Beard thread

Did you see any improvement on your beard when you started lifting?
How true is it that squats and deadlifts boost test? And if true, does the amount even make a difference in your body?
>tfw been lifting for 3 years and still no full beard

How do maximize beard gains?

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Bump, also interested in growing a proper beard. 24 yo and still have some patches where it won't fucking grow. Any tips?

beards are for bald redditors without any jaw definition and onions milk dripping from their mouth

>do squats and dl increase test?
>Is it significant
Fuck no

For most people that arent fat and dont have a recessed chin, a beard would be a downgrade.

Daily reminder that anti-beard posters are just coping because they are incapable of growing a full beard.

>Being able to grow a beard is rare
Post jaw redditor


pic is me, now prove me wrong again

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Can I grow a beard or do I quit now

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U a fucking qt user. Jelly.
No idea bout the beard but I think it would make you look generic and do I vote you stop.

Thanks user your compliments are important to me, appreciated

The only people that care about beards are 16-21 year olds. The only people that flaunt them are anyone older with nothing else in their lives

No, it's not. I've been lifting for 3 years too and still feel like shit but sometimes you do something irreversible to your body that permanently fucks up your endocrine system. I don't even know who I can give as an example of how deep my voice sounded like. I sounded like a black 80 year old smoker that speaks in slow motion and I could fap 10 times a day. Now I speak out of my nose and maybe be a little horny in the morning. My fucking chin got smaller too. Torso hands and legs got thinner and I feel short of breath as I'm writing this. Can only grow some chin hairs. Feeling "naked" when I'm talking to someone I don't really know, feeling sorry for everyone for no reason. Big ass gyno. High estrogen. Shit sucks. I'm only 18 for fuck's sake.

if its that bad, just roid then

Youre a lazy Marxist

>My chin got smaller

Nigger what. Seriously, how does your chin remove material from itself? You're a professional victim

lmao right now it's at it smallest so I'll take a picture of it and in like 1 or 2 weeks of nofap I'll post a picture of it comparing it from the one I have now. How do I reach you?

Difference between a reddit beard and a short beard or stubble like in the OP, one that still shows of the chin/jaw.

Beards have been taken over by the onions crowd. The next best alternative is stubble or completely clean shaven.

I have a nice beard now that gets a lot of compliments (especially from black women for some reason). It didn’t come in right until I was 29.
Every man should grow a beard once in his life.

u have a jawline of power, don't fuck it up with that scraggly ass hair

bros i have a dark beard. but now light blonde (like targaryen) are popping all over. wtf is this

Wait but you need testosterone to get a beard, how do they do it if they are sóyboys

Don't be worrying about your beard before 25. It'll grow in soon enough.

If you still don't have a good beard by 30 you have problems.

>My chin shrinks and grows depending on how much I jack off

I bet you tell people your eyes change color depending on your mood

The ‘beards’ they can grow aren’t proper ones. They are always patchy or look like pubic hair.

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I have a pretty solid jawline and can grow a nice beard (black with red in it naturally for whatever reason)
But shaved it off when I started lifting. Girls like clean shaven or stubble better anyways