A whole generation of American kids just learned that you can rape and face no consequences if you paint yourself as...

A whole generation of American kids just learned that you can rape and face no consequences if you paint yourself as the victim.

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and it's beautiful
fuck you orignal

Take your politics and GTFO.

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But he didnt rape anyone. He was tried, investigated by the FBI and found not guilty.

Simply coming forward and saying something happened without evidence does not make it a crime you stupid cunt.

Burden of proof lies with the prosecution and they failed. End of story. Justice system works.

big fucking facts right here

nice reddit spacing you fucking NAZI FAGGOT >>Jow Forums FUCK OFF

>you fucking NAZI FAGGOT >>Jow Forums FUCK OFF

Stay mad you fucking kike SJW hahahahaha

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Norman detected, only chad runs with muh feelings as a proper course of judicial action.

r9k is a Jow Forums board.

>Not original lol

based and red pilled

blue pilled and cucked

kids learned theres still some justice in this hysteria

mfw when i can rape now

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I'm pretty sure literally no one who supported this learned that. At best a whole generation of leftists "learned" that. Maybe that's why so many male feminists go on to rape and assault girls? The right just plain didn't think he did it, there's literally no evidence.

he doesnt look chadly enough to get away with it
he looks like a dental hygenist or something

>He was tried, investigated by the FBI and found not guilty.

The investigation actively ignored people willing to be interviewed as witnesses. I'm not saying he's guilty, but they basically did something for 4 days, we don't know what because they won't release the result for some reason and senators are not allowed to discuss the contents.

Senator Warren has said that the investigation was "sharply limited" and that "the available documents contradict statements Mr. Kavanaugh made under oath."


A week ago they were learning not to get caught, what's the difference?

justice is a rich man's game. always has been and always will be

>people defending a roastie whore
>people defending an ultra chad who was a football star

>we don't know what because they won't release the result for some reason and senators are not allowed to discuss the contents.

Umm yeah because they arent allowed to release the contents of federal investigation. For obvious reasons. Are you high?

Ofcourse leftists and dems will say it wasnt a proper ivnesitgation because they didnt get the result they wanted. If he was found guiolty theyde be saying it was a perfect investigation. Face it YOU LOSE, AGAIN!

No one wants liberalism, leftism, SJW, feminism or BLM bullshit. You cant beat Trump. Hes gona win again.

The more you fucks try and oust him the more people you drive to the right.

>Umm yeah because they arent allowed to release the contents of federal investigation. For obvious reasons. Are you high?
What obvious reasons? Why aren't senators allowed to comment?
Comey released a public memo when the Clinton investigation concluded. Why can't they do that here?

A generation of kids now think you are guilty until proven innocent and can condemn a man without evidence thanks to dumb leftists that is greedy for power.

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He was pretty chad back in his day. Usually I wouldnt side with a chad but if I have to choose between a chad a roastie Ide take the chad.

No a generation of men will be too scared to have sex with a female because theres a chance in 30 years she'll say you raped her without proof and ruin your life.

So do you have proof that he's a rapist OP? Or are u just crying like every other fucking retarded leftist kike without evidence just because he's an evil white male? seriously fucking kill yourself.

the best part about this whole circus are these insignificant losers that come out of the woodwork from their pathetic useless lives that suddenly care about women and rape but really they're just mad that someone trump endorsed won


The problem isn't whether or not he committed the crime, botched investigation aside, but how he reacted to the allegations.

His childish lashing of the democrats and his feeble emotional outburst are unbecoming of someone who will sit on the SUPREME FUCKING COURT FOR LIFE.

Get your head out of Trumps ass and back into reality.

>So do you have proof that he's a rapist OP?
~we don't know because the FBI won't release a statement on the investigation and senators aren't allowed to comment

Supreme Court Justice Boof

where's the proof

honestly we need more rapist in our government, they know how to treat woman.

Actually a whole generation of kids learned that in America you are innocent of any crime until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubts in court. OP is a cock gargling faggot

>The problem isn't whether or not he committed the crime, botched investigation aside, but how he reacted to the allegations.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Leftists scraping the bottom of the barrel. Next youll say the tie he wore didnt match his lapels.


so, what's next for her?


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>muh chilluns
>muh rape
>muh whyte male privilege
>muh soggy knee
GTFO, normalscum

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>Leftists scraping the bottom of the barrel. Next youll say the tie he wore didnt match his lapels.
Perjury is a pretty serious crime. If you weren't 12 years old, you might remember that Clinton was impeached over it.

>noone the accuser said was a firsthand account knew wtf she was talking about
>"lets listen to people who werent there"

Shes probably already dead and being buried somewhere.

>you shouldn't be judged by something you did when you were 17
>oh my god i had sex when i was 17 and pregnant, and i can't get an abortion because i need to be responsible for my actions

conservs are actually that fucking braindead

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>man shows emotion because his entire character gets assassinated over false rape charges
>this means he's unfit for the job

I know this is bait but I still cant help but reply.

hehe we got our faggot rapist that cries in public elected to the highest court but that isn't enough for me because this is all about winning and losing. i actually keep my dick tucked between my deli-flap sized thighs and believe jews control the media!!! haha im so fucking pathetic i actually can't show my face in the sunlight!

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>he uses the yikes meme
It's just another word for cringe normalniggers use.

95% basedbrain retard cuckoid

100% buzzword simptard.

imagine being so mad about something that you literally cannot change in any way whatsoever that you do the equivalent of this except less funny or interesting

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the triggered normies on this board recently are hilarious

i've seen retarded comments like this on zuccbook. idiot leftists saying kavanaugh was being "defensive" compared to ford during the investigation. yeah, that's because his livelihood was on the line. people charged with crimes tend to act defensively. another cunt i'm friends with shared some status update that said that there was ONE definition of "devil's triangle" and that that definition has apparently not changed since 1982. this cunt is an english teacher and she's basically saying "devil's triangle" means one thing. liberals are too emotional so they shut their brains off when they find facts that they don't like.

she'll be hired to speak on making up rape allegations at college campuses nationwide. i mean hired to speak just about her role in all this, not about whatever her research is about. she'll probably pen some "what happened" shit book too

nah she'll end up on BLACKED degenerates love that shit

btw kill all the kikes and niggers HH420


I hate rape accusations but Kavs confirmation show elitist chads can get away with anything and its fucking infuriating

did it show that? maybe it also showed a little of bit of "the girl who cried rape", no? women have betrayed the public trust a bit.

I think you mean that they learned that if you want to ruin someone's life, you have to have evidence.

He means sieg heil and pass the bong

Don't worry user BASED hilldawg will bluepill him and make drumpflestiltskin walk the gangplank using LOGIC AND REASON
Shrek saged this dreck