>Compare Randy Stair to 140 IQ Edmund Kemper
>Then compare him to 100 IQ Eric Harris
>Then compare him to 126 IQ Timothy Mcveigh
>See that the level of internalized thought is the same in both Mcveigh and Stair
>Can tell through using empathy how they are thinking in their photographs
>Realize Randy Stair, the supermarket mass shooter, had a 125 IQ

Go ahead and see for yourself

Attached: StairMcveigh.png (932x677, 881K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Okay but why should I care about anything you just posted?

It's fun to see how smart the people that do stupid shit are. Nothing more

Memes aside, acting like IQ is the only thing that matters is stupid. Low EQ would be a reason why nigh iq people do dumb shit.

>thinking a tranny faggot wanting to be with his cartoon waifu had 125 iq
What the fuck are you smoking.

I smoke my HRT, why are you asking.

btw Im gay in case that somehow matters

It sounds insane, but if you look into both of their eyes, you'll find intelligence.

thatd be great because im dumb as a brick myself lol

Can you really tell people's intelligence from their eyes?

Yes. All intelligence is is how connected you are to the world and yourself.

This is Andrew Gillum

Attached: Andrew Gillum.jpg (696x465, 45K)

I don't need to have seen your eyes to tell your IQ is two-digit.

Here he is next to a random white man.

Look deep into their mind and try and see past their facial expressions. You can see the level of thought they engage existence on.

Attached: corey-adam-with-andrew-gillum.jpg (3200x1680, 396K)

There are only so many expressions you can make with your eyes though

It's not an expression.
It's a solid repetition.

People think on one level most of the time, and, yes, it fluctuates depending on health, but the IQ range is still observable if you have empathy to see what others are thinking.

At all times, Andrew Gillum is a constant 75-100 IQ and no higher than that. You will see that IQ in his level of thought in all of his photos.

Imagine being this much a of a literal deranged mentally ill faggot that you not only consider 125 IQ to be "smart" enough to even mention but trying to compare the IQ of serial killers to teenagers on depression/tranny meds having a hissy fit and thinking it means anything.

wtf is ur problem lol

Im disappointed that not only have you not yet been bullied to the point of suicide but your parents still allow you to stay up so late.

>Depression medication

Fluid IQ peaks at 18

>Im disappointed that not only have you not yet been bullied to the point of suicide but your parents still allow you to stay up so late.
that gave me a boner, keep bullying me pls

What point are you even trying to get at retard?

Hey just letting you know. If you even do make it College/Uni you're not only wasting mommy and daddies money but people tend to stare funny at the fags trying to pretend to be girls

Randy Stair is just really fucking depressing to think about. I listened to the audio files he left behind in his final Twitter posts for at least 4 hours, and hearing him ramble about his tranny struggles and how much he wanted to suck Dylan Klebold's dick or whatever made me pity him even more. He was just another delusional white dude with a God complex.

>What point are you trying to get at

You're not smart enough to see it right off the bat. You're not worth engaging with.

Also, look at this guy's school photo lmao. Stuart Little looking ass

Attached: 2702191.jpg (700x1003, 109K)

Looks like one of my elementary school friends

Please, id love to try and see you explain how murdering kids and classmates and fluid intelligence go hand in hand. Murdering kids isnt some solution and your shitty pseudo psychology just outs you as more as a fucking idiot.

>as more as

You have problems holding words in your head.

It's not your fault.
Your IQ is at least 100 though

Source on Harris or McVeigh? And are you just hypothesizing on Stair?

You need to do cardiovascular exercises, drink water daily, and eat right (1 a day vitamin) to bring your IQ to your genetic potential

I'm hypothesizing on Harris, but he did score an average IQ score on his marine entrance exam, so there is evidence he was mentally average.

And you can see it through eyes that Dylan Klebold is smarter than Harris (In fact they cut Kebold's brain out and it weighed 1500 grams, which is more than one standard deviation away from the white male norm)

Stair is just pure hypothesizing.
I think he had an IQ of about 120 (somewhat below Mcveigh), but when I compare Stair to Harris, it's obvious Stair is brighter.

Well since you dodged the question twice and clearly forced yourself into the slow kid corner i'll just let you know i won the argument. In real life you can't dodge questions without people calling you out on it and making you look stupid, try and remember that when you're struggling to live without your parents help.

There's nothing to dodge.
I'm disengaging from you. Your brain is slow. It's probably fucked-up because of how you live.

Do this

Interesting about the brain (I checked the autopsy reports just to be sure).
I was wondering why they didn't have the mass of Eric's brain and then I remembered that most of it was on that bookshelf.

You're just making generalizations based on their physical appearance and holding them to different standards to satisfy the accuracy of your generalization.

I hold no one to a different standard on the basis of IQ score.

I use IQ as a measuring tape to give the levels of thinking a number and nothing more. It's not prejudiced or biased.

It's just what's there.
I am as impartial as possible.

t. palm-reading gypsy

Can you like google the average IQ bell curve for humans and please tell me where 125 lies on that?

If you were impartial you would not be using an outdated and baseless metric that tests people ability to take a test. If you in 2018 actually consider IQ tests to be an "impartial" and "unbiased" way of generalizing people (which you're and have been doing) then you are honestly beyond help.

Keep watching your psychic TV shows and believing in mystic energies.

Fuck off super nigger, 125 is above average on your insignifiant test and higher then any black man will ever get.

It's 95th percentile.

It's about 1 in 21 whites (Who are IQ 100)


I'm a firm believer that the average person can raise their IQ by 10 points through living healthily though, so I'd say and IQ score of 125 is achievable to about 1 in 6

>IQ tests your ability to take a test and nothing more

No. It measures exponentially more than that.
It's a snapshot of how a human being solves problems and thinks. There's a natural intelligence distribution as there is a natural distribution of height.

You are fighting against reality when you say IQ tests don't mean anything.

This is just the community nigger larp name. Anyone can use it. Guess I left it on default. Anyway here's an image dunno if it's accurate

Attached: main-qimg-dbe363156288dc812fd2e3e9e824caca.png (602x345, 174K)

Kek Africa fucking btfo

Its a measure of how a human being takes a standardized test in a controlled environment based off of outdated studies. Thats it, and there's a reason no "intelectual" puts any faith into that garbage.

T. African
sorry ur dumb.

T. Big dicked Italian Canadian

Get fucked dumbass


>Outdated studies

The studies aren't outdated.
When you see something that's real, it never changes. It's like discovering gravity, but it's more in your face than that.

Even the Khoisan believe in natural differences in intelligence. Low IQ means you've got a higher chance of poverty, prison, out-of-wedlock birth, and early mortality. All of these things can be tied back to intelligence.

>125 IQ is smart

Attached: 1533693886441.jpg (1024x1024, 91K)

Sorry I seemed to have wrote that in my second language by mistake. You speak two languages right user? It's a sign of inte(l)igence, a big one at that.

You bringing your lil Italian sausage into this without prompt reeks of insecurity

Im extremely confident about two things in life, one is my ability to stay awake for days and the other is my penis size. Stay mad dicklet.

What even is this thread trying to say? This is literally babble. Yes, high IQ tends to correlate with many serial killers - people with higher IQs have a higher tendency towards mental illness. IQ alone will not get you through life happily.

>High IQ = mental illness

No it doesn't.
It means mental stability more than anything else

I see through you like fucking glass bitch nigger kys

>125 IQ
>Used an inferior murder weapon compared to his peers
>Went in with virtually no plan
>Went in with virtually no practice
>Barely managed to kill two people and himself

He's not even in the same league as anyone else you mentioned in the OP. He's barely on par with average gangster street thug. Only thing he didn't fail at was suicide.

Only thing you can see is giant cock faggot

>Went in with no plan

No. He had a solid plan and he executed it with perfection. He let one live.

This is what he wrote like:


He had above average intelligence.
Most people I've met IRL can't think like this.

these threads makes one stupider by the second

No, it quite literally doesn't.


High intelligence people tend to be more neurotic than lower intelligence people. It's why, for example, there are more white and asian serial killers than black serial killers (speaking on a proportional basis), and why there are so many intelligent people who are straight up socially inept or challenged in other ways.

uhm that's typical 14 year old blog post garbage

is that what passes as "high IQ" nowadays? fuck off.

This is basic high school level writing, and writing has pretty much nothing to do with IQ. Are you a retard or just aspergers?

all you're seeing is canthal tilt you delusional mongs
positive canthal tilt = perceived as intelligent
negative canthal tilt = perceived as dumb

>Writing has nothing to do with IQ

It has everything to do with IQ.
It is direct expression of thought. Word choice reflects how strong a grasp a person has of ideas.

Listen to an interview with 140 IQ Edmund Kemper, and it's obvious that his intelligence is in every word he chooses.


>This is basic high-school level writing

The issue is I've been in high-school

I've seen how the stupid and average process information. Even though it's not particularly impressive writing, it is still above the white mental norm. You probably read your friends papers, and your friends were probably intelligent.

I've read papers from Mexicans.
Their IQ is 90. That number is reflected in their thought processes and writings. They have a surface understanding of existence itself, and, by extension, a surface understanding of themselves.

No. You're staring at the wrong part of the photograph.

You must engage your inner empathy when you stare into someones eyes. You have to put yourself into that persons shoes and really think about how they're thinking. Then you will know how smart they are.

It's almost not visual at all.

Elliot Rodger wrote better than this. At least his stories could make you feel something, even if only amused.
What is your purpose in arguing for Randy's intelligence? Especially now that you're comparing him to Mexicans as if that's much of a standard to begin with.

>Implying shooters aren't based ethically entrepreneurial intellectuals

It's not much of a standard, but it's only 10 points below 100.

I'm just arguing to get to the truth.
I am fascinated by what hes done.

I can't tell if he was a mental high average or just average. I don't believe Randy was inclined to entertain. He was more one to bleed.

>I don't believe Randy was inclined to entertain.
What do you mean? He spent his life trying to be a big youtuber and animator. If anything, he killed to entertain. Yet Rodger still did more damage than him.

When he wasn't trying to entertain, he was a neurotic. Rodger entertained because he was low self-esteem and half asiatic, so he thought about the reader as he wrote.

The IQ test routinely is used in non scientific ways. You can just look at all the people who claim an IQ above 160 as proof of that, seeing as a number that high has no basis in fact at all.

Furthermore for certain categories the questions it asks depend upon the taker to have been exposed to certain topics while in schooling, and on certain specific cultural topics. None of these are universal. It also depends upon the taker having normal neurology, as people with certain conditions give off results with insane high spikes in certain categories and pits in others. IQ testing is only relevant when you take a group of people from the same culture, all of whom were exposed to certain ideas during education, and all of whom have normal neurology. Because of this it's value as a subjective measure of intelligence is questionable.

Dylan Roof was tested at around 125 as well.

Wouldn't the rain man have like a 200 IQ since he can simply memorize everything? Yet in regard to critical ability he was totally stagnant and incapable of wisdom. Wisdom is more important than the ability and desire to remember conventional knowledge. You don't need to learn unconventional knowledge either, you simply need to find the underlying practicality of even conventional knowledge rather than simply memorizing it. This is why all the dumb bimbos from high school and college who got A+ in math remained dumb and ditzy their whole life.