How many of you guys continued growing after the age of 18?

How many of you guys continued growing after the age of 18?
And how much did you grow after 18?

I turned 18 a few days ago and I want to know if there's still hope for me.
I'm kind of a late bloomer. I barely have any facial hair so I think there's a good chance I'm still growing.

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I continue growing inside your mom

At 19 I grew again from 5'7 to 5'8 and a half
Currently 5'9 on a good day/morning
Don't get your hopes up for a huge growth spurt faggot
That, or go and get your growth plates checked and if they haven't fused jump on hgh

>late bloomer
Won't do you any favors bro, I was a late bloomer and I'm still a manlet. Just accept it or it will drive you crazy, trust me.

Stoped at 19 then at 26 went from 187cm to 189cm was kinda wtf moment

I stopped growing at like 14-15, I was 190cm then (6'3"ish?) and still is 10 years later.

178 cm 18
182 cm 19

Don’t give up OP. I basically gained five inches from 17 to 19 years old. Perhaps I lucked out but just to say theres hope

>Currently 5'9 on a good day/morning
negro... what?

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You do understand that you are taller some days and taller in mornings right? Have you heard of spine compression?

why do you think that that makes any difference, do you only leave home in the mornings? jesus youre retarded. nobody cares about your extra cm of height.

I'm not the faggot you responded to but it can change anywhere from 1-2 inches in the mornings and if you don't think that matters then you're fucking retarded
Just kys you don't know shit about height, got called out on it and now you're being retarded on purpose

189cm and I want more

LMAOing at your life
there isn't a magic ruler next to you telling everyone your height. either a chick is into you, or she isnt, and being an inch taller isnt gonna change that. regardless, what are you planning on doing? going out clubbing at 8am? people like you seriously confuse me

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I was 6'2 at 18, I'm 20 now at 6'2.75. Apparently men don't stop growing completely until like 22 so I'm hoping for another inch

OP here. I'm about 5'8", maybe a little more. I'm not THAT short but I'm still hoping I can get to at least 5'10" or 180cm.
I have an uncle who's still taller than me so maybe there's still a chance..

>tfw 178cm at 12 year old
>tallest guy in class
>tfw 178cm at 22 year old
>one of the shortest guys in (uni) class

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I peaked at a little over 6'2 at 16.

If anything, I'm a little shorter now because of posture.

Eurofag here so metric system it is
>Be me
>13 y/o 171 cm till then
>Been growing steadily
>The year between 13 and a half to 14 and a half
>Go through a growth spurt
>Grow 11 centimeters
>Haven't grown a millimeter for the past 7 years and I don't think I'll ever do kek

I stopped at 18 with 189cm than I wear boots for 2 years feeling like 193 than I met doctor he did some checkings and told me im 194cm barefoot while I was telling girls im 190

People tell me I grew a bit taller and comment me on my height. I think I may have gained a centimer between 18 and 23 (now). Maybe two cm.

On the other hand it could very well be just their imagination, because I didnt notice anything and the only difference is my increased self confidence and charisma. In school I was mostly the timid and quiet guy so maybe they just never noticed my real height.

>tfw 190 cm at age 11 (unironically)
>you gonna be slow mutant
>never grow cm more later and I grow into body that I became athlethic with it

I reckon I'm still growing, last time I checked, I was 186cm (6,1 in american I think?) and people are still telling me that I grew up. I'm 20. I figure you could still grow up

Grew from 175cm (5'9) to 183cm (6') from 20-21 then another inch or so from 23-present, around 10 months.

Some do, since don't.

i didnt grow shit after i hit like 16, but i hit puberty very early

My grandfather grew from 6'to 6'3 between 20 and 23.

>user makes funny off-hand comment saying he's 1cm taller on a good day
>triggers your autism so much you dedicate 3 posts to it

LMAOing at ur life

You shouldn't give a shit if you are 5'8" or taller. Below that is the danger zone though.

t. 5'8 midget

I'm 5'8" but still I feel like 5'10" is a safer spot to be at... Newer generations are getting taller and taller these days.

5'11 3/4 to dead on 6'1 from 18 to 21

>be 18
>be 26

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I'm pretty sure I stopped growing at 17. I only reached 180cm.

If you were late into puberty you could definetly grow. I know some dudes that I used to tower that are taller than me now.