>6ft to 6ft 1
>53 to 60kg on any given day
>55 average
w... will I ever m-make it Jow Forums
>6ft to 6ft 1
>53 to 60kg on any given day
>55 average
w... will I ever m-make it Jow Forums
im your height but about 75 in poor people units
how the FUCK are you so thin? have you ever had a beer or pizza or something?
nigga what
i'm 160 cm short and your same weight
is this a bait to expose manlets
You're over 6ft, you already made it. Congrats on being genetically gifted.
>53 to 60kg on any given day
how the fuck do you +-7kg in a day
I'm 6'2 and after i started hitting the gym i went up from like 75 to 90 in a couple years. I'm not that lean anymore, though.
Heh, poor manlet. My water weight changes by this much easily in a day
Your kidneys are fucked
Nigger what the fuck I'm 6'2 and 80kg on a cut
Your torso is probably thinner than my thighs
Me 1
Me 2
what's your age? I'm more deserving to grow taller than you, I pray everyday you fucking fag.
I'm 18, I need to grow at least a bit more, anons...
1X, don't wanna ban
just keep praying.
I was already reaching my ''end'' height of 6'2" by 18 so if it hasn't happened yet it's not gonna happen bud
i think you need some protein. And maybe some more calories as well
I was vegetarian from 12 to 15 did that permenantly stunt my growth
Grew 2 inches from 18 to 20. Have hope user
This is just natural selection. You were dumb enough to fall for that shit so nature has given you a less attractive body so that higher quality genetic stock will hopefully avoid you.
Ok let's try like this. Are you more than 16 and less than 18yo?
I am not more than 16. I am however not less either.
Please eat
I eat alot that's what I don't fucking get
what you think is eating a lot is not eating a lot
>I eat alot
You don't.