So longer story short I accidentally became a nihilist and I'm really struggling to find the motivation to go to the...

So longer story short I accidentally became a nihilist and I'm really struggling to find the motivation to go to the gym. Seriously what's the point when in the ultimate grand scheme of things our muscles mean nothing? Your biggest muscle is still just an insignificant tiny spec of dust in the whole universe

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>I became a nihilist
Kys yourself brainlet

Don't you want to have a good time with the limited amount of experience you've been randomly allotted? Or are you just trying to complain the whole fucking time?

Nihilist are fucking retarted cause if they actually believed their philosophy they would immediately kill themselves.


if nothing matters to you why don't you live in the streets instead of your parent's house you fucking faggot
eat a dick and mine too
back to the failure pit

Who got it?

> believes nothing means anything
> still thinks he needs meaning to pursue gains

Fuck off, this is a estoic board

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Nothing inherently means anything all meaning is assigned by you and by others.
Set goals and find your contentedness in pursuing them, realizing them and then pursuing new ones

No, you are retarded

Consider absurdism and how it applies to the argument of nihilism. Also, while a nihilist may acknowledge life's lack of purpose, due to their brain chemistry it may be too difficult for them to bring themselves to suicide

This, you can't be a nihilist and take yourself seriously with out suicide

Fucking lol this

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That's right.

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Read flex mentallo, it's 4 issues and it always helps me out

You are not a nihilist, just a retard to scared to try because failing is a very big fucking real possibility.
Why are you here asking question about motif, if you yourself claim there are no valid motifs?
Be honest, you are still looking for ways in which to have some sort of belief, in you, in a way, in any sort of direction that resembles a “sure thing”, a “straight answer”.
There arent. There are no sure things. And the shitty little “things” that are powerful enough to drive the rest of us, come from within.
No one comes out alive at the end of life. What do you have to lose?

This! Fuckin idiots

But what would be the point?

Nihilists are nothing more than moral cowards that will pay a severe price late in life.

Babbys first philosophy crisis
im gonna fuck your girlfriend little man

No, you won’t.

try DMT at least? maybe you will change your mind

>muh nothing matters, nothing has a meaning
How can you say nothing matters when I'm still hurt 5 years later from the death of my girlfriend. Can't you see? We give meaning to life, life doesn't offer it in itself. You ask yourself "why should I do X if nothing matters", when the real question is "why shouldn't I do X if nothing matters"

You have a point with your last sentence, but the meaning we assign things ultimately is meaningless as well. I understand the emotions you feel, but I just think these emotions are just here to drive us to do shit.

>but the meaning we assign things ultimately is meaningless as well
On what basis? I feel like you're trying to find an answer to a question that doesn't exist. If it's meaningful to me, why does there need to exist a "deeper level" where it's meaningful? What sort of meaning do you need, a deity figure to tell you what you need to do? Would THAT make it meaningful? Only if there was some sort of motivation I suppose. A threat of hell, would that give meaning to what you do? But then, isn't that as well just doing things because X motivation drives you? On lesser extent you can experience pain and hell on earth even now if you do certain things, so you don't do them. How is that meaning somehow less valid than this "ultimate meaning" would be? They're motivated by the same thing, wanting to avoid an uncomfortable position

YOU are the deepest level. Your feelings and emotions are the most real thing you'll ever experience, find or have. If something matters to you, if something has meaning to you, then it's not meaningless. There really is nothing more to it

Based JBP. Nihilism is for brainlets and commies.

godtier bait

Nihilism is a stepping stone on the road to freedom, you have found that nothing matters, there is no need to you for a god, you need to fill that void and become your own god, you shouldn't waste your time being a fat slob, you should be everything your body can be and you should experience every facet of life you can, because while we all are dust in the end, there is nothing worse than facing mortality and regretting wasting your life away.

Lift, party, fuck, start a family(eventually), skydive, shoot a gun, climb a mountain, travel, read war and peace, watch gone with the wind, hit up your best friend from childhood, get in a fight, do every fucking thing that you possibly can. In the endless vastness of the universe, somehow the stars aligned, the bloodlines converged and you happened to be the fastest sperm. So the world will die, you will die and in 1000 years no one will remember you, but the fact of the matter is that you do exist, and you owe it to no one or any god but yourself to make the most of it. Stop shitting up the board with psychology and lift faggot.

Why the fuck would you think at cosmic scale?
Just put it in the back of your mind and strive to be the best you can be at life.
You're in the unique position that you can decide your own meaning of life now, choose wisely.

And don't forget to wash your penis

There is such a thing as inherent meaning. If there wasn't, then nothing would ever exist, yet things still exist. We just don't know what that meaning is, and that's what people should strive to do--find out the meaning of it all.

If nothing matters, essentially all valuations of things are negated. So you can't logically say that nihilism has made you depressed because that is putting a value on things. If you are going to put an arbitrary value on things, you might as well choose happiness. Nihilism is freedom from the constraints of all of history, episimology, metaphysics.

You obviously never read enough about nihilism or are too stupid to understand it.

Oh fuck penis inspection day was yesterday

>being a nihilist

You obviously never read enough about nihilism or are too stupid to understand it.

lmao this