why are women so afraid of mandatory DNA testing for their babies?
Why are women so afraid of mandatory DNA testing for their babies?
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why would they go as far as to BAN IT?
Women and Jews are pure, concentrated evil. It's important to always keep that solidly in mind at all times.
Lmao, they don't even try to hide it.
Why would anyone want beta genes to flourish?
Because "betas" are intelligent and productive. The whole point of marriage is to harness beta sexual goals into productiveness which results in civilization.
just say that your peepee doesn't work to make women preggo and if they want a test just say no
thats how you get out of that situation
>why are women so afraid of mandatory DNA testing for their babies?
female dual mating strategy
jesus christ the lengths these whores will go to.
what happened to "my body my choice"? even better, "my wallet my choice", "my ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE my choice"????
an estimated 10-40% of all babies born have different biological fathers to their legal ones.
It's not just that though. Women are naturally inclined, thanks to that mother instinct to believe a bullshit, fake sob story. Why the fuck do you think it was Eve, not Adam? Why do you think all ancient sources warn against letting women run society?
You can't hate them for being what they are. If you pick up a snake and you're not careful, and it bites you, what can you say? It's a snake. But you can't let it influence your decision making.
>Because "betas" are intelligent
if betas were intelligent, they'd be alpha as this is where the poon is.
Financial abortion NOW
the truth leftists dont want to acknowledge
when "patriarchy" collapses due to the insidious assault by women, they shall relearn the old rules of nature
Would any of you like to debate me in public or over a public platform on this topic?
Suck my fucking cock and lap the balls you retarded cumdump whore.
Not an argument.
Would any of you like to debate me in public or over a public platform or not?
Because then they can pass someone else's kids as yours. To this day I still suspect my brother is really only my half-brother since I look just like my dad and he looks the complete opposite
I'll debate you here I guess cuz I have nothing better to do.
Women fear paternity tests because they fear their lover will find out about disloyalty. Feminists would love to paint this as an honorable women's choice, but really that's like saying it's a man's choice to become a deadbeat dad and leave single women stranded. Sure it's not illegal but you are still a scumbag.
Mandatory DNA testing sounds like a great idea. I don't understand how anyone could not want that. I would love that because my husband would know I'm the loyalest of wives and would love me forever.
There are a lot of whores out there, user.
It also means your husband doesn't trust you and thinks you're a slut.
Not if it's mandatory
It's like a prenup
Who the fuck are you?
I can debate you anonymously, given that I am a PhD candidate and that would practically be suicide.
Why wouldnt you debate us here? Let me guess, you know that you would be destroyed here and you just want to pick one dumbass with no debating skills to make your arguments look good
As long as I don't have to pay for it, I have no problem with this.
im sorry but this is literally female logic
you will bold faced defend the right to deception if pressed, do you understand what youre saying?
This. Seriously, how is mandatory DNA testing still not a thing in 21st century?
>I'll debate you here I guess cuz I have nothing better to do.
The reason I want a public one is any time I commit to a debate here, people cop out and exhaust themselves and leave. Second reason: I want it to last. I think my reasoning will be so good that you or anyone else won't have a single argument left and I want that publicized.
>Women fear paternity tests because they fear their lover will find out about disloyalty.
I agree - fuck the pool of cunts who are like that.
>Feminists would love to paint this as an honorable women's choice, but really that's like saying it's a man's choice to become a deadbeat dad and leave single women stranded. Sure it's not illegal but you are still a scumbag.
Agreed. Now do you want to publicly debate me about why it shouldn't be mandatory?
>given that I am a PhD candidate and that would practically be suicide.
Well, then stop being a coward. I'm looking for someone who isn't one.
Well, if you consider yourself someone who has skills and isn't a dumbass, debate me publicly. I'd get more satisfaction destroying you publicly. Scared?
>As long as I don't have to pay for it
Yeah that's pretty much where I'm at. I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't affect me at all, but if money has to be exchanged then honestly fuck off with that. Those things like are $500.
It is not only not a thing, it is actively illegal in france. It requires a court order in germany and several US states, it is inadmissible in court in luxembourg, belgium and switzerland.
>destroy your career and acedemic future to debate an anonymous nobody on politicized topics with no moderation and no oversight
Are you legitimately intellectually bankrupt? Debate yourself into purchasing a gun and point it at your temporal lobe.
I said I wanted a public debate without knowing you existed. You answered me telling me about a circumstance in your life about which I don't care and asked me for a format in which my cause for smaller government wouldn't last (a thread on r9k).
I do not care about you or your life. I'm here to further my cause of smaller government. You, knowing I wanted a public debate, asked me for an anonymous one.
Are any of you cowards going to take up my offer? I'm not seeing confidence.
What does a smaller government have to do with mandatory paternity tests and the female nature being one of duplicity and deceit?
Are you schizophrenic? You should stay ontop of your medication.
>What does a smaller government have to do with mandatory paternity tests and the female nature being one of duplicity and deceit?
Call me out on it in a public debate which you'll use, which is the format I originally requested in service of furthering my cause.
>Are you schizophrenic? You should stay ontop of your medication.
Call me out on that too in a public debate.
Are any of you cowards going to take up on it? Still not seeing any confidence.
When civilization began with the advent of agriculture the first thing that changed was men made sure the child they had was theirs.
During the hunter gatherer era women could fuck a bunch of guys and the man had no idea who the kid belonged to.
Not letting the man know if it's his child so he's forced to take care of another man's kid is one of the most regressive things you can do from a civilization perspective. These women want to take us waaaaaaay back.
which you'll lose* I had meant to write
they are all slutty shiksa who still think they deserve respect
oy vey
Yeah that's kind of the problem, isn't it? There's no way you won't have to pay for it. Hospitals are not going to eat that loss in revenue, they just won't. Plus paternity test places aren't used to operating in such high volume. If every baby in the US required it, that increases the room for error. Some relationships will just outright be ruined by some mistake in the testing. There's also the time factor. Current paternity test places take like a week at the lowest, and months at worse. Imagine if every baby required that, it would increase the time dramatically. You're telling me my husband will just be able to check out of the relationship for months or years because of the test? That's unfair. If they can get it back to you in some reasonable time then fair enough, but everybody knows it won't be. It never is.
I like the idea of proving that I'm not some slut but I hate everything that comes along with that.
During the hunter-gatherer times we used to live in 100-120 people communes of relatives and distant relatives. People would copulate with 3rd to 4th cousins and the young wou be raised communally.
Women are evolutionarily hardwired to be whores and deceive. Rhesus monkeys fake estrus after conception. Bonobos copulate as a form of prosocial behavior and to form alliances. Gorillas form diversions so that the betas can copulate with the females while the alpha is posturing/fighting. Chimpanzes exchange sex for food.
Not the user you replied to but:
>I agree
Then what there more to debate about this?
I also dont agree with this laws, without coming from a woman hate prespective.
Paternity tests dont even require nothing from the woman to choose, all you need is a sample from the man/husband and the son.
I honestly dont know how laws like this pass, Were its only arguments in favour of it are solely based around irrational fears and feelings about hiding the truth from someone. And coming with the mask of "preservation of peace".
Cant even begin to understand how a woman can raise a child of another man that is not her husband's without his consent and knowing, and be ok with it.
>let's just continue having men being cucks and women being deceitful whores because the logistics appear kinda tough at first glance
Why are women so fucking incredibly stupid?
I mean, I wouldn't be afraid of mandatory testing since I don't plan on cheating.
I would just be offended if my future husband opted for a test, unless he had a bad experience with a cheater in the past, because it would imply that he didn't fully trust me.
I would just worry about non-bio kids having their lives fucked up by a mandatory test. It's not their fault that their mom's a ho.
The logistics don't just appear tough, they are tough. How about thinking of actual solutions instead of being a dickhead? Nobody here is against it but unless you can streamline it, nobody is going to want it.
Please give us your argument against mandatory DNA testing then.
>Then what there more to debate about this?
When someone publicly debates me, I'll tell them.
>Paternity tests dont even require nothing from the woman to choose, all you need is a sample from the man/husband and the son.
>Were its only arguments in favour of it are solely based around irrational fears and feelings about hiding the truth from someone. And coming with the mask of "preservation of peace".
None of my arguments relate to that.
>Cant even begin to understand how a woman can raise a child of another man that is not her husband's without his consent and knowing, and be ok with it.
I agree, and those women are scumbags and should be prosecuted.
Does anyone want to publicly debate me or not? Still no confidence.
When would you like to publicly debate me?
We can repurpose the gibs of socialized tampons and pap smears into socialized paternity tests.
How is that for steamlining?
>When would you like to publicly debate me?
Why are you avoiding my request? Simply state your argument here
That's why it's mandatory, so you don't have to explain to your wife, who's just finished giving birth in extreme pain, that you do love her and trust her, but you just want to be sure.
Price will be a problem too. Paternity tests are only $500 because barely anyone does it. If its required, it would create a new industry of jews. Capitalism will creep its dirty grubs all over it and the tests will be thousands of dollars. I'm sorry but I'm not paying thousands because of male insecurity.
>won't somebody think of the children.
>it just so happens that thinking of the children also protects dirty cheating sluts.
Almonds are orgiaeornlly activated.
I stated that in a criticism of my original request to publicly debate (relates to wasteful tactics and cop-outs by people here and most importantly posterity for my cause of smaller government). Why are you and everyone else avoiding my request for a public debate and why should I prioritize simplicity when I find it worthwhile to further my cause publicly? I'm looking for someone who wants to bring more noise to their cause too.
Who's feeling brave?
>publicly debate me
What do you mean by that? By discord? or some other private chat?
>None of my arguments relate to that.
I wasnt talking that much about your arguments, i was refering to OP's pic arguments.
I would also be a bit upset if i had a wife that didnt trust me if i cheated or not. And im not talking about parternity tests needing to be mandatory. That shit costs too much money and can often fail.
how do so many people not understand such simple concept really fucking astounds me
>demand soars
>somehow that translates into increased costs in a free market system
Female intellectuals.
>tfw your country is so full of whores, that they now have to give mandatory whore tests to every child born
Nobody comes to Jow Forums to get dragged into a public debate, you lunatic.
Well, it depends really.
I'm not feeling brave nor do I think i'm a good debater I would just be really interested in hearing your argument against mandatory dna testing
>male insecurity.
that insecurity is justified. It's like saying that you won't be paying for food and water for someone because they are insecure about their food and water supply.
It's not regular demand, its forced demand. Its required, you have no choice. When you don't have the choice in something, those are the industries that get boned the most. The pharmaceutical industry is notorious for this. People need those pills or die so they charge stupid amounts for it. This is just common sense.
>What do you mean by that? By discord? or some other private chat?
Either in person or over something that can be voice-recorded.
Why can't anyone come confident in their ideas?
I keep saying it: literally no confidence here.
Thanks for your honesty. Tell your peers to not be cowardly and debate me and you'll see my answer.
Evolution never accounted for any other factor than who could fuck the most. If that guy happened to be a dumb motherfucker with a big dick, then the world is full of dumb motherfuckers with big dicks.
In the age of condoms, birth control, and even abortion, not so much. But women are still hard wired to look for the huge muscular caveman to drag them to his cave and pump them full of semen. Intelligence doesn't work that way. In fact, it tends to run counter to what women want in a man.
>It's like saying that you won't be paying for food and water for someone because they are insecure about their food and water supply.
Where do people come up with these analogies.
Debate me, fag. Choose a platform, no video, audio only.
The fact that 10 to 40% of all men are raising another man's child in the west is male insecurity.
The fact that simple tests in biology classes to ascertain your blood type via your parents blood type is now literally against school policy, is male insecurity.
>Thanks for your honesty. Tell your peers to not be cowardly and debate me and you'll see my answer.
you're acting oblivious to the fact that no one from this site will be up for a public debate
>not a shining gem in the sea of prudes
Why are women saying no though? Is it because they respect their privacy? Is it because they don't want to give away their kid's DNA and be put in a database? Hahaha, yeah right. They just don't want to get caught lying like children.
It's inexpensive and it can be a part of the regular blood works that the infant gets done to look for immunodeficiencies. You are grasping at straws. The estimated cost would never be over 10 dollars in your insurance.
Well, this guy seems up for it:
>Debate me, fag.
Gladly, my scamp. You can pick. Any recommendations on what's the easiest to voice-record? Leave a throwaway e-mail and I'll contact you for a follow-up.
>I'm sorry but I'm not paying thousands because of male insecurity.
Me neither. If they make a law that forces the hospital, or your insurance, or your husband to eat the cost then okay whatever. Do what you want. But you know most men will start changing their tune when those $5000 bills start coming.
>male insecurity
Yeah wanting to know if the kid you are going to raise and provide for basically the rest of your life really is yours, is male insecurity right. The only reason women would not agree to this is actually female insecurity of being scared of getting caught being fucking whores.
How much is that in child support, like a year?
beta-bux chad-fuks was a millennia old strategy for females. Society would crumble if it was implemented willy-nilly right now.
Women, and society, will have to readjust for some while before going forward with this.
>pay 500 dollars for a paternity test
>pay upto 2000 dollars monthly to support another man's child and your whore wife
Mandatory is a bit odd and gives me Gattaca vibes. What about a one party consent option for DNA testing? Even then, probably not, because you can't make a mother consent to giving up her DNA.
not the guy who's up for debate but just curious, is your argument based on morals or the cost and bills of mandatory dna testing?
Wait, I'm clinically retarded, you don't need both the mother and the father's DNA to do a DNA test on the baby. One party consent would be an interesting debate.
>Either in person or over something that can be voice-recorded
Fuck that, i cant stand the feeling of talking to someone i dont know by voice and in english, let alone being recorded.
I also come from a south european country, so we can really met in person.
My views are pretty much equal to yours desu, i just think its stupid in banning the tests independly of the situation.
You seem to eager for a fight, jesus, you need to calm the fuck down son. Provoking people never gets us anywhere good.
You seem like the femanon that was talking about incels in some thread yesterday. desu.
That's not how insurance works. Most insurance companies are selective in what they'll back. Things that cost thousands of dollars are not going to have $10 copays, especially something like this. An insurance company is more willing to eat something actually practical health wise, but if you're asking an insurance company to eat something that expensive and that has little value to anyone except the men's ego, yeah they're going to make you pay for it. That's just common sense.
That's how it works for most of the world. Consent of the mother is still required to get DNA of the fetus.
Court order if not amicably settled.
There're mandatory vaccine injections. Don't see this as any different.
We're on the same page then. However, most men don't think like that. There will be a severe backlash if this becomes a thing.
It's also been gone for a long ass time. Society has readjusted, because that's what allowed it to exist. Sexual liberation is the death of society, and by enabling it, you might as well be poisoning the water supply of burning the grain reserves or introducing plague to the people.
women don't deserve fairness. it's been proved by the abuse they have caused upon men via the status quo. men should be able to opt out of the relationship/marriage whenever he can without consequences, even if there is a child involved.
What part of 10-40% of fathers are estimated to be raising another man's child do you not understand?
Moroever, it will obviously be socialized like your pap smears and free tampons are. We are equals, remember?
That's probably true, actually, most NPCs would gladly trade their future for a few bucks right away.
I'm not against paternity tests, user. I'm not Bernie Sanders though, I don't expect money to come out my ass and an efficient industry to sprout from nowhere.
You are completely delusional.
There have been countless motions from men to make this a reality. It is women that are lobbying against it. Incessantly. To the point that the actual tests are INADMISSIBLE in the court of law.
I don't think this is real, women aren't afraid of this in reality
I've never ever heard about this shit until this thread
you don't think women care who the father is, either? daft boys, use your head
now 10-40% of babies are not the fathers that is raising them. If those fathers now knew what's happening, they'd abandon their families and society would shit itself.
What's to be done is talk a lot about implementing mandatory paternity tests for a while to scare the whores. After a couple of years, implement them.
I would use something like audacity, but there are a number of other audio programs you can use.
>Fuck that, i cant stand the feeling of talking to someone i dont know by voice and in english, let alone being recorded.
Okay, then don't debate me, but I'm right.
>I also come from a south european country, so we can really met in person.
I wasn't expecting someone to come in person, so whatever. Online works.
>My views are pretty much equal to yours desu, i just think its stupid in banning the tests independly of the situation.
I haven't really gone into my views much. I'm eager for the opportunity to.
>You seem to eager for a fight, jesus, you need to calm the fuck down son. Provoking people never gets us anywhere good.
I'm not looking for a fight (I was perfectly civil; r9k wasn't), but I'm happy to let the person I'm debating choose the weapon.
>You seem like the femanon that was talking about incels in some thread yesterday. desu.
I'm not aware of it, but I seriously doubt she or anyone else on this site has the capacity to be as thorough as I am in a debate.
Let's just call it a very complete argument.
Hey. Still waiting on a response from you. Leave your throwaway (or real if you prefer) email so I can follow up with you about a voice-recorded debate. Let's do this.
Women know who the father is you literal chucklefuck.
That's the onus of the whole discussion.
They do care who the father is, that's the point. They want it to be someone other than their naive, hard-working husband.
keep us updated champ
I'm okay with DNA testing as long as:
1. Zero cost to me.
2. Its quick.
3. We make the punishment for men leaving women even harsher.
If I prove that baby is yours then you should be forced to stay around and support it or be executed. Fair is fair.