You win the lottery. Where do you choose to live? Why? Feel free to add one if it isn't on the list...

You win the lottery. Where do you choose to live? Why? Feel free to add one if it isn't on the list, like an old victorian style house etc. Personally i'd go for a Plantation house somewhere nice.

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None of those. I'd get some small two room house.

Cabin in the woods. As I've lived in both a Japanese house and a plantation home fuck all that noise.

Big houses aren't comfy and good luck cleaning them by yourself

Small desert house with a lot of security features, basically a small bunker that I can live in for ages without leaving

Modern house with a hint a brutalism in the woods far away from everybody else but with highspeed internet so I can still shitpost

I'd take the ranch added with a farm, a small Cessna 172 with runway and a hangar plus high speed internet.
I've always wanted to do that shit.

I mean, if you won the lottery you could easily pay for a maid.

I don't buy a house. Instead I fly over to America and buy a gun legally. Then I donate the rest of my dough to charity and shoot myself in the head.

Tiny japanese house. Seems comfy enough

Penthouse, I value the internet and "aesthetic" of a high-rise apartment in the overcast skies of a metropolis.

>Tfw your ancestors owned slaves and were rich aristocracy and married into the line of Robert E Lee but you were born poor and lived in trailers as a kid

Japanese house. give me that washitsu. tatami feels so nice on my feet

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The mansion
I like having lots of personal space

>wanting anyone in your house
Roastie maids stay out

anything but where I'm currently at lol

I guess from the options I'd pick NYC penthouse, it feels comfy living high up in an apartment building assuming the tenants and neighbors are not trash

Ranch or plantation house
I hate people but I'd rather live not too far from stores and shit.

Cabin in the woods with a part of the forest cleared for a decent sized garden.

100% cabin in the woods if the internet isnt shit

comfy ass cabin. or maybe a plantation house if it has a thick wood surrounding it.

House in the woods if internet is fast
The modern house is pretty nice as well

Modern house right outside a major city, preferably in a nice climate, like Miami or LA/San Francisco. Next would be the NY Penthouse, its second cause NY has shitty weather.

none of these, just a smol house with everything i need plus a pc.

I mean that could just be the typical old house though.

All of these are rich houses for rich people though. It's all the same shit.

Cabin in the woods, fast internet connection, good pc. I'd be set.

why would you not want a rich people house if you a rich person? plus the old house, a ranch, and a plantation house aren't that expensive.

Something I could keep mantaining without too much money.
I'd splurge on a car desu, always wanted an M3.

I'd unironically be scared to live away from civilization. I'd just buy a small house in the suburbs or a small apartment. Really the only thing I want is the knowledge that I don't ever have to work, my lifestyle wouldn't change much.

Either this or a japanese cabin in the woods. They have a beautiful nature in the east.

penthouse so i dont have to maintain the exterior. modern house and japanese house runners up

I'd live in a small, normal house and use my winnings to go as long as possible without working.

Cabin in the woods, get decent wireless internet, get all my food delivered, invest in VR and a loli sexbot in my future, and a doggo.
I just REALLY dislike people in person, and 70% of the time online too.

I'd say a nice big tour bus/RV I love travel and its better than the sprinter im in now.

Big-city penthouse tbqh
>almost impossible to burglar into
>police, paramedics, fire department all arrive within minutes
>not too large, easy to mantain
>amazing view of the city
>big-city means anonimity
>20-minute drive to every important place

either modern house or new york penthouse. i just love the idea of living in a place that feels modern, gorgeous and rich, that i can walk into and just feel like it's perfect.

>20-minute drive
Maybe if everything you need is less than two blocks away.

>the university campus
>a grocery store
>a gym
>a nice park
>the "party" area downtown
>a big mall
If I lived in the very center of my city, I would have all those within easy 20-minute drive.
Sounds much better to me than a fuck-huge castle in some rural area.

A truly big city has too much traffic for that was my point.

Cabin in the woods mixed with Japanese house.

English farmhouse. (So ranch)
Because that's where she wanted to live

I'd pull some notebook shit if I was so lucky

I'd probably just get a house some place with low taxes where my mail is sent to. My address wouldn't matter too much to me, since if I was that rich I'd spend most of my free time gallivanting across the globe. In reality, if I had to choose something it'd be a small, isolated villa on the coast in Italy. Just a nice, warm place to come back to whenever I return home.

Somewhere private, preferably with a batcave.

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Who's (she) user? Originals

A truly big city has subways.

a cozy commieblock apartment

Cabin in the woods, nothing better than being alone with my liquor, a few guns and my
pc full of media to enjoy in peace without judgement.

Then it's not a drive anymore

Japanese cabin in the woods

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Maybe. English is not my native language.