>enter gym
>call to prayer starts playing
Enter gym
when I was in Afghanistan I shot a Muslim in the chest then front kicked his head through the wall of his house because I saw him stomp a dog to death earlier.
Fuck Muslims.
keep up with the salah times brother
hey im from afghanistan >:(
Neat. Wish this actually happened
>enter gym
>mizrahit starts playing
it wasn’t anything badass or anything, when I entered his house The compound he was at had been getting bombed and shot at with lmgs for hours, when I came in he was leaning up against the wall bleeding and breathing agonally so more than likely he was already unconscious, I’m just glad I got to stomp his head through a wall and didn’t get in trouble
>Be a Uigher living in Western China
>Realize if I practice my faith, I will be sent to reeducation camps and force-fed bacon vodka until I die
based chinks
When my dad was in Afganistan he shot a muzzie that he found banging a dog
based gooks
What are your thoughts on nation of Islam, Akhi?
Seems to be just a bunch of convict Basketball-Americans role-playing, at least in my region.
explosive training day
In accordance to real Islam, be it Sunni or hell, even Shia, nation of Islam is fake and going to hell. It's literally African Americans changing Islam to make them seem special and whites evil. They believe there's an evil black scientist named Yacub who created white people to ruin the world.
You did the right thing son. They're not people.
Wow. So it's more retarded than just a glorified apology card.
Ayo das rite Yakub was a big brained nigga that created the inferior white devil to destroy all melatonin enhanced peoples
grab your roller, and activate that core while you're facing Mecca
Yeah fuck muslim thei are degenerates
Falun Gong seems like a good way to stay in shape.
based and redpilled
I'm proud. Thank you for your service!
Fuck muslims!
Fuck islam
Be it so!
t. not even american
You'd think basketball americans islam is way more retarded than real islam.
You'd be wrong: literally no difference between the two.
The truth is that Islam is an Arab supremacy religion so everyone not Arab had to change it to their skin color in order to be a Muslim because the Koran literally tells you to enslave others not Arab.
disagree. real islam is just high T christianity.
women are property and no room for moderates and closet non muslims to reform it.
nation of islam is just victim mentality for blacks.
no it doesnt. Islam is Muslim supremacy, not Arab supremacy. Before Muhammad died, he said no race is better than Arab and no Arab is better than any other race. that was his final speech.
That didn't happen
Hey dude, you living there currently? How's life there like, give us some stories please!
t. Lonely 22yo boomer who daydreams about killing Muslims and black people but in reality all he does is shitpost on channel 4.
I like how this turned into pol epic nice guys
>enter gym
>get offended somehow
>fast forward to the next day
>enter gym
>praise allah
>blow up
Explain 800 years of Ottoman dominion over the entire Muslim world and the cultural suppression of everything non-Turkish.
uh some memes I saw
literally Jow Forums
Thank you for serving our country. You sound like a good man.
Um yes China im a shitskin mudslime or whatever , noooo dont give me booze and pork dinners. oooohhh noooo
Based chinks. Will Chyna save the world?