High test healthy women

Show me what you got

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You mean high estrogen, high test is unhealthy for women. E determines breasts/hips/ideal fat distribution

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Is too high test bad for you? I got mine checked today at 915ng/dl. Will my balls shrink if I increse it further?

sorry for the bad news but you're fuckin rarted dude

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That's a nigger isn't it!

Black girls are fucking amazing bitch.

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Please post more black cuties user, they're becoming my fetish

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Can you even satisfy grills like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick BREHS...

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Ever sleep with one? I have. Their pussy smells and tastes bad. Good head game though.


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Of course is it. Since when do white women have pussies that fat?

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START COCKMAXXING NOW!! I started at 5.5x4.4 and I'm now at 6.5x4.9

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The above is an entirely superior class of women to
Atheletic black women are kosher under a trad lifestyle, instathot black women are not. As above, so below.


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Can you teach me?

Ick, bf% is too high for an elite level. They'll plump the fuck up in 2-3 years post college

I've tried and it's not possible to achieve proper penetration. All the fat gets in the way.

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No. He means women deserving of "HIGH TEST" men. Or women so attractive they raise your test.

That's the whole point of the meme my man

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I'd eat soft-serve out of that gal's shitter.

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Would it be suicide if i suffocated by having them sit on my face?

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Got u senpai

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How many inches do you need for this BREHS...

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Too many desu

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what is her ig BREH


No, today both men and women have too high estrogen on average because of all the chemicals. This is why so many women get breast cancer

How much for this fertile goddess

>Even high test threads are shit now.

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All that make up

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>All that make up
As he posts a gook with operations and make up.
Let me show you how the figure of a real woman looks like.

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all these BREHchix
zero names

dude wtf?!

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck mange wheres the sauce

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I care only for the ass.

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All that fakeup and you're judging... stfu

>He's not a thigh guy

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Anything below the belly button is ok, man.

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>not hips
u wot

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Can you even satisfy grills like that if you don't have a 4" x 2" dick brehs......

if you mean by supplementing with test, then yes they will

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jesus christ breh are you going to post a name OR WHAT

I need a source, please tell me this is a jav somewhere

> 19 cm dick
> Still would like to be a few cm larger

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all of them

Don't know. The goblino on the back i've seen on a couple of JAV. But that's all the info i can give.

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>tfw so few hot black women but they're 9/10s

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her ig is ely.ivy

pretty good pics desu

agree. I have 20 cm and 5 cm wide.. although for some girls is that too much, I still would like to have few cm more

go to thundersplace make an account or
go to r/ajelqforyou.
>inb4 leddit
Make an exception just this once for dick gains. Also if you don't believe, they have progress pics, m9ter pics are especially impressive.

Please stop gorilla posting

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who is she

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Encourage race mixing


This image is DISGUSTING

why do people like it

Because they are herterosexual.

as a brit, I find the obsession of foreigners with our women totally baffling. They must be the most over represented people in media by a long shot.

Lord have mercy

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thundersplace, my dude.

If I'm 6.5x5.75 do you think I can hit 8x6?


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Considering I started at 5.5x4.4 and I'm not stopping until I hit 8x6, yes.

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Sauce pls

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I'll never tell you

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based stefania poster

Just kidding her names bishoujomom

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yeah why is it that black women are only ever 1/10 subhumans or 10/10 goddesses? there is no in between.

What is this?

Same for gingers

holy shit
im just realizing now that you said this she looks exactly like Churchill what the fuck

Ginger is an anagram of nigger. Coincidence?


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