Are you good with your money, robots?

Are you good with your money, robots?

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I don't have any expensive hobbies or addictions so I am almost accidentally frugal

I got any

this pretty much. i have $10k sitting in some savings investment. but i also have 0 expenses kek

mummy pays the bills so I don't have any expenses except video games and gas
I leave for boot camp next week so then Boat Mummy (Navy) will pay my bills

er meant to type i dont got any

I spend money on nothing and my hobbies make me money so I guess I am.

>Bi weekly Direct deposit: 2400
>rent: 1000
>car insurance: 20
>internet 40
>food 20-30
Utlitites are free in my building

I only get gas every 3 weeks because I am 4 miles from work
and I save the other one in full. Wtf dudes.

Where the fuck is in rent $550?

Room and food covered by job and my only expense is my phone bill so im good.

2 Week Direct Deposit: 1000ish
>Rent: 0 (Mom)
>Car Insurance: 0 (Prepaid)
>Health Insurance: 0 (Mom)
>Utilities: 0 (Mom)
>Food: 65ish
>Cell: 40
>Gas: 35
>College: 0 (Grandparents)
>Drugs: 0
>Mental Anguish from 0 Drugs: 9999999

Savings: 960

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buying a car on credit is what poor people do

buy a

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that's not funny.
My friend with benefits died from that last year.

i make less than that

how many times before you steal this face

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Why do people have kids they can't afford to pay for?

What kind of hobbies make you money? I really wish I could find something productive to do.

This. I'm a NEET on autism bux but don't care about AAA games anymore and steal all my other entertainment. I will never understand people who don't treat their credit card like a debit card.

I'm terrible with money :/

>Are you good with your money, robots?
absolutely not ! thanks for asking

>$550 for rent

>was able to put $6.5k USD into savings over the past 3 months
I enjoy not paying for other people. Gotta start looking into stocks or bonds to invest.

I'm straight up horrible with money

No. I have like $100k just sitting in a checking account because I'm too depressed to do anything. I know even transferring to a savings account would at least get me some interest to hoping keep up with inflation...but I'm just too fucking tired.

I'm generally frugal but I blow all the money I save on guns and ammo so no.

i have a bunch in my checking account too and the reason i don't transfer it is because the thought of initiating the procedure for a large money transfer causes me anxiety.

>the thought of initiating the procedure for a large money transfer causes me anxiety.
I've never really thought about what it would entail. The thing that holds me back might be knowing that I'm not investing in the optimal solution so if I can't do that, I might as well not bother doing anything at all -- stupid, I know, but that's how I'm wired.
I don't suppose there is a way to do this all online for your bank to possibly reduce some of your anxiety?

$3,064 1/month

Rent: $0, live on a house on my parent's land.
Utilities: Like around $200, I pay this for my parents, too.
Insurance: $100
Food, tobacco: fuck if I know. A shitton. Like $150 of tobacco a week, maybe $10-20 on food a day.

Car payments: $500 a month

I don't even track all the frivolous shit i spend on. I'm a working adult with a career, I don't have time to waste all my money.

I loan out cash to my parents all the time, too.

Current checking: $1800, get paid in a week.
Current savings: $25000
My car loan is paid off in 2 months.

fuck off degenerate scum

tennessee oregfkdm

Nope. My car battery just went and fucked off the other day and now I'm really fucked this month. Ever since I got this car I haven't been able to afford any vidya.
I'm so bored.

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No. I'm terrible with money. I simply don't give the necessary fucks. I had 15k in the bank (inherited) and this time last year, and now I have 6k. I've just spent it all on food, drugs and random shit. I might have paid $500 to my parents for informal rent just to smooth over the NEET life. The rest was all just pure indulgence.

>having kids when you only make $1420 in a month
what the fuck lad

my work pays for my room and they cook all of my yummy food for me. I make 1500/month and save every penny.

I mean 1500/paycheck 3000/month

>Make $44k gross
>Like $38k net
>Live at home rent free
>Cover cable bill, 1.5k a year
>Cover both health insurance and car insurance for myself: 3.8k a year
>Various miscellaneous bills: 5k a year
>A good 27k or 28k to myself each year to save, invest or spend on things I want to spend it on

Not a bad life honestly

where do you work? i used to pay 120 a week for room and food

>food, household, kids
excuse me but how? How much food are they buying?

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Say you have two kids and a mom. Together eating at $5 per person per day, which is very, VERY frugal, that alone would come up to $450 a month.

the majority of humans are born stupid and never feel the need to improve

>>Live at home rent free

Sounds like you need to MAN UP and MOVE OUT like an ADULT...CHAMP.

except when buying natural foods 5$ a day becomes a lot. I'm not memeing here just go buy the essentials instead of brands and see how much you spend. I guess if you live in western europe it may be more expensive but if you live in a civilized/slav country you should be able to find a healthy diet

>except when buying natural foods 5$ a day becomes a lot

No, dude, that's bullshit. You are not going to adequately feed an adult and two growing kids on significantly less than $15 a day in America.

Since it's so obvious you're all financially privileged, why are you all depressed suicidal incels?

Being poor is a thousand times worse than whatever middle class sitcom dramas going on in your gated conservative suburbia.

Now shut up and jump in your pools.

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You can have money and still have a fucked up life. Money isn't everything. It does help but it's not the be all end all of happiness.

I make a fuckton of money..... this is my biweekly paycheck statement

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>teehee i got 100k lolwatdoido???? XD ezmoney lifes goooooood XD

You literally cannot be a robot if you're not poor.

Go back to facebook / instagram / snapchat to post about your vacations and highlight reels with your marriages, childbirths, new cars, homes and hehefunny XD moments with your expensive pets and dinners.

Not everyone can see through your bullshit, but I can.

Fucking normies. All of you.

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Stupid asshole rich fucks

What do you do to make so much?

Financial wealth has nothing to do with overall happiness. What good is money if I have no one to share it with?

Okay, fine. I won't donate to charity if that's your attitude. :^)

>Financial wealth has nothing to do with overall happiness.

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but not really, properly raising kids who are currently existent is one of the most noble things a person can do but it's best to not conceive them in the first place, there's no reason to bring more vessels for suffering into existence.

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Just save money! Then you'll stop being poor :^)

I live in a poor country and I make more than the average thanks to the internet but I'm still an incel, just one who lives in his own place

Can I still be a robot?

>Financial wealth has nothing to do with overall happiness.

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

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I'm a doctor.... I'm drunk as fucktho rn holy fuck

>tfw biweekly pay is only 800 at most

I can't even afford a place to rent. How do these nigs get that much from a direct deposit?

get memed on wagies

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>Work overtime
>Start a business
>Invest in crypto
>Study business skills
>Learn to code
>Drive Uber or Lyft

There's no excuse for being poor. Just stop being lazy.

Stupid poorfags always blame their problems on someone else, huh? Never can mind their own business, always have to ask why someone else has more of something that doesn't fucking matter.

In this day and age, yes, that's more true than ever. I wouldn't consider bringing up children in this world if it doesn't improve even minimally.

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Literally go outside you mouthbreather, you'll see what it's like to have no "overall happiness" when your account balance starts with a minus.

>something that doesn't fucking matter

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What even is your argument? If you both have no money then how can you argue that having money makes one happy?

The value of fiat money is literally derived from someone saying that it's worth something, not intrinsic value. Are you perhaps retarded?

I live at home but I'm actually paying all the fucking bills because my mom is now unemployed. Funny how things turn out for this former NEET.

I work and Im lazy
>checkmate boomer

$15 can feed that many people for a week if you shop at some place cheap like Aldi, plus its genuinely easy to get free food as a poor person in America. I have worked at several Section 8 properties and there is always canned food donated, but I have never, not even once, seen someone take it.

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Having money may not make you happy, but not having money will make you miserable.

You're confusing money with God again, society.

And how the fuck does that matter when in reality you need it to buy things? Aren't you the retard here? Nothing has intrinsic value anyway by your logic because it's all from the perspective of humans so why don't you throw it all away then you fucking dumbass? Go fuck yourself.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-- you of little faith?
Matthew 6:26-30

>Direct deposit: $0
>Expenses: $0
Feels good not to be a slave to my Jewish overlords

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same, unifag here, my friend makes 4x as much as I do but I always have more money because he chips away at every paycheck by eating out daily, overpriced drinks, and clothes
it's insane how much normies spend on clothes on a regular basis

>Expenses: $0
Your mommy and daddy paying for your shit still counts

muh tokens

At least I don't have to bust my ass in the cagie for Mr Sheklestein, wagie

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At least I don't have to beg an aging woman every time I wish to eat chicken tenders or blow a few dollars on dumb shit

>use robot arm to grab their nuts
>laugh as they billyclub my cage

Your parents still have to because they're stuck with some manchild who refuses to grow up, good going.

Reaching a sustenance level of money is easy and cash beyond that won't make you significantly happier. I honestly kind of miss the days when the only thing on my mind was making the most of my dollars, it's a lot easier to live and enjoy life when you have discrete goals to meet.

>Poorfag buttfumed his parents couldn't support him
Silly wagie. They'd just electricute you from the outside.

that's their problem, shouldn't have fallen for the wagecuck / childcuck memes

My parent IS Mr. Sheklestein.

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Not how electricity works.

I'm not poor but I'm not retarded enough to think money has no connection to happiness.
>Reaching a sustenance level of money is easy and cash beyond that won't make you significantly happier.
Yes it will.

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I'm pretty good with money. Secrets:
1. Keep monthly reoccurring expenses low. Use a cell phone a few years old and have an affordable plan. I'm using a samsung s6 and pay $30 a month.
2. Take advantage of free or cheap education. If a degree costs over 10-20k consider if there's another way to,pay for it, maybe take half of it at a junior college to reduce cost.
3. Don't eat out if you can help it. A healthy meal can cost a dollar or less if you make it yourself.

I guess so. I've saved up about 50k in 2 years of working. Basically this . I'm sure I could do better if I had a clear overview of my expenses, though.

I've never owned a credit card or taken a loan. I try to work 20 hours or less doing delivery jobs which gets me $250-$350 a week. I have no idea how well off I am, $20k in the bank and have had no major issues that require large spending other than a few hundred bucks on my car. Don't have any type of insurance except car which my parents help pay for. I literally don't know what a credit card/loan is used for unless you're a retard with no self control, either that or I simply don't understand what else they would be used for.

Buything things online?

>utilities and internet $180
>monthly insurance $272
How do americans even stay alive?

That's a bit high insurance cost. It depends on what kind of insurance you need. I'm pretty sure my monthly cost is way less.

I think my annual rate is like 600-800 with mid grade coverage.

Use credit instead of debit and pay it back immediately so you can get a house cheaper in the future. Nobody wants to give you shit if you've never had a history of paying back money you spent.


I only work part time and still have money left over from the month's salary every month except for december

If you have trouble with money it's because you're handling it poorly.

>$425 on food, kids, household
is this one of them religious families with a dozen kids or something? people need to learn to live within their means or quit reproducing.

>Cover cable bill, 1.5k a year
Retard boomers

>chicken, eggs, milk, spinach, tomatos, whatever other vegetables, bread
That's less than 15$ a day and healthier than 50% of america

I buy things online with my debit card

>tfw 24 and mom still manages my bank account and yells at me for how I spend my money
I need to get independent but I know she will get mad when I close the account