Better dismount from a PR lift:

better dismount from a PR lift:

finger guns or thumbs up after a lift?

salute (roman, black power, nazi)
japanese bow
catholic sign of the cross

Attached: no pins 661lb.webm (640x640, 2.96M)

>bodyweight squat

Attached: 1541583349661.png (678x563, 380K)

If you dont seig heil after every lift you're a total pussy

I was hoping he wouldn't squat low enough so I can feel better about myself but I don't have anything to nitpick so I guess this thread becomes worthless on Jow Forums?

Attached: 1541434121051.jpg (251x201, 8K)

thumbs up is god tier


>animeposter is a weak twink

figures LOL

Attached: bloat.gif (269x164, 1.33M)

I hit 540lb on squat at 200lb bodyweight. Try again, nigger.

Attached: 71762401_p3_master1200.jpg (1200x868, 299K)

Yea whatever makes you feel good while watching your pedophile japanese shit

i clench both of my fists in front of my chest and shake them forward using my forearms while looking down at them and grinning to myself

i also say "yes!" in my head, but not too loud, because i'm shy

ok so you're just mad that a nigger out squatted you by over a 100 pounds?
>h-he's fat
yeah fatter than you only by like 20lb or something

Nazi salute to assert dominance. A bunch of afghani refugee "children" started working out at my gym lately

>540lbs squat at 200lbs

What a fuckin based tank. Wearing an arm day shirt while squatting atg with a Prius on his back.

T-pose into a dab into a nazi salute is the way to go.

Attached: t pose.jpg (1061x1280, 271K)

>only by like 20lb or something
Are you genuinely retarded? He's at the very least 270 if not higher.
>gets proven wrong
BTFO'ing nigger defenders makes me feel pretty good, thanks.

Raw as fuck too

Attached: klokovsquat.webm (1000x562, 2.48M)

looks like a 220lb manlet to me
keep coping, fatty mc weak fat

High fiving your friend spotting/loading at the meet.

Attached: VID_20181104_193240_3.webm (1080x1920, 1.81M)

Fuck that's beautiful.

>Not ascending and yelling "For Christ gives me strength!"
Never gonna make it kid

Attached: savior_risen.jpg (719x816, 47K)

>i'm being retarded on purpose
Holy fuck the flood of underages on this board is killing it so quickly.

jesus christ man

>dat pause

Attached: unsatisfiedpassenger.jpg (367x367, 39K)

>tfw you have to use shit noodle bars with tons of whip and shite commercial plates at your gym

Stiff bars and Kilo plates are the best desu

bet his muscles are fucking bewildered

Attached: 5eejThB.jpg (612x612, 66K)

This dude is unironically low IQ

Damn Dmitri... Why won't you listen

hahahahahah FAGGOT

Attached: 323.jpg (500x378, 25K)

Finger guns are the true alpha move

Wtf, why no safety's?