Discovered the girl I liked has a lot of nazi things in her bedroom. a flag, medals, posters, drawings etc

>discovered the girl I liked has a lot of nazi things in her bedroom. a flag, medals, posters, drawings etc
Is this a red flag?

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If you are non-white,yes. If you are white,it is a green flag to the max.

Yup, she's fuckin crazy user, abort immediately

based perfect woman fuck her and give her SUPERIOR WHITE CHILDREN okay???

praise kek

Maybe she's just a Buddhist, OP

If this was real Id be so jealous

Why is that most of the nazi flag girls are almost always either black/brown haired with brown eyes?

yes, neo-nazis are faggots
why idealize a group that failed?

op here
ye it's real,
I'm white
>also side note
I went there to replace the graphics card on her pc and also replace the thermal paste, she knows 0 about pc's.. so I was actually surprised when I saw her bedroom it kek

fucking marry her right now, i wish i had a nazi gf

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Confederate flags are a real red flag too. They idolize slavery and wanted to break the nation apart to keep it

Youre a god damned idiot and should really shut the fuck up and crawl back into your uneducated hole

you were invited to her bedroom and u didnt fuck her wtf what a faggot kys

>tfw really like nazi and commie parafernalia
>DUDE R U NASII D:::: -_-'

They desire aryan genes so that their kids can have blond hair and light colored eyes.

Makes sense, it's just funny to me since they wouldn't even be considered aryan

It means that you're a cuck and she won't ever respect or date you.

is this her OP
she was posted here with some pics with ammo and old nazi flags and shiet

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I said SUPERIOR aryan genes. You can have dark hair and dark eyes and still be aryan, it's just not as aesthetic.

Post personal information so we can troll kappa

You can, but eye/hair color still aren't the only factors.
Skull shape, and features also play a part

nigger is that even a female

Nigga, Hitler himself had brown hair.

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I can tell you with 100% certainty, it is just an edgy phase/cry for attention and she isn't an actual Neo-Nazi or anything like that.

She's fucking crazy

she looks like a fucking happa

>thinks hitler was aryan
Kek you stupid fuck

The entire south is uneducated, traitors deserve to be hanged

fuck off with posting this bitch unless you have new shit

sage dumb thread

No she is blonde

But blue eyes

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Absolutely. She is crazy. Most likely she isn't into the politics of the Nazis and just has a fetish for the uniforms, flags etc. Expect some of the following:

Fucking whilst wearing regalia
Role play, probably along the lines of camp guard etc
Her getting you to shave your head and then more boning with uniforms
Being butt fucked with a strap on whilst she does the role-playing, regalia wearing and head shaving.

All fetishes become boring after a while if you don't share the fetish. Avoid the crazy Nazi fetish girls. Avoid the Nazi politics girls. They are a special kind of crazy.

>also replace the thermal paste
unless she got a new heatsink or CPU then this is entirely unnessecary

the nose ring is a dead giveaway. in [CURRENT YEAR +3] being a nazi for non-intellectual reasons is a giveaway for edgy mental illness. I say this as a National Socialist.

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>Is this a red flag?

yep that one in the background looks pretty red to me

>is this a red flag
yes, a red flag with a cross and a swastika
it obviously isn't you colossal cuckold, it saddens me you have to ask this

cuck master detected

Dump her fucking racist ass, All Nazis deserve death.

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you do realize, that that's the laziest "argument" you could've possibly come up with and you couldnt even accomplish that, you just saw someone else write it

>Being butt fucked with a strap on whilst she does the role-playing, regalia wearing and head shaving.
Could be worse I guess

>traitors deserve to be hanged
Sir, I'm from the Ministry of Diversity and Tolerance and you're being arrested for ultra-nationalism
funnily enough the South was shit but not for the reasons that you think it was

must he fucking nice

>discovered the girl I liked has a lot of nazi things in her bedroom. a flag, medals, posters, drawings etc
No, you didn't.
Your little attention whore thread is gay as fuck sage.

>Not fucking her so hard she becomes an anarcho-communist
you're doing it wrong

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gas yourself

communist are subhumans

>tfw no underaged nazi asault rifles owning gf
hold me brehs

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ok redditspacer

Lmao, calm down you little queer

Fucking penetrate her (male) boipussy

i was gonna think of something but thats actually funny

honestly yes that is a huge red flag, a girl having things like that in her room doesn't mean "omg based tradwife uwu" it very likely just means shes a very very edgy tryhard who just wants some aryan chads attention

sorry to break the delusion

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>has a fetish for spics
kek. also
bitches are sluts from the cradle these days, it's over

Lol she goes to my school

Deep down every girl wants that

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Your lucky OP. I wish i had a naziboo gf

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>Is this a red flag?
Of course you color tard, it's like 70% red you can see it right behind her

Is her name katy?

Ofc the nazi flag was mainly red you dumbass. You fuck. You imbecile.

Is there any chance of a qt Neo-confederate gf out there for me, Jow Forums?

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Haha nice one pal


your cousin

>Is this a red flag
yeah, a bit black and white too but mostly red

Where's that? what can you tell us about her user

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Yeah that's red, there's some white and black on it too.
Glad I could help color-blind user.

>your cousin
They're all married now with kids so that ships sailed. Feels bad, man.

Nazi girls only want nazi Chad

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I'm imagining those two without the hair wearing nazi helmets, just now realizing it but 90% of woman have man or boy face and I think everyone is a little gay.

Strong women are the best women

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That is actually a lottery win in a girl

>finds redpilled natsoc aryan gril
>iS tHiS a ReDfLaG

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Isn't she from Florida?

or she could be a neo-nazi which means she's probably no better than some dirty redneck addicted to crystal meth

You can be strong without a man face user, admit to me mens faces get you off user, you basically all already have.

>he can't tell the difference between a man's face and a womans face

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>He implies I cannot see 90% of woman have man faces, and 10% legitimately consistent feminine feature laden profiles.
Cope o' the Homo spotted


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>is this a red flag?
well, just look at the picture you fucking idiot. It's red isn't it?

Low iq response user you've failed my class.

>imagine these 2 young girls but dressed up to look like boys
a-are you okay user?

I don't have any more brainlet wojaks anyway so I'm just gonna call you a faggot and call it even

No but that's irrelevant, I simply have the skill of using my imagination, to notice that without makeup and hair blocking the edge of womans faces, the majority look like boys.
I mentioned the helmet because the literally have the faces of nazi chads.

Shes quiet, dresses weird, clumsy but cute. dont know her really well

>just wants some aryan chads attention
The world you were looking for is "leadership", not attention. She may not understand it on a deep intellectual level, but if she is instinctively attracted to the aesthetic, she likely can be molded into a suitable Aryan waifu and mother.

>the majority look like boys
Are you saying that you seriously can't tell the difference between a masculine and feminine face?

Where in Florida m8, like what city?
And just how weird does she dress? Does she hang out with a lot of people or have many friends or is she a loner?

And also what's her name

Nigga that's two clones of a man acting like a woman and for some reason this reminds me of potatoes

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I'm saying I can, and that 90% of woman do not have incredibly feminine features comparatively to males in which may have a few feminine features but rarely look entirely male.
Look at many womans faces without makeup without a "I'm no homo!" bias and claim to me they are no where near reminiscent of a clean shaven slightly androgynous male.

is she as fat irl as in some of her pics?

>trying this hard to hide the fact that he's a faggot
whatever floats your boat

Talking about yourself in the third person is dis-associative homo behavior user, see a doctor.

toppest kek
gay r9k board

Nop is Joana

nigga im not doxxing myself, its in central florida. She dresses badly. doesn't match and camo shit. think I saw her once wear something nice lmao. Only seen her hang out with the autistic kid
not sticc but not fat

>tfw not white but gotta get a southern girl

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Niggah yous a faggot

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goddamn that girl has great tits and hips

Yes op. Yes. Since you're white 100% go for it. If she brings up the flags and stuff, try to get her to explain it to you. No matter how much you know, let her "red pill" you and use it to bond. You're in a dream situation my dude

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.ITT Faggot trying reason with his faggotry

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