Attached: 96D578A7-469A-4308-AAB1-6926744DD758.jpg (640x362, 31K)
Is this an improvement?
Lucas Jackson
Jeremiah Cook
Colton Nelson
You're less fat but 0 muscle mass
Nathan Cox
how did it feel being fat and still having no tits?
Noah Stewart
>fun-to-fuck slampig vs proana vegan bonesack
Andrew Green
My girlfriends losing weight and it breaks my heart.
Fucking female on female pressure is bullshit.
Lucas Ortiz
Logan Perez
I would bang both of you, without much preference either way
Jose Foster
you should go for fat ass no tits gym thot
Gabriel Hughes
i'd fuck both
Joseph Hill
Fuck yes it is, you can tell by the criticism because left is approachable and right is out of their leagues
Jaxon Smith
It’s not me silly it’s a pic I found for discussion
Carter Rodriguez
No, this is worse.
Not that the left is good but she went too far.
Brandon James
Yes, now get your deadlift to 315
Thomas White
Cameron Cooper
Right is better. She won't be as much of a drain on my resources if I need to take her out for dinner first. The economical option.
Cooper Hernandez
Reminder that if you can't get hard from looking at the right pic, you are low test and a porn addict
Mason Hughes
Nu-fit somehow think they're alphas for insulting this chick and dropping one-liners instead of just ignoring this worthless thread
Ryder Russell
Yes, good progress. Now get some muscles and you're golden.
Grayson Turner
Na, I love fucking fat bitches.
Jack Wilson
Reverse progress.
David Hall
everyone here is deluded, obviously the right looks better, altohugh she'd look much better if she gained some muscle
Sebastian Hernandez
Are you honestly fucking retarded? The right looks fucking disgusting but left makes me diamonds. You obviously have low test.
Gabriel Bailey
see pic related
Ayden Myers
You "Mcfucking kill yourself" first you god damn beta. Get the fuck off my board right now.
Leo Diaz
Left is straight up disgusting, right is fuckable but desperately needs some muscle mass. Mirin traps though
Cameron Perry
Yes, but for The Arcthiccect - no
Aaron Brown
Yes but needs to do a bit of arm and leg work to round off the new skinniness.
Luke Peterson
fucking hell...
Thomas Rodriguez
> Putting up with this
Surely love isn't good.
Oliver Robinson
>Putting up
He smiles more the fatter she gets bruh
William Hernandez
Yes, try to get some legs muscle and work your core, congrats
Liam Martinez
She has the eating less down pat. She just needs to start SS for the legs and ass.
Henry Butler
yes, good on you girl
now start squatting
Ian Sanders
Charles Foster
I'm sure all the 'guys' who says that fat fuck slampigs are high test are just a bunch of annonetes fat fucks, stop being so desilusional, she looks better now
Jose Nguyen
nice gyno fag lol
Joseph Bell
Ryder Carter
Picture on right makes me imagine what it would feel like to put my erect, unprotected penis inside of her vagina, and then ejaculate.
Picture on left does not do this.
Noah Moore
I unironically think left looks better. On the right she is far to skinny and bony in relation to her wide hips. Her figure needs more smooth curves. She would probably look really good if she put on like 5 pounds of muscle and 15 pounds of fat. Somewhere between left and right is ideal.
Adam Bennett
Yes now start lifting and eating protein.
Jace Long
yea would fuck current you
would not fuck past you
Xavier Bennett
David Miller
8 months, pic related
>1600-1800cal diet
>0.8x protein * lbs intake
>cardio 2x week
>core 4x week
>female squat/legday 2x week
Elijah Cook
Huge improvement... left blends in with the crowd and right is above average, though it could still use improvement. I’m generally rated a 7-8/10 and wouldn’t touch the left pic.
Lucas Martin
She lost a lot of weight and muscle during her diet or /fast/.
Benjamin Morales
Yes. Unequivocally.
Cameron Wright
left is better.
im sweating thinking of how thicc she is
Blake Butler
OP, take all replies here with a grain of salt
a lot of sexually frustrated incels on this board who want to make you feel bad regardless, just because of their own inadequacies
you look better now, absolutely. i would not have fucked you 1 year ago, but i would now
however, youre not super hot. yet. if you do proper squats & get some thighs, you will be
good luck femanon
Carter Stewart
left is disgusting and horrible, i promise you every person who picks left looks like shit
right is just bad
Ryder Powell
Nah. Dont stop at 315. Domt even try talking to chad without 5pl8s+
Aiden Hill
>Is this an improvement?
Yes, it is. Good job.
What's next, OP?
Caleb Harris
It’s an improvement but now out on a bit of muscle and you will look sexy as hell
Thomas Hall
girls go ape shit over the thigh gap, but the reality is it looks retarded on most girls. case in point
Dylan Jenkins
Yes. That's the middle step. Final step = putting on muscle.
Carson Harris
Based. Totally gonna make it.
Wyatt Murphy
Damn good eye for detail.. very interesting..
Chase Brooks
241 was best
Lucas Perry
Yes. Now lift.
Parker Martin
Where is your penis? Never skip buldge day.
Joseph Young
id rather fuck the one on the right so yes but jesus lift more eat more
Aiden Reed
unironic mfw thinking of you hurting babygirl
Evan White
Yes it's a massive improvement, why do you ask?
Tyler Rivera
Absolutely. Went from fat to slim
Chase Young
How does straight shota help with arms and legs?
Adrian Brown
yes, but you have to learn to dress
Dylan Kelly
Absolutely. Your body doesn't look at 'toned' as you might have expected because youre still not very lean in terms of bodyfat %. You look much better (willing to bet you feel better) but you dont have much muscle. Continue doing what youre doing
Xavier Stewart
They're both cute desu. If you feel physically better with the right, then keep doing what you're doing. I would recommend gaining some muscle mass though, unless you're trying to avoid that.
Cooper Hill
why didnt he just stop feeding her
Sebastian Parker
left photo is more fuckable, right photo looks starved
should have focused on building muscle, not losing fat
Justin Miller
for me is a disgrace
Noah Rodriguez
For some maybe, not me though
Angel Morris
Fatty enablers are the worst.
Jacob Butler
If face was included in the picture, even the idiots ITT would say right was an improvement.
Going from 40->15-20% bodyfat as a woman does WONDERS for facial gains.
Unless you're a goblina, then you're fucked either way.
Nathan Kelly
OP, you're probably still eating too much bread.
Christian Perry
You went to far baby.
Time to dial it back. a bit.
Luis Adams
yes you actually look fuckable
Anthony Campbell
Idk post tits
Jordan Perry
Pierce 'Diet Another Day' Brosnan, /ourguy/.
Jordan Carter
mine is chubby. i want her to lose weight.
Kayden Ortiz
this, defined jawline and ogee curve >>>>> chubby cheeks and double chin
Cameron Young
lift weights
Jordan Bell
Right would not deter me from dating a girl unless it became apparent she had a tendency to drop weight. 5-10lbs heavier in fat wouldn't be a bad thing imo. Even more weight with most of it being muscle would be fine too.
Left would have to win me over. Could still be worth dating to me, but that much fat redflags it. I'd be watching her for laziness, poor motivation/self restraint, had lifestyle habits and poor health, as well as depression. I don't think any one thing HAS to be there, but I definitely would watch for it. Gaining more weight would cause me to consider bailing. She could be worth sticking it through, but if she barely got me to say yes because she's high maintenance or kind of disappointing, I'd want to leave so I could find better or focus on myself.
Cheers to losing so much weight. Could stand to add a little more muscle and/or fat, but as long as it's not detrimental to health you're okay.
Cameron Howard
Can produce 8 beautiful white children
Just another skinny chick
Brayden Walker
You went from being a juicy braphog to a disgusting skinnyfat. Gain 200 lbs and then you'll look like the ideal goddess.
Benjamin Butler
Based and unlocked
Joshua Carter
Yes. Fuck yes.
I love skinny girls.
Jace King
According to modern western standards yes it is. But I am an old fashioned guy from a high test shithole that can mog a medium sized sedan. So for me it goes like this,
>pump and dump
>impregnate and protect with my life
Ethan Barnes
>Are you honestly fucking retarded?
Chase Stewart
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Joseph Cox
idk how many times i try to tell you guys that OP isn't me, it's just a pic that a) I knew would get a lot of (you)s and b) I was curious to know what boys thought of since I look more like the right but left is my dream body
Mason Moore
you are doing great user!
keep it up!
Liam Roberts
Julian Sullivan
>everyone here is deluded for thinking the same way every man did before estrogens began being pumped in the food and water
Tyler Perry
>Replying to multiple posts
Charles Bennett
haha joke's on you I can get hard looking at a wall
Evan Baker
Leo Cooper
>not training four times a week and dieting on oatmeal milk only to fuck 150kg langwhales
Caleb Taylor
Elijah Evans
Yes, I am a 200lbs female with an 8inch veiny dick.