I just got back from seeing venom with my best friend...

i just got back from seeing venom with my best friend. it wasn't as bad as everyone is saying but it wasn't anything great. that's besides the point, for the past couple months whenever we hang out i've felt a connection. should i tell her that i have feelings for her or just ignore it? we've been good friends for about 2-3 years now and i just don't know if she feels the same way. she asked me why i was acting so paranoid and freaked out after the movie and i said "just stressed" but in reality i was freaking out about if i should tell her. she understands me, she doesn't think i'm a lunatic or creepy and she looks at me as an actual human. i love her but i don't know what to do. what should i do, fellas?

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you're gonna fuck it all up and it'll never be the same

yeah, that's what i fear. ruin everything or maybe take a step towards becoming an actual person again?


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Ask her on a date date and then say just kidding if she says no



Ask her if she would ever consider going on a date with you

we go to the movies a lot, kinda like a date i guess. we hang out a lot either way, although that's probably a good idea. i'm considering just asking "are we platonic?"

Just go for it, otherwise you'll never know if she would've said yes

> "are we platonic?"

Don't actually do that please...

Ask her if she would ever consider going on a date with you

we met by me asking her out about 3 years ago, she said no and then we became "friends". she used to heavily dislike me and avoid me and now we've become extremely close over time to the point where she admitted that she hates most of our friends except for me.

shit, why isn't that a good idea? i figured that it would just save the embarrassment.

Okay, don't bring it up like that lol, just bring it up casually if she's really cool with you she probably won't think much of it after she says no and you guys will still be coolio

So call me VENOMMMMM

yeah, she tolerates my shit more than most people, she's my go-to. i imagine that she wouldn't really be that affected by it, probably would undo the trust we've built up over the past couple years but i guess it'd rebuild over time.

Bruh just ask her damn. If you end up ruining it worst car you'll be alone again and I am wagering you've been alone most of your life so you should be used to it by now. Best case she says yes. It's your one shot at glory man,don't waste it. Ask her irl though asking via text is pussy beta as fuck and will not fly.

yeah totally not going to ask over text, shit sucks and i've done it before. asking irl is a bit harder though because it's so hard to hide that initial blow from the "no"

You're just going to fuck it up. Chances are that, even if she sees you as a human being, she doesn't see you as a man. If you feel that you actually have a chance or if you feel as if you HAVE to say it, do it. Otherwise, if you value the relationship you currently have with her, don't tell her anything. It won't end nicely for you.

Don't hide your feelings. 9/10 times you'll regret that. Let her know what you feel and don't hesitate in it ethier. I'm sure you are a weak willed faggot but you need to muster all that hidden will power inside and take what you want for once in your miserable life. I am sure it doesn't mean much but I will pray to the greater 72 for you in your efforts.

I doubt it would make her trust you less desu if she thinks you're joking. If she says yes then throw out that "wait, really?", worked for me. I'm by no means a womanizer or anything either

thanks i guess lmao

i'll probably tell her at one point this weekend. shit's just stressful to figure out how to do. am just a kissless virgin, prob gonna fuck it up but ah well

I just flat out told one of my best friends today that I had a crush on her. I mean, I'm not looking for a relationship since we're both moving soon, but I had to get it off my chest.

Just do it, pussy.

This, though. I kinda made things awkward, but fuck it, I'm not gonna live life like that.

That's gay senpai