The 'Burbs

How do people who live in these shitholes not end up dying of boredom? Do they like living their lives in their cars? Are they drugging the McDonald's ingredients?

If you have kids and you move to the suburbs I guess it's fine.

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>How do people who live in these shitholes not end up dying of boredom?

video games

How do people live in these shitholes without dispropirtionately developing schizophrenia and killing themselves? Oh wait

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Where would you rather live, OP?

I'm going to assume he is the guy who posts threads about desperately wanting to live in Los Angeles every few days

There's stuff to do in the Burbs. In my old one we had a track to run in, a baseball diamond, a playground, creeks with tons of ducks to feed, tennis courts, vacant lots to skate on and basketball courts. In my friends I loved the prairie fields, creeks where there were lots of frogs and toads, baseball fields and basketball, vacant lots and playgrounds. My suburb now has woods I can walk into and relax with huge logs to sit on. Some of the woods have berries to pick and river streams.

>How do people who live in these shitholes not end up dying of boredom?
You hang out with your friends and go to the mall, movie theater, new restaurants, check out different stores, and get high.

>How do people who live in these shitholes not end up dying of boredom?
I am dying of boredom. There are no young people here, just middle-aged businessmen, their trophy wives, and 5000 spoiled Braydens.

>Do they like living their lives in their cars?
I barely ever leave my house. It's pretty big tho so I don't mind. I wouldn't want the typical city commute.

>Are they drugging the McDonald's ingredients?
The kids are on adderall and the adults are on xanax and oxycontin.

There's also fields in my neighborhood now. I'm in the exurbs. The nearest farm is 0.7 miles away.

>posts Manhattan
>not indirectly proving my point
Still way better than burger-flyovers. Are you 12?

I don't know
Going out to the patio and kicking back in my zero gravity chair with a frosty cold beer and big stinky cigar while watching the pupper happily flop around my yard to the sound of songbirds is pretty fucking comfy.
If i want more excitement I can easily get in my car and drive wherever excitement may be

Go to one of your neighborhood forests in the day. It's pretty comfy. Do some night walks too.

when all you do is shitpost on Jow Forums living in the burbs is fine
also if your city isnt shit you can transit to downtown work easily enough

>Go to one of your neighborhood forests in the day.
My backyard borders the forest. it's ok.
At least I wouldn't be bothered since no one walks around here, they just exercise in their home gym.

I want to leave but i don't have a car so i'm pretty much stuck here.

Wasn't so bad honestly

I need advice. I know my neighbors and used to go over their homes all the time but now I'm afraid to acknowledge them let alone talk to them now. What do I do?

I lived there for year. You can keep your soul crushing, mind numbing, nigger infested hellhole, thank you very much. I'd unironically rather live in a goddamned wooden shack in the woods with no electricity than Jew York Shitty ever again.

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I just sit in my basement all day, so what's the difference if I do it here or downtown?

Would you choose to live there again if all the nigs, kikes, and 95% of the other ethnics moved away? Think about it. Homogeneous big-city life.

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Utterly terrible, TERRIBLE counterexample homie. Omfg kek.

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I used to live in the suburbs but most of the people there were old but really friendly, my dads friend Roy used to own a model trainset that he let me play with when he went on holiday. I was like 7 but it was good at the time.

The suburbs are the best place to live what the fuck. I spent my childhood and teen years skateboarding, getting high, playing video games, and just messing around with friends. I guess it would be boring if you didn't have friends, but in mine if you lived close to people you were basically automatically friends. Good times were had.

Japs tend to be beta-cucks. Not much you can do about that.

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Big city life is shitty no matter who is there. The city desensitizes people. Why do you think all the white people in big cities are cucks?

does he know correlation does not imply causation?

anyone who hates city life is some poorfag rural cuck thats probably gonna die from opioids

no i think suburbs are better than my rural area

The suburbs is kino to grow up in until you're in your 20s, still living with your parents, and all of your friends moved on without you. At that point, it just feels like you don't belong there anymore
T. 23 year old still living with parents in suburbs

dont forget being really ugly and fat

I wish I had the money for an old house in the city but I'm not a millionaire so it's either a emasculating apartment with no place for my hobbies (individual lebensraum) or a house in the 'burbs. Communing in traffic was shitty but now I go to work at 5AM in my motorcycle and only takes 30min. And I have space for my 3 project cars, a home gym, a proper studio/home office, backyard to practice marksmanship with airguns, etc.

Ya wish you fucking neet

cars area money pits
I just spent 800 on parts (installed for free) and my car is worse than when I neglected it (also $100 a month insurance)
>move to city
>neighbor friend kid
>keeps mentioning forest by school
>its about a baseball diamond worth of trees

i grew up in a ghetto, where people were shooting out their windows, doing drive bys , murdering clerks a block from my house.

Now i live in a nice quiet burb.

When people piss and moan how boring it is i automatically know im talking to a dumb kid from a burb who would wet their panties if they went though where i grew up.

>Are they drugging the McDonald's ingredients
Yeah kinda actually. I think it's mostly propaganda, suburbs in commercials always represent normality, safety, and family. There is a reason none of those right-wing 50s aesthetic pictures never take place in New York apartments.
It's also, this is just my theory, kinda a representation of a lot of people becoming accepted as American. Like, imagine being the son of some Italian deli worker in the 1920s, people blame your family for taking an American's job and every time some Italian guy shoots a bunch of people with machine guns it makes you kinda guilty by association. In the 40s you're the enemy and probably a probe of Mussolini (who few Americans had an affinity for as his army killed American troops). But once you find a home away from the city and move in with the other well-off Americans you turn from some Italian living in America to becoming an American. So I guess to a lot of the people who's family weren't here since the revolution it's their symbol of becoming accepted and seen as one of the country.

it is boring. i live in the suburb and all i do is sit in my room because you need a car to go anywhere

>There is literally no in between, you either live in a ghetto that's basically a mini warzone or a Norman Rockwell painting

Not to go all /n/ on you or anything, but I just think it would be a lot more tolerable is many has buses or trains or some shit like that. Just so you can easily take a night onto town without having to wait behind everyone else who wants to do the same. My rural suburb-esque community had an abandoned train station that used to go to the town three times a day, my grandfather rode it every day to get to his highschool in that town. That sounds more comfy than driving past that mostly abandoned town to the walmart up the mountain.

how are the suburbs even that boring? i mean cant you just drive like 20 minutes and be into the city the same as everyone else?

i ll take the Norman rockwell painting over the

pop pop pop (get in the bath tub)

20 minutes sounds way too much of a lowball.

i like the suburbs. But where i live, all the suburban kids, when they cry how boring it is. What they really mean is

they want to move to the really Trendy Part of the city where they go to school or work and then go to clubs all night, and its basically as safe as a burb. They dont actually want anything that resembles danger, just more night life, aka fucking. I wonder how tinder is hitting this though

most of them are getting their dicks sucked every night and come home to the sound of laughing children saying "dad's home!" and running up to them and hugging his legs while his wife kisses him and tells him dinner will be ready soon

I live 20 minutes away from downtown and it's just as boring there as it is here. If I drove 20 minutes into downtown what exactly would I even do there that's so interesting and cool? Go to the movies? I could do that in my home town.

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It seems people think having 500 choices of where to eat makes a lively scene