Should i keep cutting?

Ive lost 5kg but still belly fat so no abs visible. Im thinking of losing another 5 kg atleast. Then i will be 65 kg. Thats in the middle of bmi recomendation. Ive gotten some muscle while cutting but could be muscle memory mostly. I have mild scoliosis so perma pelvic tilt/lordosis.

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WTF is with all these cutting twinks, you would think we're on a board for anorexic girls

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im aiming for nice lean body then get size to shoulders, arms and chest. then slow lean gaining/maintaining

SS and GOMAD.stop wasting your time

idk why you're cutting when you have no muscle to get cut for

If you've got no muscle definition, you shouldn't cut(unless you're a lardass). You're not going to have well defined abs even at 12%.

its still fat i have to cut at some point, so id rather cut first, then lean gain and get a healthy long lasting diet from it.

I don't believe that even you think something so stupid makes sense.

if i have like 5kg of fat and start building muscle on top of that. it will 5+ whatever number of fat i put on making muscle

based ignoring all conventional wisdom poster

i have a fucked up left knee so cant squat big, left hand shorter so cant deadlift with a balance. so im trying this way

Just fucking lift heavy ass shit and clean bulk

You stop your cut when you can clearly see your abs. No point in bulkan' otherwise

Hey OP

I was built like you. I ignored Jow Forums's delusions and cut to a HEALTHY BF% before anything else, despite being dyel.

For 6-12 months you will look like shit regardless of the direction you choose -- if you bulk you'll be a lardass who's not even strong yet. If you cut you'll look like a meth head for a bit. However, cutting will objectively make you HEALTHIER whereas bulking will be bad for you and could stretch your skin.

Every skinnyfat guy's first step should be to CUT dilligently until ~12% bf. Then do a short bulk back up to 15%. Then cut AGAIN down to 10%. Then bulk to 12%. Then cut and bulk between 8 and 12% forever.

There's the formula. If you listen to fit and bulk now you will regret it.

i was thinkin of doing 2 day fasts every month

Holy fuck the natural body is disgusting.

>fasting 2 days a month
2 day fast every month? Make it 2 day fast every week at the very least. If you work start your fast on Friday 1pm after lunch and end it monday morning or on lunch if you feel ok or if you're feeling lucky start the fast Thursday midday till Monday midday or on breakfast.

Remember the snake juice to up your electrolytes because you don't want passing out on your job.

Almost look like me if I hide my belly

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keep going. lose all that nasty fat and then lift big.

was more bloated with the 5 kg. your cep is bigger than mine

i meant for the maintain levels when ive cut enough. use it for cleansing mostly.