User lets go to the gym. ill drive"

>user lets go to the gym. ill drive"

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Cool sounds fun, ps I love you

I would fug her in the gym showers after workout and go home and sleep all comfy

>implying women can drive

You ain't driving with those flipflops on

women can't drive

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Imagine the smell of that exhuast pipe haha I'd be choking

Damn thicc Latina bitches

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I'd be worried her plastic would explode

>bookshelves in the garage


>Not jogging to the gym
>Easy warm-up

stop posting these things please my... my no-fap streak...

there's a fine fertile thick Latina goddess in front of you and you're looking at books? check out the fag on this fag

based exhaust poster

shame they age horribly


>driving to the gym

I bet you have chicken legs, don't you?

64 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account


not really. there is always a younger one, and they always have loadsa friends/sister/cousins

Could you imagine laying on your back working on the car and she kicks the jack out and it kills you. That'd be crazy haha.

Photoshop, ass injections, or ass implants?

girls with huge asses are disgusting
and no im not gay in the slightest im a super straight guy

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Fucking gross. I don't understand who actually wants a girl with a huge negress ass.

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Ireland pls go

>have fancy car with leather seats
>some whore ruins them with her shit caked brapper

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Sure but just put a towel down first, I wouldn't want any poop on my seats haha


blessed image

>and no im not gay in the slightest im a super straight guy
I've got some bad news for you user...

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gross feet 2/10 wouldnt bang

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i think it's liposculpture

yes thats his garage and his cars

that's only the natives, the mostly spanish ones are hot for a long time

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can someone BRAAAAAAP pill me please