/plg/ - powerlifting general

That 18 year old Foomer edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


- Arching isn't only not cheating, it is technical mastery in the bench press. Movement economy and mobility is championed in every other sport and facet of life. But, as soon as a light weight girl uses hers to bench more than 99% of the whiny man-boys in this sport have a problem with it. "But, wahhhhh, powerlifting isn't about mobility, wahhhh, the bar isnt moving far enough, wahhhhh." Ok, then you'd agree we should get rid of weight classes? Because smaller lifters have an advantage because they dont have to move the bar as far as bigger lifters? No? Well, then walk into a fire.

- ER Racks are the most dangerous thing about Powerlifting.

- High Frequency training is a stupid trend and results in generally more injuries than progress.

- Westside works for raw drug free lifters and the only time it doesn't is when it it implemented incorrectly. It's literally infintiely customizable.

- People who are in powerlifting groups and comment on powerlifting related topics on the internet that don't compete need some kind of fucking scarlet letter next to their names. These assholes are literally 99% of the negativity in the sport and they don't even compete in it. Meets are great and everyone at them are awesome. These weird dweeby basement dwelling turds that are in the internet only division ruin evey legitimate discussion with passionately retarded comments.

- The greatest display of technical difficulty and mastery in our sport is a well executed single ply bench press.

I want to die

30th Workout.

Failed 100kg squat, got cold sweat and left the gym without doing anything else.

Should've skipped completely.

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>that guy who can't even squat lmao2plate and leaves the gym after failing

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Lads, I want to squat but even doing a bodyweight squat makes my lower back scream right now. Wtf do I do.

squat like a weightlifter

lots of knee travel. get some shoes with high heels

Squat with a style and at a weight you can tolerate. Better than doing nothing.

Brace harder pussy

bracing hurts my low back..


first batch of Norman khan has been sploshed into the toilet !

Here’s round two

Brrpftts squiiisssh puffpuff squish splipitditysploooooo

8/10 would humiliate sexually, then forget about

I enjoy this new pasta although I strongly disagree with two thirds of it

my point still stands on both accounts

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that wasnt my point

theres nothing funny about a mem if im the only one who knows its origins

Guess I'll just go front squat only mode

5/3/1 for Beginners

Straight from the fb page I see


oh, fair enough

I want to blog

nice blog

What's a good casual job where I can eat frequently that requires no training? Was a kitchenhand before but it makes it fucking impossible to get enough calories in

There are not many casual jobs that require no training or education. If you can't get all the calories you need in breakfast lunch and dinner, you're not trying very hard.

i've eaten more than 5000kcal each day the past 9 days and only thing I've gotten out of it are crashing lifts and lactating tits

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>just eat 2000cal in a half hour lunch break bro

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lol fucken twink

>2 big macs
>2 fillet o fish burgers
>medium thickshake

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So you consume 6k calories a day?

Might be easy if you're devouring garbage you disgusting pigfat burgers

I'm 105kg and an active job like waiting or labour easily cuts through at least a thousand calories on its own

The issue is also being able to move after eating that much, I can eat 2000cal of chicken and rice in one sitting, but I have to sit still for a while after. Can't do that with an active job.

thats like 1000 calories max twink

big mac is 700kcal

no way is a big mac 700 calories, maybe 300 max

Disregarding those 2 last reps, what can I do besides keeping tight core? Should I go lower on the way down?

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Did a cut at a 950PL total, lost 25lbs/50total and have never felt like more of a fucking retard for doing this in my life. Shoulda just kept bulking, would be in the 1k club already.

>user asks simple question about jobs where he can eat
>thread instantly descends into 'i can eat more than you' shitflinging

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it's 563 calories according to google

but it's going to depend on the person who made it, because they don't always use the same amount of special sauce

Big mac is 540.

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The president's typical order at the Golden Arches is two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, and a large chocolate shake - malted, according to the book. That's a lot of calories for one meal - 2,430 in all.

perfect the valsalva maneuver some more, some of that breathing looks sloppy

get your back tight (squeezing a ball between your back) it also looked like your arms flailed a lot on the way up, resulting in lack of tightness. Your grip and hand also moved during the rep which is a no no

a squat is a 2 part movement, pushing up with the legs, and pushing back with your back upwards to straight, you do these at the same time

depth looked good

also work on your forward head posture, im not sure if its this video but it looks pronounced. Maybe some neck work

nice job my man

ah shit maybe it is that much. I had 2 double quarter pounders yesterday, guess I underestimated the calories. wopsie

105kg won't mean you require 6 calories even with an active job. Anyway nothing to stop you from eating in the other 2 meals of the day or snacking. Or did you fall for the American meme of working 80 hrs a week?

>the American meme of working 80 hrs a week?
You dont become the best country in the world by sitting on your ass.

Lots of jobs, like a kitchenhand, you can't really snack because you're either covered in dirty dishwater or handling other people's food. Even if I was only eating 5, doing half that in one go is just fucking annoying.

Do desk jobs for people without training not exist?

>what is NEAT


Looks fine to, maybe little more control on the below-parallal descent (check the second rep you do, you sort of crash into our calves and bounce up?)

>Do desk jobs for people without training not exist?
call centers but they're outsourced to pajeets

Pretty sure even secretary job nowadays require some form of training. Receptionists were always munching on snacks but then you'd have to deal with shitty people wouldn't recommend. Otherwise wake up early have a big breakfast 1.5k-2k, lunch 1k, after work snack 500-1k dinner 2-2.5k wala

took me half an hour to do 50 chinups
im so fat lmao

i can't even do 1

*sips Plazma™*

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>15lb random deadlift PR
Pretty happy about it. Thought I had more in me with straps and 5-7 minutes rest because my mixed grip almost slipped, but I failed when I went for a 20lb & a 25lb PR attemt. Still a sub 4pl8 GDE deadlifter though.

Thanks for the feedback

i dont believe you

This is clearly made by some incel LARPing faggot.

My stomach and 'ribcage' has been 'bubbling' for 90 minutes.

I think I am going to release a giant shit soon

imagine having a girlfriend haha that'd be great hhahaa

wtf, go vertical diet.

if you're a receptionist at a big 4+ star and/or chain hotel maybe, I've worked for a year at the front desk of a comfy hostel and I had no formal training besides two hours of how to use the booking program. still made 31.5k/yr working 36hrs/wk. I mean, you don't get stinking rich off it but for a recently re-socialized ex neet like I was back then it's pretty fucken comfy, and essentially getting paid to shitpost and snack all day is fun

>tfw I make 3x that in the navy

why haven't you taken the navypill yet, user?

How the fuck did you end up in that state? Just how many people just go on doing shit until they snap completely?

We know about Navy shower cabins aka Bukkake Cells.

How many accessories should I add to greyskull?

>Sub 4pl8 pull

>Sub 1000 total

People too dumb to count calories when Google exists

Reminder that these are the average plg posters

aww the autistic twink counts his calories.. post body twink

>sub 4pl8 pull
I have Graves Disease, I can count calories just fine but this won't fix my autoimmune disease that wants me skinny. I'm getting there slow and steady as I fix my TSH.

I'm also hyper-thyroid due to thyroid cancer, you just need to eat more tbqh even it is harder.

Meant for Different guy btw

not american and getting into my country's equivalent is hard as fuck if you don't want to be an underpaid rug for your superiors' feet all your life.

also that's not as comfy by far I'd assume

What's the current evidence on strengthening tendons?

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lifting heavy weights with progressive overload long term

25% - 50% of all women aged 18-29 look like this in urban sweden.

no owg In catalog: I need cues for clean and jerk. mostly the clean. at max, my legs go out sumo width. at low, i just power clean it and don't get under

>my legs go out sumo width. at low, i just power clean it and don't get under
learn how to pull yourself under the bar this will fix this

look up tall clean or whatever its called

do lots of hangs
only pull bar as high as belly button before pulling under

gbro how is the 400kg squatter doing havent heard anything from him in a while

Damn. Well good luck with that. For me it had caused IBS, basically whenever I ate something except from eggs, butter or meat I would get diarrhea, which meant malabsorption which meant that I wasn't getting calories even if I ate 500g of pasta or rice, and bulking without carbs and insulin spikes is basically impossible. It has started getting better though and I believe that maybe circa February 2019 I will be healthy again.

I'll do hangs. ty


how do i get stronger on the platform

By cheating

George my boy when we playing?

Why must you announce this in public, message him privately

good powerlifting related post with a necessary tripcode

how many cigarettes should I have a day to increase my gains?

He's recovering from his injury quite well

When I finish work my plumbing fren

sam never squatted 400

talking about gbros partner

Thanks for the info cant wait for chinks to pay!


I should be around in two and half hours

Anyone got the press template 2.0?

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Ill be home in 30 than I link you up

>Autistic twink
If only you knew how bad it really is

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For greyskull LP, should I do bench accessory work on bench day, and OHP accesory work on OHP day?

Trip on Alex