Boobs or ass which is better?
Boobs or ass which is better?
The downside of ass to me is the poop. If it werent for poop I would definitely choose ass. But since poop comes from the butt, I must choose boobies.
2D thighs and legs are king.
Truly depends on my mood. If we're talking about a girl that makes me really horny, probably ass. But a nice pair of perky, B or C cup boobs makes me fall in love.
I love tits, but a girl needs to have some ass. I can deal with a phat ass with a flat chest, but I can't deal with a flat ass with big tits.
why can't we live in a world where poop doesn't come out of the butt
Ass for sure. Tits are good too, but when it comes to breasts flat is justice. There's no such thing when it comes to ass though, everyone agrees a big ass is a good ass.
Ass is the only way to fucking go, it's 2018 if you don't want someone to sit on your face you're fucking gay
Thighs are for the enlightened
Ass, only dicklets dislike ass.
Le epic anime meme. Kek to you good sir!
>everyone agrees a big ass is a good ass.
Oh, there are still some holdouts with shit taste. Thankfully more people are seeing the light every day.
Sauce plz
Asses, they are a better tell of a woman's worth because it requires some maintenance and doesn't happen over the span of minutes like makeup does.
Any bimbo can eat and genetics herself into nice boobs. But a woman with certain ass shapes, sizes, and textures show what kind she is to a degree.
Ah, a fellow man of culture.
You have my approval.
If you're not a legs guy you need to explain yourself immediately
Ass, but boobs are pretty great too
Ass is the nigger's choice. Tits all the way.
FYI, all men preferred asses more than 20 years ago and only the niggerization of western society has led to people preferring asses. This is also seen in rich white kids blasting rap music from their BMW.
>all men preferred asses
Meant to say all men preferred tits 20 years ago.
crotch over both
It's ok. You'll be an adult someday.
I prefer legs over both.
Is that a pan?
Ass. Ass requires work to make nice and firm. Plus it makes it more seductive and inviting for the pussy.
NPC redditor detected
shower head, dimwit
I dont understand obsession with boobs but then again i dont have mommy issues.
depends on which ass and which boobs. pic related, I'd prefer ass every day
Both are nice. But for some reason a really nice pair of tits awaken my inner caveman. Something about them is just so enticing and alluring and it just makes me want to grope them and rub my face on them. Damn you primal instincts.
Ass all the way.
>You can eat out an ass.
>You stick things up the ass
>so many more other fetishy things you can do with an ass.
>eat out an ass
>marked increase in fag posting
>directly proportional assposting ensues
Photo is shooped. Sorry to break it 3 yah
Am I alone in this? Whenever I see a pair of tits such as pic related it makes me go crazy. Maybe I just have mommy issues.
No you're not. Tits or bust.
>tits or bust
I was always for ass don't ask me why , it's just a thing you have.
a little bit of ass is necessary. boobs are not. Flat chests are equally as hot as 36DDs
>he thinks the boob camp only cares about size
I could write volumes on what makes good tits. Size is only a fraction of the whole. Ass is practically pass/fail. Tits are fine art.
"Mommy issues" a shit
Breasts are a sex-signifier for those more interested in front-to-front mating. If breasts excite you more that's a sign you're more K-oriented. Missionary mating, where the breasts are on full display, is thought to have lead to deeper pair bonding, because you also see face-to-face.
ass is a sex-signifier for assmen more interested in front-to-back mating, like most (r-selected) animals.
You know who prefers ass more? African nations. What about breasts? European and East-asians. I think you know which ones are more K-selected and which are more r-selected.
Super skinny girls with neither. I like long and thin legs and a bony body and that's not compatible with tits or ass usually
My point was ass is pass/fail. you have to have some ass. any sized boobs can be good boobs. you don't need to "have" boobs.
I don't get it. why should I care about k and r selection. I don't care about it.
That's because your an r nigger.
boobs are for underdeveloped men
so boobs are for betas?
Ass cause when i am hitting it from behind i would like to look at it to make me get more horny. I wont fuck the ass through just hit from behind through the pussy.
I couldn't care less about the tits
What's important is the ratio of waist, hips and thighs as seen in pic related. Ass size is optional because she can just do a few squats to make it bigger
tits and then bust
Ass is better, but I also appreciate a good pair of tits.
a man of taste
t. virgin oregano parmesiano
>dont partake in particular fetish
okay, user.
Oh man. Definitely boobs.
I just love different kinds of nipples, from giant areola milf tits, to super dark indian girl nipples, to veiny redhead tits with pink nipples. It's the best.
Can we have a third option of vulva as well?
If the fetish in question is sexual interaction with grills, yeah, not doing it makes you a virgin.
Tbh I prefer a huge crotch
>not fond of doing particular activity
>that means i hate interaction with girls
i dont know why i even bother to reply to you.
So you're saying you have sexual interactions with girls but don't stick your tongue in all of their orifices? I mean you're right, that does technically make you not a virginity, but the virginity is still there, it's in your head user, in your mind and in your heart.
>he likes sticking his tongue in girls' shitters
a giant pussy?
>he fucks girls with no personal hygiene and thinks that's the norm
i'm pretty sure girls shitting from their anuses is the norm user, in fact i've never heard of a girl shitting from any other orifice
>a girl wiped it with a piece of paper and maybe a wet wipe
>it's suddenly clean now
he likes feminine (masculine) bulge
I'll have to go check the medical textbooks at the library to be sure, but for now I'm going to assume this is correct. The sticking of tongues and the shitting does not happen at the same time though.
No, it's not. That's what I'm saying, if you think that's proper butt stuff hygiene, I'm not surprised you think asses have poop in them while not pooping.
>he chlorinates his asshole
sure, but its obvious you have 0 experience. nipples are very soft, even when "hard" they're soft, when you lick them you can barely tell if its a nipple or just a skin, even tho its clearly poking.
also they just taste like sweat.
But, that doesnt mean breasts are bad. When it comes to visuals, breasts win, but with ass you can have more physical fun, and its close to holes so that's another thing.
Ass is also more hardcore, so if you wanna go soft, go with breasts.
Also good thing is they're easily obtainable, women love the feelin of nipples sucked (motherly instinct or some shit) so even if shes doing something and you ask her for da SUCC, she'll most likely agree (be delicate on period tho, their breasts might hurt during it). For many women ass play besides massage is kinda embarrassing
No jeez what is wrong with you. I douche it with water before a girl is scheduled to come to my pad to stick her tongue in it though. I also expect them to do the same, and have never been disappointed.
>its obvious you have 0 experience
that doesn't get rid of the bacteria though
There's bacteria in her mouth, there's bacteria in her pussy, there's bacteria on her feet and in her ears, do you also not stick your tongue in these places?
it's not the same kind of bacteria
any oral dam users?
Son I'm going to have to ask you to hand out your punched vcard and I'll issue you a new unpunched one.
>shit eater runs out of arguments to defend his disgusting fetish so he calls others virgins
>shit eater
We've established there is no shit involved in this. You're shying back from normal and mainstream sex acts because of societal taboos and germophobia, that's not very alpha of you user.
A nice smile
>that's not very alpha of you user
quite the opposite, actually. i don't give in to the societal pressure to perform certain sex acts i find disgusting because they're hip and trendy.
Ass can be acquired at the gym but boobs are mostly genetic. Therefore, the female with big tits (while thin ofc) has to be considered the superior specimen.
The same applies to
>being jacked vs
>big dick / pretty face
for guys.
Also if she is
>bubble butt
>no tits
you can be sure she is a turbomegaslut; meanwhile a no-ass, big tit girl still has a chance to be a pure (by today standards it means no bbc and just 2-3 guys before you) qt who wants to be a mother.
Imagine getting that girl and going to the gym together, getting the best pair of tits and a round ass while not being a pornstar-wannabee.
i love me a nice pair of C cup tits, but i HATE sizes higher/lower, and i ESPECIALLY HATE nips bigger than the tit, im talking dinner plate nipples here
>finding sticking your tongue in a woman's orifice disgusting
Maybe it would be easier for you to understand the appeal if you pictured doing it to a man?
Wanna know how I know you're a dirty nigger, user?
>anus is just like any orifice
do you stick your tongue in womens noses too? or ears?
Well yeah I'm not a fag
Ass or tits, that's the dilemma..
The answer is ass, and you know it...
Back when we still walked on all fours, we always had in front of us_ the butt. Then from the time mankind started walking on two legs we stopped having butts stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeared in front of our faces_ were boobs! Women grew larger breasts to take the place of buttocks. The original source of life is the buttocks! BOOBS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE BUTTOCKS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU'D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, I WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL!
>Wanna know how I know you're a dirty nigger, user?
Enlighten me.
Ass. so as long as it's actually thicc but not too thicc. Unless the boobs are bigger than the thiccness of the ass. Then it's the Double D's/F's
only fags prefer ass
having a nice ass is fundamental, but any plus to a nice ass i would happily tread for two nice titties
>advocates legs
>posts some average stubby-legged bitch
Are you retarded user-kun?
I really like tits and I'd eat ass for free so ill go with both
Anyone who likes ass can't be all that...
impaling a sharp stake through the vile creature's vagina/uterus and out it's throat is best
legs all the way
these gentlemen are based and redpilled
An ass that is too flat is almost a deformity, a flat chest is a fetish. So in the end ass (and hips+thighs) is/are more important
youre a dumb r selected niggerape and should be euthanized
Tits when wearing clothes, ass when being naked.
When it comes to sex a nice butt is more important.
If you're not sticking your tongue in women's ears then you're making a huge mistake. They go crazy for it