What's it like having eating disorders?

What's it like having eating disorders?

Attached: anorexia women.webm (1920x1080, 1.93M)

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It's like when you're so full you're sick, but you hate feeling anxious so you go eat more even though you'll probably throw up later.
Then you have people tell you that you CHOOSE to do that.

It's like buying a bag of food from Burger King and saying "I going to eat disorder of food".

sucks, 0/10, do not recommend
I'm always hungry but I feel guilty whenever I eat
It's hard to hide and my clothes are getting looser

like a pity-attention starved reverse-narcissist

it's like being addicted to a drug that you need to be taking to survive, but you cannot take too much or too little or you die

and what constitutes "too much" or "too little" can change within seconds and doesn't make any sense whatsoever

and in addition to that people constantly tell you how much of that drug you SHOULD be taking and whether you're doing it the right way or not

and you're ashamed to be taking it in front of others or to be taking the same dose as others even though it's normal for everyone else and no one even cares

and then sometimes you're completely unable to take it because you're so disgusted by it and by yourself but you KNOW that you have to take the drug again at some point because if you don't you will die
honstly it really just depends on what kind of eating disorder you have, can't really generalize it like that. but yeah to sum it up: food is the fucking devil and it's so complicated and hard to navigate and i don't know how other people are so relaxed about food. i literally start panicking when i even think about it

Hey her vagina fell out

hahaha how are eating disorders real just eat something like grab a burger

I don't want to do that. I'm too afraid of getting fat.

exciting and fulfilling, gives you a purpose in life and something to look forward to

>pity meeeee
Can't take eating-disorder fags seriously. If they were serious about their weight/looks, they'd go to the gym. Proper athletes have low body fat, but they also have muscle.

your bait is weak, user.


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are you literally stupid? have you ever actually taken the time to look at athlete's diets? jesus fucking christ you're retarded

eating disorders are memes OP

Somebody feed her a burger!

Attached: Colorized propaganda footage of Jewish prisoner enjoying camp luxuries at Auschwitz, circa 1942.webm (704x396, 1.52M)

Have you? I fucking did. Also, check how their bodies look to see what effects those diets have on bodies if exercise is applied.
Anorexics are just attention whores. If they wanted to look good, they'd do MINIMAL reading about nutrition and exercise.

>If they wanted to look good, they'd do MINIMAL reading about nutrition and exercise

Either bait or extremely, EXTREMELY retarded

t. psychologyfag and fitizen

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>Anorexics are just attention whores. If they wanted to look good, they'd do MINIMAL reading about nutrition and exercise.
It's... it's not about looking good, user. I want to look like I'm dying. I don't deserve food because I'm a sinner.

Fembot here. Eugenia inspires me so much.

I used to be anorexic. I loved feeling thin. I loved losing weight. I loved the smell of ketones on my breath.

Then shit hit the fan and I became insanely hungry to the point that I could eat an entire 1KG block of cheese (4000+ calories) in one sitting and still feel hungry an hour later. My worst day was 15,000 calories, mostly of chocolate. Yay, I beat that guy in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment who only managed 11,000.

Anyway, this continued for a couple of months and I did everything I could to fight it; started taking large doses of ephedrine and nicotine to try and kill my appetite, drinking huge amounts of water, stuff myself with spinach, etc.

Now my BMI is 27, technically overweight although somehow I don't look it. I feel fat and awful. Going to try and get skelly again soon but this time do it nice and slow and eat my fats and protein so that my body doesn't have a shitfit.

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That was supposed to meant
>AT LEST minimal
Sorry for mistyping

goddamnit that's fucking sexy

just dont eat, its simple.

classic reverse narcissist pity-attention gathering for the purpose of guilt-tripping people into doing shit for you. Had met enough of you to safely say you people are the source of majority of evil on this world.

You are not a sinner, darling. You are a beautiful person. Please look after yourself.

It's not fair, I just want to be normal sized and have normal hunger while these anorexics have no hunger at all but abuse their genetics

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>go out to eat with friends
>hide fear of food
>eat dinner anyway because you don't want them to hate you
>go home
>don't eat for the rest of the week

get off this site you goody two shoes piece of shit. she is a sinner, a whore, and a all round degenerate

>classic reverse narcissist pity-attention gathering for the purpose of guilt-tripping people into doing shit for you
How the fuck am I doing this? I just want to be left alone to starve. I've never asked anyone for anything in relation to my ED.
Research shows that eating disorders are a genetic stress response, similar to cutting. Restricting my calories makes me feel much less anxious.

>these anorexics have no hunger at all
I fucken wish mate I'm hungry 24/7 I just ignore it

this kind of responses is what she wants. Those keep her doing what she does. This is how she maintains her Narcissistic Supply.

>Restricting my calories makes me feel much less anxious.

No you are just getting high off ketones


You can get the same effect without starving yourself

as long as she's willing to fucc me, i don't care if she a narcissist

Aww sweaty, don't say that. If you need someone to talk to I'm always available, just post your email

If you wanted to apply pain to yourself to calm yourself, you'd do it in a way that's not visible at will. You want to be able to show how a SAD SAD PERSON you are at will.
You'd start to exercise for example. Or do stretching/extreme yoga. Those can be calming in a very similar way and can certainly be painful while guiding you into looking NOT like an blatant attention whore.

New video in two hours, you guys ready for skeleton cosplays as a skeleton

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>will this fishing trip be successful?
>will our hero finally land a bite on the hook?
>stay tuned to find out on the next episode...

The vag display in OPs gif is typical to the anorexic way of behaving in general.
>I know I'm in an outrageous, attention grabbing state
>be it having vag out in the open or being a starved skelly
>I'll just flash this fact in a way that looks like an accident, but then I'll stare at you like a retard in a clear attempt at gauging what effect that caused in you.

Interesting. I don't think I restrict low enough to go through ketogenesis, but I could be wrong.

>If you wanted to apply pain to yourself to calm yourself, you'd do it in a way that's not visible at will.
Lol? No one knows I have anorexia. I'm specifically anxious about becoming obese and gluttonous like my relatives, so dieting calms me.

It is disclosable at will, and it is wielded as a weapon of manipulation.
>Oh, you poor thing, your starving!!!!
>I just forgot what I was talking about a second before
Toxic reverse narcissistic need to be grandiose in ANY way.

This is a thread about eating disorders. OP wanted to hear about what it's like. How the fuck is it manipulation to post my experience?

Yeah you do choose to do that. What the fuck do you mean?

Not that user but I know some people with binge eating disorder literally dissociate during their binges then "wake up" later and have to figure out what they ate

Is she cute without make-up?

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Those binges were to be anticipated by periods of unthinking starvation. read a book about nutrition you lazy retard.
>but ... but ... just starving is easier

>You choose to eat until you throw up and get physically sick
>You choose to stay in bed all day and not eat or a drink anything for days at a time

no. it's the raccoon eye shadow that does it for me.

How do anorexics suppress / ignore their hunger?



they don't suppress it. it's always there. most of them rewire their thinking to see hunger as a good thing. they train themselves to think when they feel hungry, they have regained a sense of control, a mastery over their body, if you will.
t. not anorexic

Willpower. Anorexics usually have higher IQs, which was confirmed by research papers.

yes, but that's the face of mental illness though

I don't believe you, it's not a case of will power. Hunger hormones are too powerful to ignore with willpower. They must be using some sort of trick or drug

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It's like feeling guilty for eating and checking your weight every few hours and getting really hungry after a few days of fasting and feeling guilty for that hunger and forcing yourself to not eat for 6 days or more.
It's alright, not awful.

Your body fat got too low and you went into true hunger.

Post pic of bod, wonder if you're just chubs and not fat. Skelly mode is ugly imo.

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it's classified as mental illness for a reason

people do water-fasting for 40 days with success. This is documented on youtube.
Something doesn't add up.

>Hunger hormones are too powerful to ignore with willpower. They must be using some sort of trick or drug
Some anorexics use ECA stacks or speed, but it's not very common. I just power through the hunger; I do high restriction (1000cals/day) so it's not too bad.

It's called Munchausen's syndrome.

I'm not a superhuman user, I can only do so much.

You're a complete and total asshole. It makes sense that you're in this shithole.

>ECA stacks
are there any that work in the USA, or do they all have the crucial component stripped from them? i'd like to burn the extra fat of my gut without it taking 2 years to accomplish.

If you can find a pharmacy that sells bronkaid or primatene, that's legal ephedrine
benzedrex contains propylhexedrine, which is similar but gets you high as fuck, you have to eat a gross-tasting cotton tube though

if i wanted to get high, i'd just buy meth. lol. i'm asking about a fat burner

>Factitious disorder imposed on self, also known as Munchausen syndrome, is a factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, or reassurance to themselves. Munchausen syndrome fits within the subclass of factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms, but patients also have a history of recurrent, travelling, and dramatic, extremely improbable tales of their past experiences.

Thank you for bringing the term up. Very interesting.

>a fat burner
These don't really exist. You burn fat by having a caloric deficit; ephedrine and propylhexedrine allow you to do this by neutering your appetite.

ECA stacks trigger thermogenesis while also neutralizing hunger. it's a win/win

>tfw sister is anorexic
>at least as bad as Eugenia Cooney tier anorexia
>for her birthday tried to be funny
>she was just starting to get better so assumed she was over the problem
>bought her a custom toilet seat
>the toilet seat had a couple of holes on the sides with the words 'pelvis clips here' and 'if pelvis doesn't fit you are too fat'
>joke was that her pelvic bones stick out
>she seemed to take it really seriously and get really mad
>hasn't gained any weight since.

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oh no user
you done fucked up

>Mom, make sure to get a shot of my waist

What the fuck is wrong with this family

Attached: Eugenia Cooney-Halloween Shopping and Costume Try On!-DYJ2I31cwO8.mp4_snapshot_14.59_[2018.10.07_20. (1280x720, 184K)

Such delicate legs

Attached: Eugenia Cooney-Halloween Shopping and Costume Try On!-DYJ2I31cwO8.mp4_snapshot_18.09_[2018.10.07_21. (1280x720, 114K)

She's an pity-attention whore and her morbid physique is the only source of Narcissistic Supply she has. Narcissists get violent when there's a threat that their Supply is cut short, therefore the mother plays along, tired with fighting.