Female says any of the following:

>Female says any of the following:
"I have BPD"
"I have an eating disorder"
"I know what depression is like"

That's a sign she's a normal female, all females have the exact same problems about being bipolar and having eating disorders, all are a biproduct of periods, hormones, and other females apperance.

And no female understands when another person is depressed the last thing the person wants to hear is that someone is an expert on it because they think their depression was similar.

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You're just so wrong. i won't even try to argue with you to be honest. you're a lost cause. at least you won't reproduce which is a good thing i guess

You're not confusing BPD with bipolar disorder... are you?

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seething roastie getting toasty no one cares about your feelings you've never felt actual depression or mental disorders.

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Based, all women have easy lives fuck em

What a shit attempt at dodging the question, OP. Don't you know the very example you picked, BPD, hit primarily women?
But then again, you don't even know the difference between that and bipolar disorder. Can't expect you to know much about mental illnesses.

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>seething r*astie
>"artsy" image
>tumblr filename
Pottery, it truly is.

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I saw a guy in the cafeteria at college the other day. He was sitting with this group of girls. He looked like your typical 'gay best friend but not gay' kind of guy. He straight up tells them about his ADHD and how his medication makes him suicidal and slits his wrists and all that shit. I was even looking at them but I could sense the disgust they had for him. They kept talking over him as well. Was trying so hard not to laugh out loud.
Women just can't stand men who whine. But that's just how it is. It isn't masculine to talk about your feelings openly. It's not a double standard. It's just how shit works. Women are wishy washy psycho bitches and men are walking husks of regret and anger.

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Literally spend 20 minutes on lolcow.
80% of the userbase claims to be suffering from depression, ED, BPD or BD.
It's no surprise that 1 in 3 women 22-35 years old are prescribed antidepressants in the US

Nice try BPDscum, but nobody believes your garbage.
It's just another
>Person with BPD makes a feeble attempt to normalize it
Just move on and remember to always deny this NPCs attention.

I'm not the one dodging any kind of argumentation and sticking to red herrings or ad hominems.
Aren't you supposed to be the intellectually superior sex? Where's your confidence gone?

>implying I'm OP
yeah you're straight up dumb

Man, you are one dumb motherfucker. Stop arguing for a moment and google borderline (BPD) and bipolar (BiPD) pd. These are two completely different disorders.

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Let's not start on suicide tho, guys are the winner here

Utter crap.

BPD isn't "bipolar disorder", the two have nothing in common, and very few men and women have BPD. Women don't have BPD more than men. All the wife-beaters and such are likely BPD, and there are countless of those.

Usual incel sexism.

>And no female understands when another person is depressed the last thing the person wants to hear is that someone is an expert on it because they think their depression was similar.

Any therapist does, and most of those are women. Just because you only ever managed to be friends to stupid women doesn't make all women stupid, you fucktard.

You're literally not understanding when a woman opens herself to you and offers help. What a fucking failure of an autistic postlapsarian abortion you are.

>woman says she suffered too, so that she can help you
>you act haughty and superior

Fucking moron, you truly don't deserve women. Don't worry, though, all these women come to men who understand them.

t. Henry (Henry is as hot as Chad but also intelligent and compassionate)

Back to /cgl/ you lolcow, I'm sure you know all about BPD and Bipolar shit while being a white female and screaming that you're oppressed while men line up to give you attention you will truly never know what loneliness is or being alone within your own thoughts, you just go by heart and what you've been told and think having so many labels makes defines you because you'll never be an individual. You are most likely wh*te and female and think you have a difficult life in a modern country that caters to your every whim.

Again, I'm not OP and you are a retard I'm fully aware that they're 2 different illnesses

nice reddit spacing bra. in any case, even though OP is a dummy who doesn't know his mental disorders, he's still right.

Yeah, interestingly enough it's primarily because of women.
The suicide rates of white men skyrocketed after the introduction of the family court system.


Women will step all over you lol

Wrong. Women have expectations. We expect men who are part of our social group to act superior to us in public.
I've seen close male friends in situations comparable to the one you describe, and it's not pretty. Women are insidious bitches, probably due to some instinct aiming to drive us to weed out week-willed men.
Never be the lone guy in an all-female group. Or if you are, be prepared to look your very best.
I don't like it either, but all-female groups will behave like that. Nothing I can do to change it. Aside from lending a friendly shoulder to disappointed male friends.

BPD isn't bipolar disorder (manic depression)

BPD is 'borderline personality disorder' which is just the term for 'female psychopath who does not have severe schizophrenia'

yeah this 100% didnt happen
adhd meds dont make people suicidal

Yeah women are too scared to die when men realize its the only escape for true pain

Men can't be depressed due to testosterone. If a man is depressed, it is because they are a manlet with low testosterone.

Wome therapists are mostly fucking trash and distant they do things by the books and that's a real problem because they treat Psychotherapy as a hard science.

The highest average bioavailable testosterone levels are in the 5'9 - 5'11' range due to lower baseline levels of aromatase.

You played yourself.

I'm 6'2" and feel like dying

Also making fun of height is probably example enough as why men have more depression

Pick one you fucking dumbass. Do you even know what BPD is? BPD women should be avoided like the fucking plague. They're soul sucking monsters. They're a child trapped in the body of an adult.
>BPD =/= bipolar disorder
>BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder
Just to clarify in case you're that stupid you don't even know the difference between them.

This whole thread is full of stupid, fat, virgin failures.

It's another FJs are upset by INTPs episode


Well he went out and said it so that indicates he needs to advertise his 'predicament'. And so is a faggot.

Oh, then you're just dishing out insults at random. My mistake.

Harsh. If you need help with loneliness or depression, there are hotlines available... I would've suggested a private conversation between two lonely souls, but your opener was pretty damn rude.

nobody wants to talk to you you self diagnosing roastie thot

Woops, meant to tag you there Apologies for being a dump female, et caetera.

This is the main reason I'm reluctant to approach or even so much as talk to women.
I can't help but realise I'll drag my mental issues into any relationship. I know they're attracted to me, but I can't stand the idea of inevitably humiliating myself when my facade starts to crumble.

yep, glad we can agree on that.
now leave, your kind is not welcome here

How strange. I can't find any trace of a legitimate argument in there.

what are we arguing about? the fact that you're an ugly whore? go back to crystal cafe, please

I love when females pull the guilt trip shit lol

>claims to be intelligent compassionate and deserving of women
>spouting angry rhetoric to angry fuck ups on a chinese basket weaving forum

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I obviously can't speak from a male point of view, but I might have some tips.
- Never approach a 100% female group you're not familiar with, they will roast you, via private jokes if needed.
- Be mindful of your girlfriend's advice regarding her female friends. If she doesn't want to introduce you, don't take it personally and ask why. Female friends often judge each other harshly based on the "quality" of their boyfriend, and will not hesitate to drag a guy they don't like through the mud, so she might be reluctant.
- Be friendly to women who are on their own in a comfortable setting.
- Be friendly to women in groups with more than one man.
- The above settings are also good opportunities for light flirting.
- Never flirt with a woman while if she is with her friends and you are the only man present.
- UNLESS she is an A+ girlfriend, in which case she will disregard her friends to prioritize you.
- Keep in mind that female peer pressure is essentially what keeps female groups together, and there's nothing wrong with saying you don't want to bother with an all-female group.
- Acknowledge that you have every right to ask your female friends or girlfriend to be loyal to you during all-female bitch talk.

I was trying to help. I think you're letting the paranoia talk for you, friend.

Good advice
But I honestly think I'm too far gone.

okay so
>literally starving myself for days at a time and then binging completely uncontrollably
>being unable to leave the house because i feel so disgusting and none of the clothes i bought less than two months ago fit anymore
>avoiding social contact because food will be involved
>shoving my entire hand down my throuat for half an hour and crying because i can't make myself puke
>taking 4 times the recommended dose of prescription laxatives
>crying when someone tells me i look "healthier"
>banging my head on the wall and punching myself when i consume the wrong food at the wrong time (what's right and wrong is p much arbitrary and my brain can just suddenly decide within seconds that previously safe foods are not okay anymore, which then in turn leads to a binge)

etc. are all normal problems that all women have and i'm just being a pussy about it? aight okay nice i am cured, thank you buddy

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>Her idea of a big problem is having too much food to eat

Oh my fucking lmao this is roasties in 2018 people

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You can at least say hi to women who cross your path, right? It's only polite, nothing more.
And then if you find something to say, all the better!
Personally, I'm the type of girl who will approach others myself, but I have to admit it's nice when a guy goes out of his way to say something notice, or notice I like something.
The ultimate trick with women might be just to pay attention to them and make them think you really want to know what they have to say.

Yeah probably fine, but you'd be good to throat fuck unironically.

Her idea of a problem is a disease that's claimed the lives of many men and women.

>it's nice when a guy goes out of his way to say something
None of us like doing this, at all. We only do it because society tells us we have to and women expect attention, so we have to give it or else no girl will ever notice you. Muh equality my ass fuck feminism.

I don't know, maybe on tumblr or plebbit that story can garner sympathy but when I sit here on Jow Forums and read stories about people never having a friend, never being loved, being bullied by normals relentlessly, being abused by single mothers, etc. I just can't bring myself to care about a girl who is crying over having access to pizza.

Yeah and I know suffering is different for everyone but complaining over having too much food is like complaining over having too much money.

no, my idea of a problem is loss of control

i don't know if you can imagine what it's like to feel like you are not physically in control of your body
especially if you've been disciplined as fuck for months prior to this and had full control of what you decide to put in your body and suddenly it feels like it's not up to you anymore

people don't find rape so horrible because they hate sex in general, it's because of the LOSS OF CONTROL that rape is considered so bad

also in addition to this i literally feel like my body is convered in tumors/growths and i can feel the food rotting in my stomach. it's disgusting. edema from overeating after long periods of undereating are also painful, my skin hurts to touch. and i feel lonely because i can't look anyone in the eye, because i'm so ashamed of how i look.

i just need to get back to my low weight and then it'll all be okay, i will get my discipline back and i will be lovable and not so disgusting anymore hopefully

Yet I'm sure you also have plenty of followers on whatever social media and friends to talk with.

Really? My bad, then.
I personally like doing it, maybe because I'm not pressured to. I just think it's priceless to see someone's face light up just because you went out of your way to say something.

fucking roasties, put down the food kekek

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I understand. I know suffering is different for everyone, which is why I don't want to disrespect her and whatever disorder she's suffering from, but at the same time, I've been through a lot worse, and I've been around people who had been through a lot worse.
For me it's a mixed bag of compassion and apathy.

i don't really use social media a lot, so no i don't have a lot of followers and i would honestly rather have no friends but love myself and be happy in my body than this. having friends does not mean shit if you're too ashamed to even step foot outside your house
i guess i have people to talk to but i push everyone away because the only thing i can think about is food and being thin and how disgusting i feel. and honestly who really wants to hear about that kind of shit. i literally have no room in my head to appreciate all the good things i have, which makes me feel even more disgusting because not only am i fat and have no willpower, in addition to that i'm an ungrateful egotistical piece of shit that doesn't appreciate the good things it has

also, what makes you think i was never bullied? or didn't have any issues with my family/parents? i'm not saying i'm worse off than anybody else, i think suffering is subjective, but if my problems are not "real" then i am legit completely delusional and need to be put on medication for hallucinations or whatever because this shit is painful and if it isn't real and it is a non-issue then there has to be a way for me to see reality and stop suffering, right?

honestly nobody even wants to fuck my whiny ass, it's not exactly enjoyable to throatfuck a crying girl in a gigantic grey sweater she is too scared to take off because you will be disgusted by her body
wish it was, because the only time i can actually stick to my own rules is when i get that nice fake small 5 minute confidence boost when i give someone a boner. can't even do that anymore at this point

sorry for pitying myself so much lol im just so fucking done with everything, all of this is ridiculous and you guys are right, i am just ungrateful and need to man the fuck up but i don't know how

you are literally just weak, no discipline or willpower
and probably really ugly lmfao

Listen roastie, your problem is you have nothing to do with yourself. You need an interest or hobby to pour yourself into so you won't have time to daydream about cramming everything that moves into your engorged stomach nor dwell on how fat you are.
The problem is in being female you don't have much of an interest in the pleasure that comes in creating something. This may even be society's fault to some degree as girls have been trained to think they don't have to lift a finger to survive, they can just sit around and men/society will pander to them in every facet of life.

Find something that interests you and dedicate as much free time as you can to it.

i mean yeah, that's what's so frustrating about it. i am usually a very controlled and disciplined person, that's what feels so horrible about it that it feels like i am physically not in control. but i guess i'm just not trying hard enough i mean it doesn't make sense for me to be unable to control my own fucking body and you're right about that. i sound stupid i'm sorry. it only started when i got underweight and my doctor says it's like a survival instinct type reaction the body has, the binging i mean, but it doesnt make sense because i was never THAT underweight and i'm not anymore now and it still hasn't stopped

and yes i am ugly you are correct

fuck, i just feel bad now
it's pathetic and sad, and i hope you can get over it
i'm not an orbiter and give zero shits that you're a female, but, take care of yourself

If you got discord, you can have mine. I wouldn't mind chatting. Nothing special, just, yknow, not being alone.

Just eat when you're hungry and stop giving a fuck so much about appearance you will look like shit when your older anyway none of it matters I'm a chubby fuck because I do nothing and dont care

>i'm not an orbiter

lol how am i orbiting?
i didn't ask for her discord like this faggot
by the way you're pathetic
i just felt bad because as much as i hate roasties this chick is probably unstable and this could kill her

i mean honestly they are similar. one is a personality disorder and the other is a chemical imbalance, but the symptoms are almost identical

i've tried, but it seems that i'm just a frustratingly boring person that doesn't have a passion for anything
i used to write, which was fun, but i wasn't passionate about it as i pretended to be. i had a crafting phase, a sewing phase, a knitting phase, an embroidery phase. i have gotten into 10 different kinds of sports, i've tried making music, i was into voice acting for a little while and a thousand other things i thought i might be passionate about. nothing sticks, i'm just a boring and shitty person that can't ever be consistent. the only things i have kept up with are things relating to control - yoga and my bullet journal/calender (classic basic roastie i know).

you're wrong about not having to lift a finger though, I've always had a job and worked for my own money since i was 14 and even though i'm a gluttonous piece of shit NOW, i did work very hard for my body and i was successful at it for a while

thank you for being understanding. it's my own fault though and it's my own responsibility to stop being so weak and get my shit together

i don't think i'm a very good conversationalist at the moment, i'm not very good at replying consistently and i don't want you to hate me and think all women are like this because theyare not it's just me being a shit friend

i'm never hungry and i'm never full. the only reason i eat is emotional. i can eat nothing for multiple days and be completely fine and not hungry, i only crash once i get emotional and stressed

Pathetic? You have no idea what you're talking about. Just shut up and fuck off.

Omg I cant eat
>"Its ok I can talk baby omg it's so bad I can't believe it here is my discord"

Hey I've always been alone and jaded as fuck and feel like killing myself because I've never felt happy in my life
>"uhhh sorry I mean when a person says they wanna kill themselves it's a big red flag I dont wanna talk to a white male whose dumb and feels like killing himself lol"

Every time

you are pathetic you beta faggot, you asked for her discord lmfao, how cliche is it that as soon as some lonely nigger finds out an user is a girl they ask for her discord?

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He's right you are pathetic and desperate

Oh fuck, you sound like where I'm at rn w/ a similar ED.

hope things get better for you, ik how scary it feels.
Just hang in there, you can get through this

i mean if someone legit cannot eat they will die, too

also nobody irl acts/talk like this

because you know she's only posting here for attention, and you're giving it in one of the worst ways possible by backtracking

all her problems come down to making a thousand excuses and that's it

it's like you don't understand this board at all. like at fucking all, at all.

i literally only said that i hoped she resolved her problems cuck
i didn't say she was blameless, and i called her pathetic lmfao

still backtracking and giving her attention

thank you, i hope you get through it too. this shit really sucks. hopefully we'll both be okay someday

you have an iq in the single digits
i accept your loss of the argument and my victory

Dude just eat
Dude just be happy

Which one is easier to solve

Heh, I'm not going to pass judgement on all women based on your behavior or expect you to suddenly become my best friend.
I relate a lot to some of the things you talked about, that's all. I have very similar problems. I don't know about you, but I don't really talk about this to anyone. I figured maybe not being alone anymore with this would be better.

ahaha thanks, feeling pretty desperate now but yeah who knows maybe i'll actually eat normally one day.

yeah I hope so bc it's kinda dangerous - you should think about going to get help. Like therapy kind of help

why not wear old fashioned dresses that have a simple tie around the waist? they are the most feminine attire a female can wear, and unless your weight is fluctuating by 20lbs or more, they will always fit well.

also keep trying to lose weight. you and i will both be happier with you

at least they're all normies. Jow Forums, get yourselves some good girls to date.

Ah, I see. If protecting that troubled woman's virtue was your goal, then you need not worry, for I am a heterosexual woman and therefore mean no harm.

>projecting this hard
ecks dee nigger
and you're also totally larping

Women only date normalfags so you'd need to fall into that anyway to get a "good girl"

Women are blind to what a man's depression is, how dangerous it actually is and what solidarity does to someone.

Women have the power to change a man's life by just talking to him, saying one word. Just acknowledging a man's existence, It could literally stop a man from bringing a gun to school and killing multiple people before ending his own life. Women preach that they want power and when they have it, in situations where they could use it, they don't.

>it's not exactly enjoyable to throatfuck a crying girl
actually it is, especially if you wear cheap mascara that runs. it enhances the visual effect. i'm not a full-on sadist, but a little bit of sadomasichism is exciting.

>i had a crafting phase, a sewing phase, a knitting phase, an embroidery phase.
>yoga, bullet journal
>wants to stay thin
holy shit you're pure wife material

an eating disorder and depression are both mental illnesses, neither is easy to solve
also it's not like people just decide to be unable to eat
my problem isn't that i can't eat, anyways, i'm just saying that people who are like that aren't choosing to be like that

i don't want to post my discord publicly but if you're okay with me not always replying and just generally being a shitty and uninteresting person you can post yours and i'll add you
i'm telling you right now it's not fun or helpful to talk to me though

i was inpatient for a week recently and i have been to multiple therapists (before the whole ed thing started there were other issues) and doctors and none of them helped for shit desu
it only ever got worse when i tried to get help

but everyone is different and i hope that things turn out well for you and if you decide to get therapy and recover that it will work out at some point. it just fucking sucks that food is such a central part of everything and it can't just be avoided altogether, what even is eating "normally"?? do you know? cause i don't. but yeah you're right hopefully that will be possible someday

i have (temporarily) fluctuated by over 20lbs due to edema and water retention before, and i feel like a pathetic fake when i try to make myself look good so dresses are not an option currently. thanks for the advice though

i mean yeah, you took the fun part (throatfucking a crying girl) and omitted the part about her refusing to be naked for it which makes it significantly less fun i would say

Ah yes, larping. The final battle cry of the autist.

I'm getting pretty tired of this shitfest of a board. I'm the person, if you feel like having someone to talk to when you feel like it, I'm atpqual#2957 on discord. Otherwise, good luck to you.

>omitted the part about her refusing to be naked for it which makes it significantly less fun i would say
still fun enough to attempt though, wouldn't you say?

Orbiter yikessss

i can't take you word for 0% or 100%, but i've always thought normies inbred with normies.

your statement is somewhat false though, as i'm revealing myself to be a fembot. i'm really not looking for love or some shit, but honestly, chads and sheeples are awful.

You can wear clothes and I'll throat fuck you until you puke your lunch back up

Same here. How d'you think it'd go if I dated Chad and told him about Jow Forums or the fucked up fetishes I developed?
Also, do I want a guy who's into drinking himself into a coma twice a week and playing football in his spare time? No, thank you. Can't really fathom how Chad became the icon of success on this board.

You assume Chad is some generic football playing highschool jock.

The Chad/normalfag bf you aspire for is tall, has money, has a large social circle, has a chiseled face, and a big dick. All women have the same requirements for a man.

No woman has ever said she wants a guy who doesn't have any friends or spends his time with his hobbies instead of partying and isn't over 6' tall.

Chad's are your ideal man, that's the whole point. Chad's are the whole 80-20 split that guys here believe in the dating realm where 80% of females only like 20% of males

then i shall be the first woman to say a guy who doesn't have a large social circle, has hobbies and isn't over 6 ft tall is actually quite nice.

no seriously, engaging in hobbies sounds fun, and i'm not much of a party girl myself.

Oh... yikes. yeah inpatient can go either way either really shit or pretty good. Not that I have any experience of it.Just stuff I heard.

I also have a past of theray for other issues & kinda felt that by talking about these things and having to think them through it just makes me obsess about it more. Starting to really hate the idea of therapy, it just feels like I'm stuck in the mud when I go.

Thanks, yeah. I totally agree, I don't go to any uni clubs or societies just bc food is always involved and anyway socializing is difficult af.
lol idk what normal eating is either. Doesnt exist anymore.

Hope you find some meaning and learn to love yourself