo

Yooo same bro

true robots don't do drugs. They are too wise for that.

drugs are for normies who want to stay in the mindset of a moody teenager instead of growing up mentally.

ayyyyyy fuck lmao

No just fags like you

The best thing I could prob hope for is to find drug connect and soon after OD. This whole life thing is joke around and grind until Jesus comes back or death.

>implying robots find any joy in drug use

Buy them online and you'll also not have to pay ridiculous taxes.

don't you have to have a normie mind to enjoy drugs? Last time i checked drugs just make robots go mentally insane.

All the drugs I've ever tried I either got at a pharmacy (non-prescription drugs like DPH and DXM) or ordered online with no social contact involved. This "you need crazy social connections to get drugs" meme needs to die, it's the current year. Every friendless loser like me can get ecstasy, 2cb and ghb delivered straight to his mom's basement.

That's how it seems. Drugs seem to magnify emotions which isn't a good thing for people who usually feel few or generally negative emotions.

It's not about dying. Cigarettes damage your body so that your time alive is even worse.

can I order some even in shithole like eastern EU ?

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